Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service » Ferguson and Extension Combined Events

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Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Saturday, February 15, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.


County Combined Events Bring your labeled seed packets at 9:45am to the swap and trade for new-to-you seed packets. Vegetables, annuals, perennials, and herbs are all welcome. Receive one ticket for every packet you bring, get in line, use one ticket, get back in line! The fun starts at 10:00am and lasts about 30 minutes. County/Department: Canadian. Program Area Calendar(s): Agriculture and Natural Resources. Tag: Farming/Gardening. Garden. Horticulture. Local Food System. Master Gardener. Nutrition. Cost: FREE. Contact Name: Courtney Keck. Contact Email: courtney.sidwell@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 4052620155. Members Only: No. Saturday, February 15, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM. El Reno Carnegie Library 215 E. Wade St. El Reno, OK 73036. For more info visit www.facebook.com.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Sunday, February 16, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Monday, February 17, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Washita Co 4-H Poster and Photo Contest

County Combined Events Registration Due February 14, 2025. County/Department: Washita. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Tag: 4-H. Contact Name: Kristy Spalding. Contact Email: kristy.spalding@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 5808323356. Monday, February 17, 2025. Washita County Activity Center 1005 E 3rd ST Cordell OK 73632.

Stay Strong Stay Healthy

County Combined Events In-person exercise class for the mature audience.  It is an evidence-based strength training program.  The 8 week program includes exercises to increase muscle strength, improve balance, enhances flexibility, strengthens bones lifts depression and reduces stress.  Classes include a warm up, 8 strengthening exercises and cool-down stretches. County/Department: Garfield. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Tag: FCS. Fun and Fellowship. Health & Wellness. Mental Health. Nutrition. Cost: $0. Contact Name: Joy Rhodes. Contact Email: joy.rhodes@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-237-1228. Members Only: No. Monday, February 17, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. 316 East Oxford Enid, OK 73701.

Woodwardettes OHCE

County Combined Events County/Department: Woodward. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Tag: OHCE. Cost: $0. Contact Name: Jennifer Hedges. Contact Email: jennifer.hedges@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 5802543391. Monday, February 17, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM. 108 Temple Houston Drive Woodward, OK.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Tuesday, February 18, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Open Meetings

County Combined Events Open Meetings (3 hours), This course examines what public bodies must do to conduct meetings under the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act (found in Title 25 of the Oklahoma Statutes). This course focuses on the statute’s purpose to encourage and facilitate the public’s opportunity to observe their government and understand how its decisions are made. This course explores the statute, court decisions, and attorney general opinions that address implementation of the law in county government. County/Department: Agricultural Economics. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Ag Research. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Cost: 40.00. Contact Name: Shelly Stevenson. Contact Email: shelly.stevenson@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-744-6160. Members Only: No. Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Meridian Technology Center 1312 Sangre Road Stillwater, OK Rooms A102 and A103. For more info visit ctp-aceweb.okstate.edu.

Washington County Master Gardener Training

County Combined Events Enrollment is now open for our 2025 Master Gardener course! Participants in this program will undergo in-depth classroom training from OSU state specialists. After their training is completed, the participants engage with Oklahoma gardening enthusiasts in activities and services coordinated through local OSU Extension offices and centers. , To enroll: register/pay at our office located at 205 E 12th St. Dewey, OK by December 9th. , For more information: email Kennedy at kennedy.mccall@okstate.edu or call our office at 918-534-2216. County/Department: Washington. Program Area Calendar(s): Ag Research. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Rural Development. Cost: New: $100; Returning: $30. Contact Name: Kennedy McCall. Contact Email: kennedy.mccall@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 9185342216. Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM. Tri County Technology Center 6101 Nowata Rd. Bartlesville, OK 74006. For more info visit www.facebook.com.

Master Gardening Short Course

County Combined Events Fruit and Nut Trees. County/Department: Cotton. Program Area Calendar(s): Agriculture and Natural Resources. Tag: Farming/Gardening. Garden. Gardener Class. Master Gardener. Oklahoma Gardening. Contact Name: Kimbreley Davis. Contact Email: kimbreley.davis@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-875-3136. Members Only: Yes. Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM. 924 W Missouri Ave, Walters, OK 73572.

Stay Strong Stay Healthy

County Combined Events Stay Strong, Stay Healthy, a Strength Building Program, You can start on the road to better health with the Stay Strong, Stay Healthy program, an eight-week course of one-hour, twice-weekly classes. The evidence-based program, is built on simple, strength-building exercises that will improve balance, health and, state of mind. No, it’s not strenuous weight-lifting. You’ll start at a level that’s right for, you. No one is too inactive to participate. Building strength promotes quality of life and, independence, especially for adults over age 60. Contact the OSU Extension Office ASAP to reserve your spot in this class and pick up a registration packet. County/Department: Cherokee. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: Health & Wellness. Contact Name: Heather Winn. Contact Email: heather.winn@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 9184566163. Members Only: Yes. Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM. Cherokee County Livestock Arena 1475 N. Douglas Avenue Tahlequah, OK.

Center for Creative Living Lunch and Learn

County Combined Events Introduction of Mediterranean Diet vs. Medicine. County/Department: Comanche. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Contact Name: Carol Hart. Contact Email: carol.hart@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-355-1176. Members Only: No. Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 11:45 AM – 12:15 PM. Center for Creative Living Lawton, OK.

Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle.  They will also learn effective strategies to promote their children's healthy adjustment to their parents' separation.  This class also meets the court-mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation, or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. County/Department: Oklahoma. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. FCS. Cost: $35.00 Pre-registration required. Contact Name: Lisa Hamblin. Contact Email: lisa.hamblin@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-713-1125. Members Only: No. Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM. OSU-OKC Student Center Room 304 900 N. Portland OKC, OK 73107.

Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children.  Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation.  This class also satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. , , Registration and payment cash/check/money order- must be received 3 business days prior to class- Thursday before class date. Registration is made at, Custer County OSU Extension, Courthouse Room 106 or PO Box 170, 625 B Street, Arapaho, OK 73620, , Class is held at the Custer County Fairgrounds Arena Classroom, 1738 US Hwy 183, Clinton, OK 73601, . County/Department: Custer. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Cost: $40. Contact Name: Lesa Rauh. Contact Email: lesa.rauh@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 5803232291. Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM. Custer County Fairgrounds Arena Classroom Highway 183 South, Clinton OK. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Open Records

County Combined Events Open Records (3 Hours), This course explores Oklahoma laws and procedures dealing with public records. You will learn the definition of open records, the required availability of open records, and county officers’ responsibilities in handling requests for open records from the public. Overview of County Government (6 Hours). County/Department: Agricultural Economics. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Ag Research. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Cost: 40.00. Contact Name: Shelly Stevenson. Contact Email: shelly.stevenson@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-744-6160. Members Only: No. Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Meridian Technology Center 1312 Sangre Road Stillwater, OK Rooms A102 and A103. For more info visit ctp-aceweb.okstate.edu.

AgriTalks: Global Perspectives - Global Rangelands: What Are They and What Is the U.N. Designated Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists?

Ferguson College of Agriculture Rangelands cover over 50% of the world's land surface, yet they remain one of the least recognized forms of land use. Join Dr. Karen Hickman, director of the OSU Environmental Science Program and past-president of the Society for Range Management, as she shares the vital role of rangelands. In this presentation, Dr. Hickman will discuss what rangelands are, the ecological significance they hold, and how they are being celebrated in the United Nations-designated Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists in 2026. Cookies and refreshments will be provided. Don’t miss this opportunity to broaden your perspective about the world and its agricultural landscape! Building: AGRICULTURAL HALL. Type of Event: One-time event. Room: 138 Agricultural Hall. Category: Academic. Audience: Students. Faculty & Staff. Sponsor: FERGUSON COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. Contact Name: Arakssi Arshakian. Contact Phone: 405-744-6580. Contact Email: arakssi@okstate.edu. Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM.

Study and Snacks

Ferguson College of Agriculture Room: AG 101, Student Success Center. Building: AGRICULTURAL HALL. Type of Event: Ongoing event. Room: AG 101. Category: Academic. Audience: Students. Contact Name: Arakssi Ashakian. Contact Phone: (405) 744-9464. Contact Email: fergusoninfo@okstate.edu. Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 4:30 PM – 8:00 PM.

Miami 4-H Club Meeting

County Combined Events Join the Miami 4-H club for their monthly meeting. County/Department: Ottawa. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Tag: 4-H. 4-H Leaders, 4-H Parents, 4-H Volunteers. 4-H Leaders/Volunteers, 4-H Teen Leaders. Cloverbud. Cost: Free. Contact Name: Jamie Foster. Contact Email: jamie.foster@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 9185421688. Members Only: Yes. Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM. Ottawa County Extension Office 123 E Central Ave Ste. 101 Miami, OK 74354.

4-H Teen Council

County Combined Events Monthly meeting for 7th-12th grade Ottawa County 4-H members. County/Department: Ottawa. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Tag: 4-H. 4-H Leaders/Volunteers, 4-H Teen Leaders. Cloverbud. Cost: Free. Contact Name: Jamie Foster. Contact Email: jamie.foster@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 9185421688. Members Only: Yes. Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM. Ottawa County Extension Office 123 E Central Ave Ste. 101 Miami, OK 74354.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Wednesday, February 19, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Co-Parenting for Resilience- must pre-register

County Combined Events County/Department: Choctaw. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $30 exact cash or check only. Contact Name: Kris Bailey. Contact Email: kris.bailey@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-326-3359. Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM. 415 E Rena St Hugo, OK 74743.

Multi-County Master Gardener Association Meeting

County Combined Events Multi-County Master Gardener Association is open to Master Gardeners in Lincoln, Seminole, and Pottawatomie Counties. Meetings are the third Wednesday of the month. Coffee, snacks and conversation at 9 am, business meeting at 9:30, educational segment at 10:30ish.  Meetings are open to potential new members/guests, as well as current and past members.  The December meeting is our annual Christmas Party.   , More information is on our website, click on the link listed. County/Department: Lincoln. Pottawatomie. Seminole. Program Area Calendar(s): Agriculture and Natural Resources. Tag: Horticulture. Master Gardener. Contact Name: Carla Smith. Contact Email: carlasm@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 4052737683. Members Only: Yes. Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Pottawatomie County OSU Extension Office - Cowboy Classroom 14001 Acme Road Shawnee, OK 74804. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Stay Strong, Stay Healhty

County Combined Events County/Department: Dewey. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Contact Name: Jean Bailey. Contact Email: jean.bailey@okstate.edu. Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Seiling senior citizen center.

Tax Warrants (personal property)

County Combined Events Tax Warrants (6 Hours), This course provides examples for county treasurers and county sheriffs working together to implement the tax warrant program for their county and addresses statutory guidelines. You will learn a step-by-step process for collecting delinquent property taxes and serving personal property tax warrants. This course utilizes firsthand, personal experiences and the “dos and don’ts” of various treasurers’ and sheriffs’ offices that have enacted the tax warrant program. County/Department: Agricultural Economics. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Ag Research. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Cost: 65.00. Contact Name: Shelly Stevenson. Contact Email: shelly.stevenson@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-744-6160. Members Only: No. Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Canadian Valley Technology Center 6505 E US Highway El Reno, Ok. For more info visit ctp-aceweb.okstate.edu.

Stay Strong Stay Healthy

County Combined Events In-person exercise class for the mature audience.  It is an evidence-based strength training program.  The 8 week program includes exercises to increase muscle strength, improve balance, enhances flexibility, strengthens bones lifts depression and reduces stress.  Classes include a warm up, 8 strengthening exercises and cool-down stretches. County/Department: Garfield. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Tag: FCS. Fun and Fellowship. Health & Wellness. Mental Health. Nutrition. Cost: $0. Contact Name: Joy Rhodes. Contact Email: joy.rhodes@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-237-1228. Members Only: No. Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. 316 East Oxford Enid, OK 73701.

Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children.  Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation.  This class also satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. County/Department: Pawnee. Payne. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $35.00. Pre-registration and payment for the class is required 3 business days prior to the class. Cash or check are the payment options. Contact Name: Dea Rash. Contact Email: dea.rash@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405.747.8320. Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Stillwater Public Library 1107 S Duck St, Stillwater, OK 74074.

Live well, Eat well, be Active with Diabetes (LEAD) Series

County Combined Events To register (opens February 5th, 2025) visit the library website: https://www.metrolibrary.org/event/diabetic-nutrition-and-wellness-workshop-436192, , Class size limited. , Are you interested in learning about diabetic nutrition and wellness? The Edmond Library is hosting a diabetic nutrition and wellness workshop (LEAD - Live Well, Eat Well, Be Active with Diabetes) led by presenter Taylor Conner, Family & Consumer Sciences Educator from the Oklahoma County OSU Extension. Join the 3-week program to learn more about type 2 diabetes management, including: making healthful food choices, the plate method, carb counting, benefits of being active, weight loss, potential diabetes complications, and strategies for modifying recipes. , This program is for individuals with Type 2 Diabetes OR pre-diabetes. , Due to the chance of inclement weather and/or library closing this time of year, please check your email for cancellation and rescheduling notifications. We have reserved Wednesday, March 5 as… County/Department: Oklahoma. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: FCS. Health & Wellness. LEADdiabetes. Cost: Free. Contact Name: Taylor Conner. Contact Email: taylor.conner@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-713-1125. Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM. Edmond Library 10 S Boulevard Edmond, OK 73034. For more info visit www.metrolibrary.org.

Temple 4-H Sewing Club Meeting

County Combined Events County/Department: Cotton. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Tag: 4-H. Textiles, Sewing, Design, Construction. Contact Name: Kimbreley Davis. Contact Email: kimbreley.davis@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-875-3136. Members Only: Yes. Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM. 410 W Mississippi St, Temple, OK 73568.

Study and Snacks

Ferguson College of Agriculture Room: AG 101, Student Success Center. Building: AGRICULTURAL HALL. Type of Event: Ongoing event. Room: AG 101. Category: Academic. Audience: Students. Contact Name: Arakssi Ashakian. Contact Phone: (405) 744-9464. Contact Email: fergusoninfo@okstate.edu. Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 4:30 PM – 8:00 PM.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Thursday, February 20, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

2025 Pecan Pest Management Workshop

County Combined Events Please register online at https://okstatecasnr.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8ljr4WKV0gH9Kwm, , Agenda and information will be available online soon at www.okpecans.okstate.edu, , Five CEUs will be requested for private applicators, and categories 1A & 10. County/Department: Adair. Ag Research. Agricultural Economics. Agricultural Education, Communications and Leadership. Alfalfa. Animal and Food Sciences. Atoka. Beaver. Beckham. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering. Blaine. Bryan. Caddo. Canadian. Carter. Cherokee. Choctaw. Cimarron. Cleveland. Coal. Comanche. Cotton. Craig. Creek. Custer. Delaware. Dewey. Ellis. Entomology and Plant Pathology. Field & Research Service Unit. Food & Agricultural Products Cent… Program Area Calendar(s): Agriculture and Natural Resources. Tag: CEU hours. Horticulture. Pecan, IPM. Pecans. Pest Management. Pesticide Applicator. Cost: no charge, registration required. Contact Name: Becky L Carroll. Contact Email: becky.carroll@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 4057446139. Members Only: No. Thursday, February 20, 2025, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM. Gordon Cooper Technology Center, 1 John C Bruton Dr, Shawnee, OK 74804.

Growing Strong Bodies and Minds presented by Wagoner County OSU Extension

County Combined Events This curriculum consists of a 5-week series of age specific books teaching nutrition and physical activities in a 15-minute lesson.   We promote development of healthful food preferences, physical active lifestyles, and literacy skills in young children. County/Department: Wagoner. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: FCS. Health & Wellness. Nutrition. Contact Name: Virginia Stanley. Contact Email: virginia.stanley@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 918-486-4589. Members Only: Yes. Thursday, February 20, 2025, 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM. Coweta Central Elementary School Pre-K & Kindergarten Classrooms 303 N Broadway Coweta, OK 74429.

Tax sales

County Combined Events Tax Sales Procedures (3 Hours), This course covers the procedures that county treasurers must follow in publishing delinquent personal and real properties each year. You will also learn about the June Resale and the maintenance and disposal of county-owned properties. This course reviews statutory guidelines, notification and publication requirements, a collection of selected attorney general opinions, and major court case decisions. County/Department: Agricultural Economics. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Ag Research. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Cost: 40.00. Contact Name: Shelly Stevenson. Contact Email: shelly.stevenson@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-744-6160. Members Only: No. Thursday, February 20, 2025, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Canadian Valley Technology Center 6505 E US Highway El Reno, Ok. For more info visit ctp-aceweb.okstate.edu.

OHCE Leader Lesson: The Power Is Out

County Combined Events Join the Garvin County OHCE Thursday, February 20th at 10AM, at the Nora Sparks Warren Library in Pauls Valley. February's Leader Lesson: The Power is Out, taught by McClain County FCS Educator Connie Wollenberg. This lesson is free and open to the public. County/Department: Garvin. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: OHCE. OHCE Leader Lessons. Cost: 0.00. Contact Name: Heather Hanneman. Contact Email: heather.hanneman@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 4052386681. Members Only: No. Thursday, February 20, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM. Nora Sparks Warren Library 210 N Willow Pauls Valley, OK 73075. For more info visit www.facebook.com.

Stay Strong Stay Healthy

County Combined Events Stay Strong, Stay Healthy, a Strength Building Program, You can start on the road to better health with the Stay Strong, Stay Healthy program, an eight-week course of one-hour, twice-weekly classes. The evidence-based program, is built on simple, strength-building exercises that will improve balance, health and, state of mind. No, it’s not strenuous weight-lifting. You’ll start at a level that’s right for, you. No one is too inactive to participate. Building strength promotes quality of life and, independence, especially for adults over age 60. Contact the OSU Extension Office ASAP to reserve your spot in this class and pick up a registration packet. County/Department: Cherokee. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: Health & Wellness. Contact Name: Heather Winn. Contact Email: heather.winn@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 9184566163. Members Only: Yes. Thursday, February 20, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM. Cherokee County Livestock Arena 1475 N. Douglas Avenue Tahlequah, OK.

ThePower is Out! Now What

County Combined Events This lesson will provide you with tips on how to prepare before the storm arrives and what you can do to preserve your perishable foods. County/Department: McClain. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Cost: No Cost. Contact Name: Connie Wollenberg. Contact Email: connie.wollenberg@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 4055272174. Members Only: No. Thursday, February 20, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM. 1721 Hardcastle Blvd Purcell, OK 73080.

Artificial Insemination Series - Synchronization & Heat Checking

County Combined Events Space is limited and is almost filled; so call for registration.   ,  “Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication or program information or reasonable accommodation need to contact Liz Gardner McBee or Loren Sizelove at 580-625-3464 or elizabeth.mcbee@okstate.edu or loren.sizelove@okstate.edu at least two weeks prior to the event.” , . County/Department: Beaver. Program Area Calendar(s): Agriculture and Natural Resources. Contact Name: Connie McMinn. Contact Email: loren.sizelove@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 5806253464. Members Only: No. Thursday, February 20, 2025, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Beaver Co Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall.

Woods County 4-H Sewing Club Workshop

County Combined Events A sewing workshop for 4-H members. County/Department: Woods. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Contact Name: Lisa McMurphy. Contact Email: lisa.mcmurphy@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 5803272786. Members Only: Yes. Thursday, February 20, 2025, 3:45 PM – 4:45 PM. Conference Room, Woods County Courthouse 407 Government St, Alva, OK 73717.

Study and Snacks

Ferguson College of Agriculture Room: AG 101, Student Success Center. Building: AGRICULTURAL HALL. Type of Event: Ongoing event. Room: AG 101. Category: Academic. Audience: Students. Contact Name: Arakssi Ashakian. Contact Phone: (405) 744-9464. Contact Email: fergusoninfo@okstate.edu. Thursday, February 20, 2025, 4:30 PM – 8:00 PM.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Friday, February 21, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Barn Quilt Workshop

County Combined Events Come join the fun in painting your favorite quilt pattern to hang in your favorite spot either inside your home orutside. County/Department: McClain. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Cost: $40. Contact Name: Connie Wollenberg. Contact Email: connie.wollenberg@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 4055272174. Members Only: No. Friday, February 21, 2025, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM. 1721 Hardcastle Blvd Purcell, OK 73080.

Cotton County Junior Livestock Show and Commercial Steer

County Combined Events Friday, February 21, 2025, 9am- Virtual Livestock Judging, 11am- Livestock Skill-A-Thon, 12:30pm- Ag Mech Entries Due, 1pm- Ag Mech Judging, , Saturday, February 22, 2025, 9am- Opening Ceremony,          Goat Show,          Sheep Show,          Cattle Show,          Commercial Steer Awards,          Livestock Judging Awards,          Livestock Skill-A-Thon Awards,          Ag Mech Awards,          2025 Senior Recognition,          Swine Show. County/Department: Cotton. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Tag: 4-H. 4-H, Livestock, Livestock Judging, Judging. Beef Cattle. Livestock projects, Animal Science projects. Meat Goat. Photography. Contact Name: Kimbreley Davis. Contact Email: kimbreley.davis@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-875-3136. Members Only: Yes. Friday, February 21, 2025, 9:00 AM – Saturday, February 22, 2025, 7:00 PM. 924 W Missouri Ave, Walters, OK 73572.

Cupcake Wars

County Combined Events County/Department: Adair. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Tag: 4-H. Cost: $0. Contact Name: Naomi Fuson. Contact Email: naomi.fuson@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 918-696-2253. Members Only: Yes. Friday, February 21, 2025, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM. Dahlonegah School Stilwell, OK. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Stay Strong, Stay Healhty

County Combined Events County/Department: Dewey. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Contact Name: Jean Bailey. Contact Email: jean.bailey@okstate.edu. Friday, February 21, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Seiling senior citizen center.

Cupcake Wars

County Combined Events County/Department: Adair. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Tag: 4-H. Cost: $0. Contact Name: Naomi Fuson. Contact Email: naomi.fuson@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 918-696-2253. Members Only: No. Friday, February 21, 2025, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM. Dahlonegah School. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Caring for the Caregiver

County Combined Events Do you care for loved ones? Join us for a lunch and learn program on key information in getting the care and resources needed for your loved one. We will help you navigate your role as a caregiver.   This will be a 6-session weekly class.  Topics to be covered are: Caregiving 101, Healthy Caregiving, Understanding Exploitation & Abuse, Nutrition, Safe Environments for Caregiving, Financial Aspects of Caregiving, , All classes will be held in the meeting room at the Clinton Public Library.  Register in advance through www.wplibs.com or by calling the library at 580-323-2165. County/Department: Custer. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: Finances. Food Safety. Food Science, Design & Construction, Housing, Healthy Living, FCS Careers. Health & Wellness. Health Disparities. Mental Health. Safety. Cost: free. Contact Name: Lesa Rauh. Contact Email: lesa.rauh@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 5803232291. Members Only: No. Friday, February 21, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM. Clinton Public Library, 721 Frisco Ave. Clinton OK.

Creek County Master Gardener Training

County Combined Events This Master Gardener Training class will be for individuals wanting to join and volunteer in the Creek County OSU Extension Master Gardener. The application for the program can be found at the link provided.  More information can be found on the Creek County OSU Extension Website. County/Department: Creek. Program Area Calendar(s): Agriculture and Natural Resources. Rural Development. Tag: Farming/Gardening. Garden. Gardener Class. Master Gardener. Cost: $150. Contact Name: Olivia Toothman. Contact Email: olivia.toothman@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 9182242192. Members Only: Yes. Friday, February 21, 2025, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Creek County Extension Office 17806 W Hwy 66 Kellyville, OK 74039. For more info visit forms.office.com.

