Workshop One 12:30-2:00 pm (PT) CMU 230 “Threads, Seams, and Storywork: Black Feminist Technoscience and Crafting Design” Architect, designer, and artist Jihan Sherman will lead a workshop exploring absence in order to destabilize the single story of design and imagine how we might practice it differently by looking to the heritages and practices that it has overlooked. Continuing the development of Black feminist technoscience, activities will include crafting experiments for design that explore other origins, engagements, and methods through critical speculative storytelling. Workshop Two 2:30-4:00 pm (PT) CMU 226 “Starting with a Shuffle: Rethinking the Origins of Data Visualization” Lauren Klein (Emory University) will present a draft of the introduction to her forthcoming digital project, Data by Design: An Interactive History of Data Visualization, which retells the story of the rise of data visualization through visualization itself. Interweaving cultural-critical analyses of historical visualization examples with new visualizations created by the project team, Data by Design shows how the emergence of modern data visualization must be considered alongside the emergence of colonialism and capitalism, and how questions of ethics and justice have been present in the field since its start. Lunch will be served at 12:00 pm before the first workshop. Register to attend:… |