Stay Strong Stay Healthy Informational Meeting & Lesson Training

County Combined Events This lesson is for anyone interested in attending the lesson, "Stay Strong Stay Healthy." This lesson will be held in the Conference Room of the Fairgrounds Office building next to the Extension Office in Cherokee, OK. This will be an informational meeting on the 8 week Stay Strong Stay Healthy program and will serve as a leader lesson training for OHCE lesson leaders. County/Department: Alfalfa. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Tag: Health & Wellness. Journey Through Health. Mental Health. OHCE. OHCE Leader Lessons. Cost: $0. Contact Name: Megan Ferrell. Contact Email: megan.ferrell@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-596-3131. Members Only: No. Friday, February 21, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM. Cherokee, OK.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Saturday, February 22, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Payne County Junior Livestock Show

County Combined Events More information will be emailed closer to the event. Find the show book and schedule here. , Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communications, program information or reasonable accommodations, need to contact Summer Leister at 405-747-8320 or at summer.leister@okstate.edu at least two weeks prior to the event. County/Department: Payne. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Tag: 4-H. 4-H, Livestock, Livestock Judging, Judging. Livestock projects, Animal Science projects. Cost: TBD. Contact Name: Summer Leister. Contact Email: summer.leister@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-747-8320. Members Only: Yes. Saturday, February 22, 2025 – Thursday, February 27, 2025. Payne County Expo Center 4518 Expo Cir E, Stillwater, OK 74075.

OHCE Club Friends & Family CPR

County Combined Events OHCE Club Lesson: Friends & Family CPR, , Learn life-saving skills in this essential lesson on CPR for friends and family. Participants will be guided through the basics of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), including how to recognize emergencies, perform chest compressions, and provide rescue breaths. The session will also cover the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and important safety tips. This hands-on training is designed to equip you with the confidence and knowledge to respond effectively in emergency situations, potentially saving lives. Join us and become a vital link in the chain of survival for your loved ones and community. County/Department: Kay. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: FCS. Health & Wellness. OHCE. Safety. Cost: 5.00. Contact Name: Lisa Robinson. Contact Email: Lisarob@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-362-3194. Members Only: No. Saturday, February 22, 2025, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Kay Country OSU Extension Office 226 S. Maple St. Newkirk, OK 74647. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Beyond the Backyard Homesteading Conference

County Combined Events As more people become aware of the origins of their food and its impact on their health, modern homesteading is gaining popularity. This movement can take various forms, from reducing processed foods and savoring home-canned goods to purchasing organic produce or supporting local farmers' markets. For many, this journey evolves into growing their own food. Whether it's a few herb pots on a balcony, a small salsa garden, or a patch of wildflowers, the pleasure of connecting with nature and spending time outdoors is undeniable. Others take it a step further, embracing food sovereignty and self-reliance by growing most of their own food, raising chickens, and sharing the bounty with friends and neighbors. This self-sufficient lifestyle often spills over into the kitchen, with homemade sourdough, soap, and food preservation techniques becoming a part of daily life. While the trend of modern homesteading is on the rise, some may feel restricted by the size of their land. The truth is, you don’t need acres of… County/Department: Agricultural Education, Communications and Leadership. Animal and Food Sciences. Cleveland. Horticulture and Landscape Architecture. Plant and Soil Sciences. Southeast District. Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Agriculture and Natural Resources. Rural Development. Tag: Beekeeping. Canning. Farming/Gardening. Food Preservation. Food Safety. Garden. Gardener Class. Health & Wellness. Horticulture. Cost: $30. Contact Name: Bradley Secraw. Contact Email: bradley.secraw@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-321-4774. Saturday, February 22, 2025, 11:30 AM – 4:30 PM. The Cleveland County Wellness Center, at 210 James Garner Ave, Norman, OK.

Beyond the Backyard- Suburban Homestead Conference

County Combined Events Do you want to be more sustainable at home or get closer to your food source? 🌾🍅🐝 Cleveland County OSU Extension is hosting Beyond the Backyard: A Suburban Homestead Conference on February 22nd, 2025 from 11:30am - 4:30pm. The event will take place at The Well (210 James Garner Ave, Norman, OK 73069). Cost is $30, which includes lunch and snacks. Call us at 405-321-4774 to register! Tentative topics include honey bees, seed starting, perennial food crops, and food preservation. County/Department: Cleveland. Program Area Calendar(s): Agriculture and Natural Resources. Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Tag: Beekeeping. Crop Production, Sorghum Production, Nutrient Management. Farming/Gardening. Food Preservation. Food Safety. Garden. Horticulture. Safety. Cost: $30. Contact Name: Courtney Dekalb-Myers. Contact Email: courtney.dekalb@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 4053214774. Saturday, February 22, 2025, 11:30 AM – 4:30 PM. 210 James Garner Ave Norman.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Sunday, February 23, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Woods County 4-H Etiquette Workshop

County Combined Events Open to active 4-H members ages 8-18. , Learn about good manners, dining, making conversation, introductions, & more! , A nice meal will be served! , RSVP by Feb 19 to (580) 327-2786 to attend! County/Department: Woods. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Contact Name: Lisa McMurphy. Contact Email: lisa.mcmurphy@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-327-2786. Members Only: Yes. Sunday, February 23, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM. The Runnymede 402 4th St, Alva, OK 73717. For more info visit www.facebook.com.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Monday, February 24, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Osage Co. Junior Livestock Show

County Combined Events Osage Co. Junior Livestock Show. County/Department: Osage. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Tag: 4-H, Livestock, Livestock Judging, Judging. Cost: free. Contact Name: Ember Butcher. Contact Email: ember.butcher@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 9182874170. Members Only: Yes. Monday, February 24, 2025 – Friday, February 28, 2025. Osage Co. Fairgrounds, Brantley Arena, Pawhuska, OK.

Extension Cafe--Freezer Meals Workshop

County Combined Events County/Department: Woodward. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Tag: Food Preservation. Food Safety. OHCE. OHCE Leader Lessons. Cost: $0. Contact Name: Jennifer Hedges. Contact Email: jennifer.hedges@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 5802543391. Monday, February 24, 2025, 12:15 PM – 12:45 PM. 108 Temple Houston Drive Woodward, OK.

Stay Strong Stay Healthy

County Combined Events In-person exercise class for the mature audience.  It is an evidence-based strength training program.  The 8 week program includes exercises to increase muscle strength, improve balance, enhances flexibility, strengthens bones lifts depression and reduces stress.  Classes include a warm up, 8 strengthening exercises and cool-down stretches. County/Department: Garfield. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Tag: FCS. Fun and Fellowship. Health & Wellness. Mental Health. Nutrition. Cost: $0. Contact Name: Joy Rhodes. Contact Email: joy.rhodes@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-237-1228. Members Only: No. Monday, February 24, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. 316 East Oxford Enid, OK 73701.

Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events County/Department: Rogers. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $35. Contact Name: Penny King. Contact Email: penny.king@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 918-923-4978. Members Only: No. Monday, February 24, 2025, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM. 200 S Lynn Riggs Blvd. Rogers County Courthouse Claremore, OK. 74017 Office- OSU Extension Office 2nd Floor-3rd door Right-side.

Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children.  Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation.  This class also satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. County/Department: Adair. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $40. Contact Name: Naomi Fuson. Contact Email: naomi.fuson@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 918-696-2253. Members Only: No. Monday, February 24, 2025, 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM. 220 W Division St Suite 1 Stilwell, OK 74960. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children, . Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class also satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. County/Department: Adair. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $40. Contact Name: Naomi Fuson. Contact Email: nasomi.fuson@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 918-696-2253. Monday, February 24, 2025, 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM. Adair County Extension 220 W Division St Suite 1 Stilwell, OK 74960. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Center for Creative Living Lunch and Learn

County Combined Events Hands-on cooking workshop for Cooking for 1 or 2. County/Department: Comanche. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Contact Name: Carol Hart. Contact Email: carol.hart@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-355-1176. Members Only: No. Monday, February 24, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM. Center for Creative Living Lawton, OK.

Sharing Family History Through Food

County Combined Events Family memories are often linked to food. Learn how to grow closer to children by creating family recipes and teaching basic cooking skills. Food activities with children provide opportunities to discuss family history and culture that can be passed down for generations to come. Please register through the Metro Library. County/Department: Oklahoma. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: Cultural Enrichment. FCS. Fun and Fellowship. Health & Wellness. Cost: Free. Contact Name: Lisa Hamblin. Contact Email: lisa.hamblin@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-713-1125. Members Only: No. Monday, February 24, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. Northwest Library 5600 NW 122nd Street Oklahoma City, OK 73142. For more info visit www.metrolibrary.org.

Multi County OHCE Leader Lesson

County Combined Events Multi County event offering lessons for OHCE. County/Department: Caddo. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Contact Name: Carol Hart. Contact Email: carol.hart@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-247-3376. Members Only: No. Tuesday, February 25, 2025. Kiowa County Extension Hobart, OK.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Tuesday, February 25, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Court Clerk Bail Bonds/Forfeiture

County Combined Events Court Clerk Bail Bonds/Forfeiture (3.5 Hours), This course is for court clerks and their employees. You will learn about Title 59, Chapter 33, of the Oklahoma Statutes. This course examines the responsibilities of district court clerks in the bail bond process. You will explore the registration of bondsmen's licenses, the posting of the lists of bondsmen licenses, the witnessing and filing of appearance bonds, and an in depth procedure of the bond forfeiture process. Online Location: ZOOM. County/Department: Agricultural Economics. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Ag Research. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Cost: 40.00. Contact Name: Shelly Stevenson. Contact Email: shelly.stevenson@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-744-6160. Members Only: No. Event Type: Virtual. Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM. For more info visit ctp-aceweb.okstate.edu.

Washington County Master Gardener Training

County Combined Events Enrollment is now open for our 2025 Master Gardener course! Participants in this program will undergo in-depth classroom training from OSU state specialists. After their training is completed, the participants engage with Oklahoma gardening enthusiasts in activities and services coordinated through local OSU Extension offices and centers. , To enroll: register/pay at our office located at 205 E 12th St. Dewey, OK by December 9th. , For more information: email Kennedy at kennedy.mccall@okstate.edu or call our office at 918-534-2216. County/Department: Washington. Program Area Calendar(s): Ag Research. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Rural Development. Cost: New: $100; Returning: $30. Contact Name: Kennedy McCall. Contact Email: kennedy.mccall@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 9185342216. Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM. Tri County Technology Center 6101 Nowata Rd. Bartlesville, OK 74006. For more info visit www.facebook.com.

Master Gardening Short Course

County Combined Events Entomology. County/Department: Cotton. Program Area Calendar(s): Agriculture and Natural Resources. Tag: Farming/Gardening. Garden. Gardener Class. Master Gardener. Oklahoma Gardening. Contact Name: Kimbreley Davis. Contact Email: kimbreley.davis@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-875-3136. Members Only: Yes. Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM. 2002 S 13th ST, Duncan, OK 73533.

Multi-County OHCE Leader Lesson Day

County Combined Events Public is invited to attend. County/Department: Washita. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: FCS. OHCE. OHCE Leader Lessons. Cost: $10. Contact Name: Kristy Spalding. Contact Email: kristy.spalding@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-832-3356. Members Only: No. Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Western Technology Center 1000 S. Bailey St. Hobart, Ok. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Stay Strong Stay Healthy

County Combined Events Stay Strong, Stay Healthy, a Strength Building Program, You can start on the road to better health with the Stay Strong, Stay Healthy program, an eight-week course of one-hour, twice-weekly classes. The evidence-based program, is built on simple, strength-building exercises that will improve balance, health and, state of mind. No, it’s not strenuous weight-lifting. You’ll start at a level that’s right for, you. No one is too inactive to participate. Building strength promotes quality of life and, independence, especially for adults over age 60. Contact the OSU Extension Office ASAP to reserve your spot in this class and pick up a registration packet. County/Department: Cherokee. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: Health & Wellness. Contact Name: Heather Winn. Contact Email: heather.winn@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 9184566163. Members Only: Yes. Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM. Cherokee County Livestock Arena 1475 N. Douglas Avenue Tahlequah, OK.

OHCE Book Club

County Combined Events This workshop is for those looking for cultural enrichment, fellowship, and literacy in your community.  It is the beginning of a series of meetings to discuss the book that is read. For more information about this group or OHCE contact the Cleveland County OSU Extension office. This is free and open to anyone. , . County/Department: Cleveland. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Tag: Cultural Enrichment. FCS. Fun and Fellowship. Health & Wellness. OHCE. Cost: None. Contact Name: Brenda Medlock. Contact Email: brenda.medlock@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 4053214774. Members Only: No. Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM. Cleveland County Fairgrounds Office Lobby 615 E Robinson Norman.

Sourdough Biscuits Workshop

County Combined Events Must call the 405-713-1125 to pay and reserve a spot. , Learn how to create biscuits using sourdough discard during this hands-on class. Participants will also make their own sourdough starter and learn the basics of sourdough bread baking. , Class limited to 15 participants. County/Department: Oklahoma. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: Bread Making. FCS. Cost: $10. Contact Name: Taylor Conner. Contact Email: taylor.conner@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 4057131125. Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Oklahoma County OSU Extension 2500 NE 63rd St. Oklahoma City, OK 73111.

CANCELLED - Eufaula OHCE Chrochet Group

County Combined Events Come check out our OHCE group. This group will be dedicated to all who are interested in crocheting. Please bring your supplies but if you don't have any, we will have some available. If you would like to participate in OHCE please contact our office at 918-689-7772 or show up at the meeting and we can give you more details. Oklahoma Home and Community Education, Inc. (OHCE) is a statewide, county-based organization that has a unique partnership with Oklahoma State University and OSU Extension. Local members seek to develop leadership skills and strengthen families in their respective communities. County/Department: McIntosh. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: FCS. OHCE. Cost: $25 yearly. Contact Name: Michelle Marston. Contact Email: michelle.marston@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 918-689-7772. Members Only: No. Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM.

Eufaula OHCE Crochet Group

County Combined Events Come check out our OHCE group. This group will be dedicated to all who are interested in crocheting. Please bring your supplies but if you don't have any, we will have some available. If you would like to participate in OHCE please contact our office at 918-689-7772 or show up at the meeting and we can give you more details. Oklahoma Home and Community Education, Inc. (OHCE) is a statewide, county-based organization that has a unique partnership with Oklahoma State University and OSU Extension. Local members seek to develop leadership skills and strengthen families in their respective communities. County/Department: McIntosh. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: FCS. OHCE. Cost: $25 yearly. Contact Name: Michelle Marston. Contact Email: michelle.marston@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 918-689-7772. Members Only: No. Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Eufaula Memorial Library 301 South First Street Eufaula, OK 74432.

Study and Snacks

Ferguson College of Agriculture Room: AG 101, Student Success Center. Building: AGRICULTURAL HALL. Type of Event: Ongoing event. Room: AG 101. Category: Academic. Audience: Students. Contact Name: Arakssi Ashakian. Contact Phone: (405) 744-9464. Contact Email: fergusoninfo@okstate.edu. Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 4:30 PM – 8:00 PM.


County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience:  Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "Co-Parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children;s healthy adjustment to their parent;s separation.  This class also satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. County/Department: Garfield. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Fatherhood. FCS. Cost: $40. Contact Name: Joy Rhodes. Contact Email: joy.rhodes@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-237-1228. Members Only: No. Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 5:00 PM. 316 East Oxford Enid, OK 73701.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Wednesday, February 26, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Co-Parenting for Resilience- must pre-register

County Combined Events County/Department: Pushmataha. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $30 exact cash or check only. Contact Name: Kris Bailey. Contact Email: kris.bailey@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-298-5563. Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM. 306 SW B St Antlers, OK 74523.

Growing Strong Bodies and Minds presented by Wagoner County OSU Extension

County Combined Events This curriculum consists of a 5-week series of age specific books teaching nutrition and physical activities in a 15-minute lesson.   We promote development of healthful food preferences, physical active lifestyles, and literacy skills in young children. County/Department: Wagoner. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: FCS. Health & Wellness. Nutrition. Contact Name: Virginia Stanley. Contact Email: virginia.stanley@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 918-486-4589. Members Only: Yes. Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM. Coweta Central Elementary School Pre-K & Kindergarten Classrooms 303 N Broadway Coweta, OK 74429.

Stay Strong, Stay Healhty

County Combined Events County/Department: Dewey. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Contact Name: Jean Bailey. Contact Email: jean.bailey@okstate.edu. Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Seiling senior citizen center.

Leader Lesson: 40 Gallon Challenge

County Combined Events Participants will learn about the 40 Gallon Challenge and how to start one for their own homes. County/Department: Kingfisher. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Contact Name: Lindy C. Peterman. Contact Email: lindy.peterman@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 4053753822. Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM. 300 S 13th St Kingfisher, OK 73750.

Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children.  Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation.  This class also satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. County/Department: Cherokee. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Cost: 30.00. Contact Name: Heather L Winn. Contact Email: heather.winn@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 9184566163. Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM. Cherokee County Livestock Arena 1475 North Douglas Avenue Tahlequah, OK 74464.

Stay Strong Stay Healthy

County Combined Events In-person exercise class for the mature audience.  It is an evidence-based strength training program.  The 8 week program includes exercises to increase muscle strength, improve balance, enhances flexibility, strengthens bones lifts depression and reduces stress.  Classes include a warm up, 8 strengthening exercises and cool-down stretches. County/Department: Garfield. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Tag: FCS. Fun and Fellowship. Health & Wellness. Mental Health. Nutrition. Cost: $0. Contact Name: Joy Rhodes. Contact Email: joy.rhodes@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-237-1228. Members Only: No. Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. 316 East Oxford Enid, OK 73701.

Live well, Eat well, be Active with Diabetes (LEAD) Series

County Combined Events To register (opens February 5th, 2025) visit the library website: https://www.metrolibrary.org/event/diabetic-nutrition-and-wellness-workshop-436192, , Class size limited. , Are you interested in learning about diabetic nutrition and wellness? The Edmond Library is hosting a diabetic nutrition and wellness workshop (LEAD - Live Well, Eat Well, Be Active with Diabetes) led by presenter Taylor Conner, Family & Consumer Sciences Educator from the Oklahoma County OSU Extension. Join the 3-week program to learn more about type 2 diabetes management, including: making healthful food choices, the plate method, carb counting, benefits of being active, weight loss, potential diabetes complications, and strategies for modifying recipes. , This program is for individuals with Type 2 Diabetes OR pre-diabetes. , Due to the chance of inclement weather and/or library closing this time of year, please check your email for cancellation and rescheduling notifications. We have reserved Wednesday, March 5 as… County/Department: Oklahoma. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: FCS. Health & Wellness. LEADdiabetes. Cost: Free. Contact Name: Taylor Conner. Contact Email: taylor.conner@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-713-1125. Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM. Edmond Library 10 S Boulevard Edmond, OK 73034. For more info visit www.metrolibrary.org.

Study and Snacks

Ferguson College of Agriculture Room: AG 101, Student Success Center. Building: AGRICULTURAL HALL. Type of Event: Ongoing event. Room: AG 101. Category: Academic. Audience: Students. Contact Name: Arakssi Ashakian. Contact Phone: (405) 744-9464. Contact Email: fergusoninfo@okstate.edu. Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 4:30 PM – 8:00 PM.

Ferguson College Speed Networking Night

Ferguson College of Agriculture Make connections and build your professional network at the Ferguson College of Agriculture's Speed Networking Night! Building: AGRICULTURAL HALL. Type of Event: One-time event. Category: Academic. Audience: Students. Contact Name: Herb Lengel. Contact Phone: 405-744-9464. Contact Email: fergusoninfo@okstate.edu. Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Thursday, February 27, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Commissioner Duties Review I

County Combined Events County Commissioner Duties Review (6 Hours), This course reviews the duties and responsibilities of the county commissioner using the Handbook for County Commissioners of Oklahoma as the text. You will learn about general commissioner duties; meetings; county administration; trust authorities; circuit engineering districts; and county offices, boards, and departments. This course includes short lectures provided by county commissioners and other educated professionals, as well as small group discussions of prepared questions and questions that you may have on the day of the course. This course encourages “round table” discussion of the day-to-day operations of the commissioner’s office and how to meet the requirements of the law while still providing service to the citizens. County/Department: Agricultural Economics. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Ag Research. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Cost: 65.00. Contact Name: Shelly Stevenson. Contact Email: shelly.stevenson@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-744-6160. Members Only: No. Thursday, February 27, 2025, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM. ACCO Building - Ballroom 429 NE 50th Street OKC. For more info visit ctp-aceweb.okstate.edu.

The Power is Out...Is my Food Safe?

County Combined Events Learn tips on how to prepare before the storm season arrives and what you can do to preserve your perishable food. Presented by guest speaker Connie Wollenberg, McClain County OSU Extension, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator. County/Department: Oklahoma. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: Food Preservation. Food Safety. Nutrition. Safety. Cost: Free. Contact Name: OSU Extension. Contact Email: caitlyn.knudsen@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-713-1125. Members Only: No. Thursday, February 27, 2025, 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM. OSU Extension Conference Center 2500 NE 63rd Street Oklahoma City, OK 73111.

The Power is Out...Is My Food Still Safe?

County Combined Events Learn how to prepare before the storm season arrives and what you can do to preserve your perishable foods. County/Department: Oklahoma. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: FCS. OHCE. OHCE Leader Lessons. Cost: Free. Contact Name: Lisa Hamblin. Contact Email: lisa.hamblin@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-713-1125. Members Only: No. Thursday, February 27, 2025, 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM. Oklahoma County OSU Extension Center 2500 NE 63rd Street OKC, OK 73111.

Stay Strong Stay Healthy

County Combined Events Stay Strong, Stay Healthy, a Strength Building Program, You can start on the road to better health with the Stay Strong, Stay Healthy program, an eight-week course of one-hour, twice-weekly classes. The evidence-based program, is built on simple, strength-building exercises that will improve balance, health and, state of mind. No, it’s not strenuous weight-lifting. You’ll start at a level that’s right for, you. No one is too inactive to participate. Building strength promotes quality of life and, independence, especially for adults over age 60. Contact the OSU Extension Office ASAP to reserve your spot in this class and pick up a registration packet. County/Department: Cherokee. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: Health & Wellness. Contact Name: Heather Winn. Contact Email: heather.winn@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 9184566163. Members Only: Yes. Thursday, February 27, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM. Cherokee County Livestock Arena 1475 N. Douglas Avenue Tahlequah, OK.

Woods County Wheat Production Meeting

County Combined Events Speakers: Josh Bushong - OSU Area Agronomist, Brian Arnell - Nutrient Management Specialist, , Topics: Wheat Fertility, Pest Management, Forage and Grain Yields, , Meal sponsored by American Plains COOP, , RSVP by Feb 25 to (580) 327-2786. County/Department: Woods. Program Area Calendar(s): Agriculture and Natural Resources. Rural Development. Cost: none. Contact Name: Lisa McMurphy. Contact Email: lisa.mcmurphy@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-327-2786. Members Only: No. Thursday, February 27, 2025, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM. Northwest Technology Center 1801 11th St, Alva, OK 73717.

Co-parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-parenting through divorce class. In-person. Cherokee, OK. County/Department: Alfalfa. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $35. Contact Name: Megan Ferrell. Contact Email: megan.ferrell@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-596-3131. Thursday, February 27, 2025, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Cherokee, OK.

OHCE Leader Lesson " The Power is Out"

County Combined Events This lesson will provide you with tips on how to prepare before the storm season arrives and what you can do to preserve your perishable foods longer.  This is free and open to anyone that would like to attend. , , , , . County/Department: Cleveland. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Tag: FCS. Food Safety. Fun and Fellowship. OHCE. OHCE Leader Lessons. Safety. Cost: None. Contact Name: Brenda Medlock. Contact Email: brenda.medlock@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 4053214774. Members Only: No. Thursday, February 27, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM. The Well 210 James Garner Ave Norman.

OHCE Leader Lesson: Recycle, Repurpose & Reuse Everything

County Combined Events In this lesson, participants will explore the importance of sustainable living through recycling, repurposing, and reusing materials. The session will cover practical tips and creative ideas to reduce waste, conserve resources, and make environmentally friendly choices in daily life. Attendees will learn how to transform everyday items into useful and beautiful objects, fostering a culture of sustainability and environmental stewardship. County/Department: Kay. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Cost: 0. Contact Name: Lisa Robinson. Contact Email: Lisarob@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-362-3194. Thursday, February 27, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM. Kay Country OSU Extension Office 226 S. Maple St. Newkirk, OK 74647. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

CANCELLED - OHCE Leader Lesson: Recycle, Repurpose & Reuse Everything

County Combined Events OHCE Leader Lesson: Recycle, Repurpose & Reuse Everything, , In this lesson, participants will explore the importance of sustainable living through recycling, repurposing, and reusing materials. The session will cover practical tips and creative ideas to reduce waste, conserve resources, and make environmentally friendly choices in daily life. Attendees will learn how to transform everyday items into useful and beautiful objects, fostering a culture of sustainability and environmental stewardship. County/Department: Kay. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: FCS. Leadership Training. Mental Health. OHCE. OHCE Leader Lessons. Cost: 0. Contact Name: Lisa Robinson. Contact Email: Lisarob@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-362-3194. Members Only: No. Thursday, February 27, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

OHCE Leader Lesson: Stay Strong, Stay Healthy

County Combined Events Join the Woods County OHCE Thursday, January 27th at 1:30 PM, at the Woods County Courthouse Conference Room for a Leader Lesson entitled "Stay Strong, Stay Healthy". This lesson is free and open to the public. County/Department: Woods. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: Health & Wellness. OHCE. OHCE Leader Lessons. Cost: none. Contact Name: Lisa McMurphy. Contact Email: lisa.mcmurphy@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-327-2786. Members Only: No. Thursday, February 27, 2025, 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM. Conference Room, Woods County Courthouse 407 Government St, Alva, OK 73717.

Artificial Insemination Series - Practical Application & Tools

County Combined Events Space is limited and is almost filled; so call for registration.   ,  “Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication or program information or reasonable accommodation need to contact Liz Gardner McBee or Loren Sizelove at 580-625-3464 or elizabeth.mcbee@okstate.edu or loren.sizelove@okstate.edu at least two weeks prior to the event.” , . County/Department: Beaver. Program Area Calendar(s): Agriculture and Natural Resources. Contact Name: Connie McMinn. Contact Email: loren.sizelove@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 5806253464. Members Only: No. Thursday, February 27, 2025, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Beaver Co Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall.

Study and Snacks

Ferguson College of Agriculture Room: AG 101, Student Success Center. Building: AGRICULTURAL HALL. Type of Event: Ongoing event. Room: AG 101. Category: Academic. Audience: Students. Contact Name: Arakssi Ashakian. Contact Phone: (405) 744-9464. Contact Email: fergusoninfo@okstate.edu. Thursday, February 27, 2025, 4:30 PM – 8:00 PM.

Cloverbud Meeting

County Combined Events County/Department: Cotton. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Tag: 4-H. Cloverbud. Contact Name: Kimbreley Davis. Contact Email: kimbreley.davis@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-875-3136. Members Only: Yes. Thursday, February 27, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. 924 W Missouri Ave, Walters, OK 73572.

Registration Deadline: Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Ferguson College of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium What: The Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium is an opportunity for undergraduates to present what they have learned through their research experiences to the OSU campus community. Who Can Participate: Undergraduates who have conducted research and/or who have engaged in a creative activity in visual/performing arts may participate. Format: Students have three options for presentation: poster presentations, oral flash talks, visual/performing arts presentations. How to Participate: Registration is online; follow instructions at: https://research.okstate.edu/student-research/undergrad-research-symposium/info-applicants.html Deadline: Submit your application and abstract online by Friday, February 28, 2025. Type of Event: One-time event. Category: Academic. Research. Audience: Students. Contact Name: Christine Johnson. Contact Email: christine.johnson@okstate.edu. Friday, February 28, 2025. For more info visit research.okstate.edu.

4-H Innovate Leadership Summit

County Combined Events County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Tag: 4-H. Contact Name: Kelly Wardlaw. Contact Email: k.wardlaw@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-744-8883. Friday, February 28, 2025 – Sunday, March 2, 2025. Owasso, OK. For more info visit 4h.okstate.edu.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Friday, February 28, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Stay Strong, Stay Healhty

County Combined Events County/Department: Dewey. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Contact Name: Jean Bailey. Contact Email: jean.bailey@okstate.edu. Friday, February 28, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Seiling senior citizen center.

Monthly OHCE Lesson- Stay Strong, Stay Healthy

County Combined Events Monthly OHCE lesson training- anyone is welcome to attend, not just OHCE members. County/Department: Major. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: Health & Wellness. Cost: none. Contact Name: Dana Baldwin. Contact Email: dana.baldwin@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-227-3786. Members Only: No. Friday, February 28, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM. Major County Fairgrounds, Fairview.

Caring for the Caregiver

County Combined Events Do you care for loved ones? Join us for a lunch and learn program on key information in getting the care and resources needed for your loved one. We will help you navigate your role as a caregiver.   This will be a 6-session weekly class.  Topics to be covered are: Caregiving 101, Healthy Caregiving, Understanding Exploitation & Abuse, Nutrition, Safe Environments for Caregiving, Financial Aspects of Caregiving, , All classes will be held in the meeting room at the Clinton Public Library.  Register in advance through www.wplibs.com or by calling the library at 580-323-2165. County/Department: Custer. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: Finances. Food Safety. Food Science, Design & Construction, Housing, Healthy Living, FCS Careers. Health & Wellness. Health Disparities. Mental Health. Safety. Cost: free. Contact Name: Lesa Rauh. Contact Email: lesa.rauh@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 5803232291. Members Only: No. Friday, February 28, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM. Clinton Public Library, 721 Frisco Ave. Clinton OK.

Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children.  Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation.  This class also satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. County/Department: Grady. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $35 exact cash or check. Contact Name: Riley DuBois. Contact Email: riley.dubois@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-224-2216. Friday, February 28, 2025, 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM. Grady County OSU Extension Center 828 W. Choctaw Ave. Chickasha, OK 73018. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Creek County Master Gardener Training

County Combined Events This Master Gardener Training class will be for individuals wanting to join and volunteer in the Creek County OSU Extension Master Gardener. The application for the program can be found at the link provided.  More information can be found on the Creek County OSU Extension Website. County/Department: Creek. Program Area Calendar(s): Agriculture and Natural Resources. Rural Development. Tag: Farming/Gardening. Garden. Gardener Class. Master Gardener. Cost: $150. Contact Name: Olivia Toothman. Contact Email: olivia.toothman@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 9182242192. Members Only: Yes. Friday, February 28, 2025, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Creek County Extension Office 17806 W Hwy 66 Kellyville, OK 74039. For more info visit forms.office.com.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Saturday, March 1, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Total Wellness Festival

County Combined Events Join Garvin County organizations that are focused on your health and well-being! This health and wellness fair will feature free health screenings, touch-a-truck event, door prizes, free food, and more. County/Department: Garvin. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: FCS. Health & Wellness. Cost: 0.00. Contact Name: Heather Hanneman. Contact Email: heather.hanneman@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-238-6681. Members Only: No. Saturday, March 1, 2025, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Donald W Reynolds Recreation Center 1005 N Willow St Pauls Valley, OK 73075. For more info visit www.facebook.com.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Sunday, March 2, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Monday, March 3, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children.  Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation.  This class also satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Register by February 28, 2025. County/Department: Delaware. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $40. Contact Name: Penny Meridith. Contact Email: penny.meridith@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: (918) 253-4332. Monday, March 3, 2025, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Delaware County OSU Extension Office 38267 US Hwy 59 Jay, OK 74346. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Stay Strong Stay Healthy

County Combined Events In-person exercise class for the mature audience.  It is an evidence-based strength training program.  The 8 week program includes exercises to increase muscle strength, improve balance, enhances flexibility, strengthens bones lifts depression and reduces stress.  Classes include a warm up, 8 strengthening exercises and cool-down stretches. County/Department: Garfield. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Tag: FCS. Fun and Fellowship. Health & Wellness. Mental Health. Nutrition. Cost: $0. Contact Name: Joy Rhodes. Contact Email: joy.rhodes@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-237-1228. Members Only: No. Monday, March 3, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. 316 East Oxford Enid, OK 73701.

Youth Livestock Learning Academy

County Combined Events Youth Livestock Learning series focused on basic knowledge of all large livestock species (Horse, Beef, Swine, Sheep Goat), in preparation for a Livestock Judging Event in August, and Future livestock Judging Team Activities. County/Department: Major. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Tag: 4-H. 4-H, Livestock, Livestock Judging, Judging. Contact Name: Shelby Robertson. Contact Email: shelby.robertson13@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 5802273786. Members Only: No. Monday, March 3, 2025, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM. Major County Fairgrounds 808 E Highland Fairview, Ok 73737.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Tuesday, March 4, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Accredited Basic HACCP Workshop

Food and Agricultural Product Center FAPC offers a Basic HACCP workshop. This workshop covers the basics of designing a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points plan and is accredited by the International HACCP Alliance. Employees responsible for developing, improving or maintaining a HACCP system will benefit from attending. The workshop will be referring to and using examples from the book "HACCP - A Systematic Approach to Food Safety: A Comprehensive Manual for Developing and Implementing a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Plan, 5th Edition." If participants want to purchase their own copy, they may visit https://www.gma.maxx.matrixdev.net/forms/store/ProductFormPublic/haccp-manual-5th-edition. However, it is not mandatory to purchase the book to take the class.  Cost: $600 per person for large companies (greater than 10 employees) Cost; $500 per person for small Oklahoma-based companies (10 or less employees) A $25 fee will be billed to those who fail to cancel or attend. The registration fees cover lunch, refreshments and works… Building: ROBERT M. KERR FOOD & AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS CENTER. Type of Event: One-time event. Room: 120 FAPC. Category: Community. Audience: Public. Cost: $600. Contact Name: Karen Smith. Contact Phone: 405-744-6277. Contact Email: fapcregistrations@okstate.edu. Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 8:00 AM – Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 5:00 PM.

Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events County/Department: Woodward. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $40--Due with registration packet 3 days prior to class. Contact Name: Jennifer Hedges. Contact Email: jennifer.hedges@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 5802543391. Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Woodward County OSU Extension 108 Temple Houston Dr.

Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting Target Audience: Parents, with a minor child, who are experiencing divorce or separation. Parents who may be seeking custody, visitation, or paternity of minor children. The Co-Parenting for Resilience Program is a 4-hour class that is based on current research. It uses a combination of lecture, discussion, video, activities, and examples to help parents discover effective strategies that promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. The class was created by Oklahoma State University. The class is taught by specially trained Extension Educators, and it has been accepted by judges and recommended by lawyers across Oklahoma for more than 25 years. The class is being offered to the public but requires pre-registration. The class is being offered once a month, on the first Tuesday of each month. County/Department: Tulsa. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: 40.00. Contact Name: Stacey Jones, FCS Educator. Contact Email: stacey.jones11@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 918-746-3721. Members Only: Yes. Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM. OSU Tulsa Campus, North Hall #104 700 Greenwood Avenue Tulsa, OK 74106.

Treasurer Duties Review I

County Combined Events County Treasurer Duties Review I (6 Hours), This course covers 6 chapters from the Handbook for County Treasurers of Oklahoma. This course includes short lectures provided by county treasurers and other educated professionals, as well as small group discussions of prepared questions and questions that you may have on the day of the course. This course encourages “round table” discussion of the day-to-day operations of the treasurer’s office and how to meet the requirements of the law while still providing service to the citizens. You will receive regular updates on legislative changes, along with advice from the Office of the State Auditor and Inspector. County/Department: Agricultural Economics. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Ag Research. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Cost: 65.00. Contact Name: Shelly Stevenson. Contact Email: shelly.stevenson@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-744-6160. Members Only: No. Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM. OSU Tulsa Conference Center 700 N Greenwood Center Tulsa OK74106. For more info visit ctp-aceweb.okstate.edu.

Fabric and Fashion

County Combined Events County/Department: Adair. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Tag: 4-H. Cost: $0. Contact Name: Naomi Fuson. Contact Email: naomi.fuson@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 918-696-2253. Members Only: No. Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM. Rocky Mountain School. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Washington County Master Gardener Training

County Combined Events Enrollment is now open for our 2025 Master Gardener course! Participants in this program will undergo in-depth classroom training from OSU state specialists. After their training is completed, the participants engage with Oklahoma gardening enthusiasts in activities and services coordinated through local OSU Extension offices and centers. , To enroll: register/pay at our office located at 205 E 12th St. Dewey, OK by December 9th. , For more information: email Kennedy at kennedy.mccall@okstate.edu or call our office at 918-534-2216. County/Department: Washington. Program Area Calendar(s): Ag Research. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Rural Development. Cost: New: $100; Returning: $30. Contact Name: Kennedy McCall. Contact Email: kennedy.mccall@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 9185342216. Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM. Tri County Technology Center 6101 Nowata Rd. Bartlesville, OK 74006. For more info visit www.facebook.com.

Stay Strong Stay Healthy

County Combined Events Stay Strong, Stay Healthy, a Strength Building Program, You can start on the road to better health with the Stay Strong, Stay Healthy program, an eight-week course of one-hour, twice-weekly classes. The evidence-based program, is built on simple, strength-building exercises that will improve balance, health and, state of mind. No, it’s not strenuous weight-lifting. You’ll start at a level that’s right for, you. No one is too inactive to participate. Building strength promotes quality of life and, independence, especially for adults over age 60. Contact the OSU Extension Office ASAP to reserve your spot in this class and pick up a registration packet. County/Department: Cherokee. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: Health & Wellness. Contact Name: Heather Winn. Contact Email: heather.winn@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 9184566163. Members Only: Yes. Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM. Cherokee County Livestock Arena 1475 N. Douglas Avenue Tahlequah, OK.

Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle. They will also learn effective strategies to promote their children's healthy adjustment to their parents' separation.  This class meets the court-mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples, and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. County/Department: Oklahoma. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. FCS. Cost: $35 Pre-registration required. Contact Name: Lisa Hamblin. Contact Email: lisa.hamblin@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-713-1125. Members Only: No. Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM. OSU-OKC Student Center Room 304 900 N. Portland OKC, OK 73107.

Comanche County OHCE Leader Lesson

County Combined Events OHCE Leader Lesson - Sourdough Bread with Brenda Gandy-Jones. County/Department: Comanche. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Contact Name: Carol Hart. Contact Email: carol.hart@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-355-1176. Members Only: No. Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM. Comanche County Fairgrounds Lawton, OK.

Study and Snacks

Ferguson College of Agriculture Room: AG 101, Student Success Center. Building: AGRICULTURAL HALL. Type of Event: Ongoing event. Room: AG 101. Category: Academic. Audience: Students. Contact Name: Arakssi Ashakian. Contact Phone: (405) 744-9464. Contact Email: fergusoninfo@okstate.edu. Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 4:30 PM – 8:00 PM.

Oklahoma Environmental Law Enforcement Training

County Combined Events The Environmental Law Enforcement Training is a free CLEET accredited training event organized by the OSU Cooperative extension in collaboration with the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) and the U.S Department of Agriculture. , If you take a drive down the back roads of Oklahoma, it is most likely you will find an illegal dump site. These dumps are not only unsightly and illegal, they also can cause damage to the environment. These sites can cause contamination of soil, ground water, drinking water wells, stream, rivers etc. “Other side effects include possible injury to children playing on or around the dump site, damage to plant and wildlife habitats and even a decrease in the quality of life to nearby residents and the local community. , To help combat this problem, the environmental law enforcement training is provided every year across the state. The training is free and open to anyone who is interested in learning about environmental law or those with the responsibility of… County/Department: Agricultural Economics. Program Area Calendar(s): Agriculture and Natural Resources. Rural Development. Tag: CEU hours. Environmental crime. Illegal Waste dumpping. Natural Resources. sustainability. Cost: FREE. Contact Name: Keima Borsuah. Contact Email: keima.kamara@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-744-9827. Wednesday, March 5, 2025. Oklahoma County Extension Center (2500NE 63rd Street, Oklahoma City ok 73111). For more info visit www.eventbrite.com.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Wednesday, March 5, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Oklahoma Environmental Law Enforcement Training

County Combined Events The Environmental Law Enforcement Training is a free CLEET accredited training event organized by the OSU Cooperative extension in collaboration with the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) and the U.S Department of Agriculture. , If you take a drive down the back roads of Oklahoma, it is most likely you will find an illegal dump site. These dumps are not only unsightly and illegal, they also can cause damage to the environment. These sites can cause contamination of soil, ground water, drinking water wells, stream, rivers etc. “Other side effects include possible injury to children playing on or around the dump site, damage to plant and wildlife habitats and even a decrease in the quality of life to nearby residents and the local community. , To help combat this problem, the environmental law enforcement training is provided every year across the state. The training is free and open to anyone who is interested in learning about environmental law or those with the responsibility of… County/Department: Oklahoma. Program Area Calendar(s): Agriculture and Natural Resources. Tag: Ag in the Classroom. Farming/Gardening. Garden. Horticulture. Illegal Waste dumpping. Safety. Cost: Free. Contact Name: OSU Extension. Contact Email: caitlyn.knudsen@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-713-1125. Members Only: No. Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM. OSU Extension Conference Center 2500 NE 63rd Street Oklahoma City, OK 73111. For more info visit www.eventbrite.com.

Co-Parenting For Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children.  Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation.  This class also satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. County/Department: Sequoyah. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: 35.00. Contact Name: Janis Risley. Contact Email: janis.risley@ostate.edu. Contact Phone: 9187754838. Members Only: No. Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Seq Co Court House 120 E Chickasaw Ave Sallisaw ok 74955.

Stay Strong, Stay Healhty

County Combined Events County/Department: Dewey. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Contact Name: Jean Bailey. Contact Email: jean.bailey@okstate.edu. Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Seiling senior citizen center.

Treasurer Duties Review II

County Combined Events County Treasurer Duties Review II (6 Hours), This course covers 6 chapters from the Handbook for County Treasurers of Oklahoma. This course includes short lectures provided by county treasurers and other educated professionals, as well as small group discussions of prepared questions and questions that you may have on the day of the course. This course encourages “round table” discussion of the day-to-day operations of the treasurer’s office and how to meet the requirements of the law while still providing service to the citizens. You will receive regular updates on legislative changes, along with advice from the Office of the State Auditor and Inspector. County/Department: Agricultural Economics. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Ag Research. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Cost: 65.00. Contact Name: Shelly Stevenson. Contact Email: shelly.stevenson@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-744-6160. Members Only: No. Event Type: Virtual. Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM. OSU Tulsa Conference Center 700 N Greenwood Center Tulsa OK74106. For more info visit ctp-aceweb.okstate.edu.

Health, Vet and Law Fair

Ferguson College of Agriculture We will continue using the Career Fair Plus app this semester. Download the app in the App Store or Google Play for employer listings, real-time announcements, and an interactive map of Wes Watkins.  We also have top-notch career fair resources that will help you build the best resume, nail your elevator pitch and knock your interviews out of the park! If you have any questions or need guidance, reach out to one of our career coaches for an appointment - we are here to help! Building: STUDENT UNION. Type of Event: One-time event. Room: Ballroom. Category: Recruitment. Professional Development. Audience: Alumni. Students. Sponsor: CAREER SERVICES (HIREOSUGRADS.COM). Contact Name: OSU Career Services. Contact Email: careers@okstate.edu. Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 10:30 AM – 1:00 PM. For more info visit slate.okstate.edu.

Healthy Heart Ambassador Blood Pressure Self- Monitoring Program - Nutrition Class

County Combined Events The McIntosh Co OSU Extension is offering a free, four-month, hypertension lifestyle change program for adults ages 18 years or older that have been told by a healthcare provider that they have high blood pressure and/or are taking medication to help lower their blood pressure. The program will be held at 311 N Broadway, Checotah, OK. , , Contact the office to reserve your spot today! *enrollment starts Monday, January 6, 2025, , Nutrition Education Classes will be held the 1st Wednesday of each month at 10:30am-11:30am, , , *The program facilitator will contact you to set up a time for in-person enrollment during the periods listed above. You must complete enrollment to participate in the program. County/Department: McIntosh. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: FCS. Nutrition. Contact Name: Michelle Marston. Contact Email: michelle.marston@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 918-689-7772. Members Only: No. Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM. McIntosh Co OSU Ext Office 311 N Broadway, Checotah, OK.

Beginning Farmer and Rancher Lunchtime Learning Series

County Combined Events The Beginning Farmer and Rancher Lunchtime Learning webinar series will provide weekly opportunities for beginning farmers and ranchers to engage with a variety of topics important for new agricultural enterprises with sesions ranging business planning, farm taxes, enterprise budgeting, grants and loans, wholesale and e-commerce platforms, and more.  , https://www.canva.com/design/DAGe2KnFTKs/YAgiW43VXpHQVsrcrm0Hfw/view?utm_content=DAGe2KnFTKs&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=uniquelinks&utlId=h40df41b06a. Online Location: Zoom. County/Department: Agricultural Economics. Program Area Calendar(s): Agriculture and Natural Resources. Tag: beginning farmer and rancher. Cost: FREE. Contact Name: Joshua Campbell. Contact Email: joshua.campbell@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 4057441721. Event Type: Virtual. Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM. For more info visit okstate-edu.zoom.us.

Beginning Farmer and Rancher Lunchtime Learning Series

County Combined Events The Beginning Farmer and Rancher Lunchtime Learning webinar series will provide weekly content on a variety of topics of importance to beginning producers. Session will include information on business planning, taxes, business entities, enterprise budgeting, loans and grants, and much more.  , https://www.canva.com/design/DAGe2KnFTKs/YAgiW43VXpHQVsrcrm0Hfw/view?utm_content=DAGe2KnFTKs&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=uniquelinks&utlId=h40df41b06a. Online Location: Zoom. County/Department: Agricultural Economics. Program Area Calendar(s): Agriculture and Natural Resources. Tag: beginning farmer and rancher. Budget, Finance, Money, Savings. budgeting. Entrepreneurship. Cost: FREE. Contact Name: Joshua Campbell. Contact Email: joshua.campbell@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 4057441721. Event Type: Virtual. Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM. For more info visit okstate-edu.zoom.us.

Stay Strong Stay Healthy

County Combined Events In-person exercise class for the mature audience.  It is an evidence-based strength training program.  The 8 week program includes exercises to increase muscle strength, improve balance, enhances flexibility, strengthens bones lifts depression and reduces stress.  Classes include a warm up, 8 strengthening exercises and cool-down stretches. County/Department: Garfield. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Tag: FCS. Fun and Fellowship. Health & Wellness. Mental Health. Nutrition. Cost: $0. Contact Name: Joy Rhodes. Contact Email: joy.rhodes@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-237-1228. Members Only: No. Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. 316 East Oxford Enid, OK 73701.

Study and Snacks

Ferguson College of Agriculture Room: AG 101, Student Success Center. Building: AGRICULTURAL HALL. Type of Event: Ongoing event. Room: AG 101. Category: Academic. Audience: Students. Contact Name: Arakssi Ashakian. Contact Phone: (405) 744-9464. Contact Email: fergusoninfo@okstate.edu. Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 4:30 PM – 8:00 PM.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Thursday, March 6, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience $35. County/Department: Caddo. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $35. Contact Name: Carol Hart. Contact Email: carol.hart@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-247-3376. Members Only: No. Thursday, March 6, 2025, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM. Caddo County OSU Extension Office 1202 E. Central Blvd. Anadarko, OK 73005.

Customer Service

County Combined Events Customer Service (6 Hours), This course is valuable to all individuals as we all have customers to whom we provide services. You will explore the circle of service, the people that we serve, what we are trying to accomplish, hospitality habits, and the value of knowing your community so you can assist others through that knowledge. The afternoon sessions explore dealing with difficult customers and telephone etiquette. County/Department: Agricultural Economics. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Ag Research. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Cost: 65.00. Contact Name: Shelly Stevenson. Contact Email: shelly.stevenson@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-744-6160. Members Only: No. Thursday, March 6, 2025, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Fista Venue Event Center 200 SW Ave. C Lawton, OK Classroom A. For more info visit ctp-aceweb.okstate.edu.

Garvin County 4-H: Meat Judging Contest

County Combined Events Garvin County 4-H members compete in identifying and grading various cuts of meat. Those placing as Grand Champion will compete at the State Level. County/Department: Garvin. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Tag: 4-H. 4-H Food Science. Cost: 0.00. Contact Name: Heather Hanneman. Contact Email: heather.hanneman@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-238-6681. Members Only: Yes. Thursday, March 6, 2025, 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM. Garvin County Fairgrounds Chickasaw St Pauls Valley, OK 73075. For more info visit www.facebook.com.

OHCE Spring Meeting

County Combined Events County/Department: Adair. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: OHCE. Cost: $0. Contact Name: Naomi Fuson. Contact Email: naomi.fuson@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 918-696-2253. Members Only: No. Thursday, March 6, 2025, 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM. TBA. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Stay Strong Stay Healthy

County Combined Events Stay Strong, Stay Healthy, a Strength Building Program, You can start on the road to better health with the Stay Strong, Stay Healthy program, an eight-week course of one-hour, twice-weekly classes. The evidence-based program, is built on simple, strength-building exercises that will improve balance, health and, state of mind. No, it’s not strenuous weight-lifting. You’ll start at a level that’s right for, you. No one is too inactive to participate. Building strength promotes quality of life and, independence, especially for adults over age 60. Contact the OSU Extension Office ASAP to reserve your spot in this class and pick up a registration packet. County/Department: Cherokee. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: Health & Wellness. Contact Name: Heather Winn. Contact Email: heather.winn@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 9184566163. Members Only: Yes. Thursday, March 6, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM. Cherokee County Livestock Arena 1475 N. Douglas Avenue Tahlequah, OK.

Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. , Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. , This class also satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. , Enroll by calling or stopping at the Kay County Extension office.  Registration and payment cash/check/money order- must be completed one business day prior to class and complete pre-survey. , Registration is made at, Kay County OSU Extension Office, 22 S. Maple Street, Newkirk, OK 74647. County/Department: Kay. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Parenting. Cost: 35.00. Contact Name: Lisa R. Robinson, CFLE. Contact Email: lisarob@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-362-3194. Members Only: No. Thursday, March 6, 2025, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Pioneer Technology Center 2101 N. Ash St. Ponca City, OK. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Focaccia Bread

County Combined Events Focaccia Bread, the second workshop of our Back to Basics, Creating Cooking workshops for 2025 from Alfalfa, Major & Woods County Extension Educators. Participants will learn how to make homemade Focaccia Bread. Each participant will go home with Focaccia bread to enjoy. Please RSVP by March 3rd. County/Department: Alfalfa. Major. Woods. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: Bread Making. Food Science, Design & Construction, Housing, Healthy Living, FCS Careers. Cost: $20. Contact Name: Megan Ferrell. Contact Email: megan.ferrell@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-596-3131. Thursday, March 6, 2025, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Cherokee, OK.

Artificial Insemination Series - Practical Appliction

County Combined Events Space is limited and is almost filled; so call for registration.   ,  “Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication or program information or reasonable accommodation need to contact Liz Gardner McBee or Loren Sizelove at 580-625-3464 or elizabeth.mcbee@okstate.edu or loren.sizelove@okstate.edu at least two weeks prior to the event.” , . County/Department: Beaver. Program Area Calendar(s): Agriculture and Natural Resources. Contact Name: Connie McMinn. Contact Email: loren.sizelove@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 5806253464. Members Only: No. Thursday, March 6, 2025, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Beaver Co Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall.

Study and Snacks

Ferguson College of Agriculture Room: AG 101, Student Success Center. Building: AGRICULTURAL HALL. Type of Event: Ongoing event. Room: AG 101. Category: Academic. Audience: Students. Contact Name: Arakssi Ashakian. Contact Phone: (405) 744-9464. Contact Email: fergusoninfo@okstate.edu. Thursday, March 6, 2025, 4:30 PM – 8:00 PM.

Celebrate AgriCULTURE

Ferguson College of Agriculture Join us for an evening of education, exploration, and fun as we celebrate agricultural practices and cultural traditions from around the world! Date: Thursday, March 6, 2025 Time: 5:30–7:30 p.m. Location: Nancy Randolph Davis building, Jorns Hall (Room 180) What to Expect: Engaging educational posters showcasing global agriculture. Interactive games and crafts to learn and enjoy. Delicious international foods. Exciting prizes drawn every 20 minutes. A special guest appearance by Pistol Pete. Celebrate AgriCULTURE Apparel: Support the event with exclusive merchandise available for purchase in our online store. Orders will be processed after the store closes—check the deadline on the website: https://osucelebrateagspring25.itemorder.com/shop/sale/ We look forward to welcoming you to Celebrate AgriCULTURE! Building: NANCY RANDOLPH DAVIS. Type of Event: One-time event. Room: Jorns Hall Room 180. Category: Academic. Audience: Students. Contact Name: Arakssi Ashakian. Contact Phone: 405-744-6580. Contact Email: arakssi@okstate.edu. Thursday, March 6, 2025, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Friday, March 7, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Honey Bees

County Combined Events County/Department: Dewey. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Contact Name: Jean Bailey. Contact Email: jean.bailey@okstate.edu. Friday, March 7, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Seiling Senior Center.

Stay Strong, Stay Healhty

County Combined Events County/Department: Dewey. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Contact Name: Jean Bailey. Contact Email: jean.bailey@okstate.edu. Friday, March 7, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Seiling senior citizen center.

OHCE Executive Committee Meeting

County Combined Events County/Department: Woodward. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Tag: OHCE. Cost: $0. Contact Name: Jennifer Hedges. Contact Email: jennifer.hedges@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 5802543391. Members Only: Yes. Friday, March 7, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. 108 Temple Houston Drive Woodward, OK.

Career Chat: Creating a Dynamic CV

Ferguson College of Agriculture Learn how to use information from your resume to build a dynamic curriculum vitae that is sure to make you stand out to employers. This is event is open to master's students only.  RSVP by March 6: https://slate.okstate.edu/manage/login?realm=&r=/register/?id=3ab1bacd-704b-492a-862e-4635f42b51f5. Building: AGRICULTURAL HALL. Type of Event: One-time event. Room: AG 110. Category: Academic. Audience: Students. Contact Name: Chelsea Arnold. Contact Phone: 405-744-9464. Contact Email: chelsea.j.arnold@okstate.edu. Friday, March 7, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM.

Creek County Master Gardener Training

County Combined Events This Master Gardener Training class will be for individuals wanting to join and volunteer in the Creek County OSU Extension Master Gardener. The application for the program can be found at the link provided.  More information can be found on the Creek County OSU Extension Website. County/Department: Creek. Program Area Calendar(s): Agriculture and Natural Resources. Rural Development. Tag: Farming/Gardening. Garden. Gardener Class. Master Gardener. Cost: $150. Contact Name: Olivia Toothman. Contact Email: olivia.toothman@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 9182242192. Members Only: Yes. Friday, March 7, 2025, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Creek County Extension Office 17806 W Hwy 66 Kellyville, OK 74039. For more info visit forms.office.com.

Co-Parenting for Resiliency

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience classes from OSU Extension help the children of divorcing  parents overcome the effects of divorce more quickly and is approved by the Oklahoma court system. County/Department: Murray. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Cost: $35.00. Contact Name: Debbie Sharp. Contact Email: debbie.sharp@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-622-3016. Friday, March 7, 2025, 5:00 PM – 7:30 PM. 3490 Highway 7 West Sulphur, OK 73086 (Expo grounds).

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Saturday, March 8, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Crianza Compartida (Clase para padres divorciandose)

County Combined Events Crianza Compartida es la clase requerida por la corte de Oklahoma para padres quienes se estan divorciando y quienes tienen hijos menores de dad. County/Department: Oklahoma. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Crianza Compartida. Cost: $35. Contact Name: Lisa Hamblin. Contact Email: lisa.hamblin@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-713-1125. Saturday, March 8, 2025, 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM. OSU-OKC John Kirkpatrick Building, 400 N. Portland, OKC, 73107. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Sunday, March 9, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Monday, March 10, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Stay Strong Stay Healthy

County Combined Events In-person exercise class for the mature audience.  It is an evidence-based strength training program.  The 8 week program includes exercises to increase muscle strength, improve balance, enhances flexibility, strengthens bones lifts depression and reduces stress.  Classes include a warm up, 8 strengthening exercises and cool-down stretches. County/Department: Garfield. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Tag: FCS. Fun and Fellowship. Health & Wellness. Mental Health. Nutrition. Cost: $0. Contact Name: Joy Rhodes. Contact Email: joy.rhodes@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-237-1228. Members Only: No. Monday, March 10, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. 316 East Oxford Enid, OK 73701.

Prairie Rose OHCE

County Combined Events County/Department: Woodward. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Tag: OHCE. Cost: $0. Contact Name: Jennifer Hedges. Contact Email: jennifer.hedges@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 5802543391. Monday, March 10, 2025, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM. 108 Temple Houston Drive Woodward, OK.

4-H Leader's Meeting

County Combined Events Monthly 4-H Parents, Leaders, Volunteer, and Teen Officer Meeting to discuss upcoming events. County/Department: Ottawa. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Rural Development. Tag: 4-H. 4-H Leaders, 4-H Parents, 4-H Volunteers. 4-H Leaders/Volunteers, 4-H Teen Leaders. Contact Name: Spirit Cox. Contact Email: spirit.cox@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 9185421688. Monday, March 10, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM. 123 E Central Ave. Miami, OK 74354.

2025 Oklahoma Youth Expo Schedule

County Combined Events County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Tag: 4-H. 4-H, Livestock, Livestock Judging, Judging. Contact Name: Dr. Steve Beck. Contact Email: steve.beck@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-744-5394. Tuesday, March 11, 2025 – Friday, March 21, 2025. OKC State Fair Arena. For more info visit okyouthexpo.com.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Tuesday, March 11, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

County Clerk Duties Review I

County Combined Events County Clerk Duties Review I (6 Hours), This course reviews the duties and responsibilities of the county clerk using the Handbook for County Clerks of Oklahoma as the text. You will learn about the Governmental Tort Act; the office of the county clerk; the general county clerk duties; boards, meetings, publications and notices; and budgets. This course includes short lectures provided by county clerks and deputies, as well as small group discussions of prepared questions and questions that you may have on the day of the course. This course encourages “round table” discussion of the day-to-day operations of the clerk’s office and how to meet the requirements of the law while still providing service to the citizens. County/Department: Agricultural Economics. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Ag Research. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Cost: 65.00. Contact Name: Shelly Stevenson. Contact Email: shelly.stevenson@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-744-6160. Members Only: No. Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Canadian Valley Technology Center Yukon Location Seminar Center. For more info visit ctp-aceweb.okstate.edu.

Washington County Master Gardener Training

County Combined Events Enrollment is now open for our 2025 Master Gardener course! Participants in this program will undergo in-depth classroom training from OSU state specialists. After their training is completed, the participants engage with Oklahoma gardening enthusiasts in activities and services coordinated through local OSU Extension offices and centers. , To enroll: register/pay at our office located at 205 E 12th St. Dewey, OK by December 9th. , For more information: email Kennedy at kennedy.mccall@okstate.edu or call our office at 918-534-2216. County/Department: Washington. Program Area Calendar(s): Ag Research. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Rural Development. Cost: New: $100; Returning: $30. Contact Name: Kennedy McCall. Contact Email: kennedy.mccall@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 9185342216. Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM. Tri County Technology Center 6101 Nowata Rd. Bartlesville, OK 74006. For more info visit www.facebook.com.

Cooking for One

County Combined Events County/Department: Woodward. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Tag: budgeting. Food Preservation. Food Safety. Cost: $0. Contact Name: Jennifer Hedges. Contact Email: jennifer.hedges@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 5802543391. Members Only: Yes. Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM. Woodward Public Library.

Stay Strong Stay Healthy

County Combined Events Stay Strong, Stay Healthy, a Strength Building Program, You can start on the road to better health with the Stay Strong, Stay Healthy program, an eight-week course of one-hour, twice-weekly classes. The evidence-based program, is built on simple, strength-building exercises that will improve balance, health and, state of mind. No, it’s not strenuous weight-lifting. You’ll start at a level that’s right for, you. No one is too inactive to participate. Building strength promotes quality of life and, independence, especially for adults over age 60. Contact the OSU Extension Office ASAP to reserve your spot in this class and pick up a registration packet. County/Department: Cherokee. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: Health & Wellness. Contact Name: Heather Winn. Contact Email: heather.winn@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 9184566163. Members Only: Yes. Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM. Cherokee County Livestock Arena 1475 N. Douglas Avenue Tahlequah, OK.

Center for Creative Living Lunch and Learn

County Combined Events Keys to Embracing Aging -Part 1. County/Department: Comanche. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Contact Name: Carol Hart. Contact Email: carol.hart@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-355-1176. Members Only: No. Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 11:45 AM – 12:15 PM. Center for Creative Living Lawton, OK.

Career Chat: What If?

Ferguson College of Agriculture RSVP by March 10: https://slate.okstate.edu/manage/login?realm=&r=/register/?id=14c49faf-9851-40fa-bd01-f8ce75f13abd. Building: AGRICULTURAL HALL. Type of Event: One-time event. Room: AG 110. Category: Academic. Audience: Students. Contact Name: Chelsea Arnold. Contact Phone: 405-744-9464. Contact Email: chelsea.j.arnold@okstate.edu. Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM.

Soda Bread Workshop

County Combined Events Call 405-713-1125 to pay and reserve a spot. , Class size limited to 10. , Discover the art of making Irish Soda Bread in this hands-on workshop. You'll be guided through the step-by-step process of mixing, shaping, and baking these rustic loaves from scratch. Plus, learn how to craft homemade honey butter to complement the bread. Along the way, dive into the bread's rich history and master traditional baking techniques. County/Department: Oklahoma. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: Bread Making. FCS. Cost: $10. Contact Name: Taylor Conner. Contact Email: taylor.conner@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-713-1125. Members Only: No. Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Oklahoma County OSU Extension 2500 NE 63rd St. Oklahoma City, OK 73111.

Professional Headshots

Ferguson College of Agriculture Need an updated photo for your job search or LinkedIn profile? Ferguson College of Agriculture Career Services is hosting a free Professional Headshots event for students. Building: AGRICULTURAL HALL. Type of Event: One-time event. Room: AG 101. Category: Academic. Audience: Students. Contact Name: Chelsea Arnold. Contact Phone: 405-744-9464. Contact Email: fergusoninfo@okstate.edu. Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.

Study and Snacks

Ferguson College of Agriculture Room: AG 101, Student Success Center. Building: AGRICULTURAL HALL. Type of Event: Ongoing event. Room: AG 101. Category: Academic. Audience: Students. Contact Name: Arakssi Ashakian. Contact Phone: (405) 744-9464. Contact Email: fergusoninfo@okstate.edu. Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 4:30 PM – 8:00 PM.

Honey Bees

County Combined Events County/Department: Dewey. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Contact Name: Jean Bailey. Contact Email: jean.bailey@okstate.edu. Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. First Baptist Church, Seiling OK.

4-H Ignite Summit

County Combined Events County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Tag: 4-H. Contact Name: Dr. Steve Beck. Contact Email: ok4h@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-744-5394. Wednesday, March 12, 2025 – Sunday, March 16, 2025. Washington, D.C.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Wednesday, March 12, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

The Homemade Food Freedom Act Workshop

Food and Agricultural Product Center The  Homemade Food Freedom Act allows a broad range of food products to be produced and sold out of the home within the state of Oklahoma without a health department licensing.  Specific training requirements, such as this workshop, are required before doing so. The training will focus on: Explaining the new law, what foods are allowed and not allowed Labeling Allergens Good Manufacturing Practices Liabilities and Legalities  Food Safety pH and Water Activity This full day training session will begin at 8:30am.  **Lunch will be included. Type of Event: One-time event. Category: Community. Academic. Professional Development. Audience: Public. Cost: $35.00. Contact Name: Karen Smith. Contact Phone: 405-744-6277. Contact Email: karenl.smith@okstate.edu. Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM. Tulsa County Extension Auditorium Gate 6 of the Fair Ground 4116 E 15th St Tulsa, OK 74112.

Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events MUST CALL to Register. $30.00 fee must be paid with cash, money order or cashier's/personal check, no debit or credit cards accepted. Class is subject to be rescheduled due low enrollment. , , Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class also satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of, minor children in Oklahoma. County/Department: Carter. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $30.00. Contact Name: Danielle Wells. Contact Email: danielle.l.wells@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-223-6570. Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Carter County OSU Extension 25 A Street NW, Suite 200 Ardmore, OK 73401. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

County Clerk Duties Review II

County Combined Events County Clerk Duties Review II (6 Hours), This course reviews the duties and responsibilities of the county clerk using the Handbook for County Clerks of Oklahoma as the text. You will learn about the county accounting system, payroll, recording and filing, filing liens and judgements, and disbursements. This course includes short lectures provided by county clerks and deputies, as well as small group discussions of prepared questions and questions that you may have on the day of the course. This course encourages “round table” discussion of the day-to-day operations of the clerk’s office and how to meet the requirements of the law while still providing service to the citizens. County/Department: Agricultural Economics. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Ag Research. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Cost: 65.00. Contact Name: Shelly Stevenson. Contact Email: shelly.stevenson@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-744-6160. Members Only: No. Event Type: Virtual. Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Canadian Valley Technology Center Yukon Location Seminar Center. For more info visit ctp-aceweb.okstate.edu.

Stay Strong, Stay Healhty

County Combined Events County/Department: Dewey. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Contact Name: Jean Bailey. Contact Email: jean.bailey@okstate.edu. Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Seiling senior citizen center.

Multi-County Master Gardener Executive Meeting

County Combined Events Multi-County Master Gardener officers and committee chairs meet for planning and organizational purposes on the second Wednesday of each month, except December.  Members may attend if they have business to discuss. County/Department: Pottawatomie. Program Area Calendar(s): Agriculture and Natural Resources. Tag: Master Gardener. Contact Name: Carla Smith. Contact Email: carlasm@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 4052737683. Members Only: Yes. Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM. Pottawatomie County OSU Extension Office - Cowboy Classroom 14001 Acme Road Shawnee, OK 74804.

Beginning Farmer and Rancher Lunchtime Learning Series

County Combined Events The Beginning Farmer and Rancher Lunchtime Learning webinar series will provide weekly content on a variety of topics of importance to beginning producers. Session will include information on business planning, taxes, business entities, enterprise budgeting, loans and grants, and much more.  , https://www.canva.com/design/DAGe2KnFTKs/YAgiW43VXpHQVsrcrm0Hfw/view?utm_content=DAGe2KnFTKs&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=uniquelinks&utlId=h40df41b06a. Online Location: Zoom. County/Department: Agricultural Economics. Program Area Calendar(s): Agriculture and Natural Resources. Tag: beginning farmer and rancher. Budget, Finance, Money, Savings. budgeting. Entrepreneurship. Cost: FREE. Contact Name: Joshua Campbell. Contact Email: joshua.campbell@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 4057441721. Event Type: Virtual. Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM. For more info visit okstate-edu.zoom.us.

Beginning Farmer and Rancher Lunchtime Learning Series

County Combined Events The Beginning Farmer and Rancher Lunchtime Learning webinar series will provide weekly opportunities for beginning farmers and ranchers to engage with a variety of topics important for new agricultural enterprises with sesions ranging business planning, farm taxes, enterprise budgeting, grants and loans, wholesale and e-commerce platforms, and more.  , https://www.canva.com/design/DAGe2KnFTKs/YAgiW43VXpHQVsrcrm0Hfw/view?utm_content=DAGe2KnFTKs&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=uniquelinks&utlId=h40df41b06a. Online Location: Zoom. County/Department: Agricultural Economics. Program Area Calendar(s): Agriculture and Natural Resources. Tag: beginning farmer and rancher. Cost: FREE. Contact Name: Joshua Campbell. Contact Email: joshua.campbell@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 4057441721. Event Type: Virtual. Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM. For more info visit okstate-edu.zoom.us.

Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning effective strategies to promote their children's healthy adjustment to their parent's separation. This class also satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. coparenting.okstate.edu. County/Department: Canadian. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $35, pre-registration is required. Contact Name: Marissa Barger. Contact Email: marissa.barger@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-262-0155. Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM. Mabel C Fry Library 1200 Lakeshore Dr, Yukon, Ok 73099.

Stay Strong Stay Healthy

County Combined Events In-person exercise class for the mature audience.  It is an evidence-based strength training program.  The 8 week program includes exercises to increase muscle strength, improve balance, enhances flexibility, strengthens bones lifts depression and reduces stress.  Classes include a warm up, 8 strengthening exercises and cool-down stretches. County/Department: Garfield. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Tag: FCS. Fun and Fellowship. Health & Wellness. Mental Health. Nutrition. Cost: $0. Contact Name: Joy Rhodes. Contact Email: joy.rhodes@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-237-1228. Members Only: No. Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. 316 East Oxford Enid, OK 73701.

Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events County/Department: LeFlore. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $35.00, cash or check made out to OSU Extension. Contact Name: Danette Russell. Contact Email: danette.russell@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 9186478231. Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM. LeFlore Co. OSU Extension 103 N. Church St. Poteau, OK 74953.

Study and Snacks

Ferguson College of Agriculture Room: AG 101, Student Success Center. Building: AGRICULTURAL HALL. Type of Event: Ongoing event. Room: AG 101. Category: Academic. Audience: Students. Contact Name: Arakssi Ashakian. Contact Phone: (405) 744-9464. Contact Email: fergusoninfo@okstate.edu. Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 4:30 PM – 8:00 PM.

Online Course: Co-Parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-Parenting for Resilience: Helping Parents Help their Children. Divorcing and separating couples will benefit by learning techniques to transition into their new "co-parenting" lifestyle and by learning effective strategies to promote their children’s healthy adjustment to their parent’s separation. This class satisfies the court mandated requirement for divorcing/separating couples and those seeking custody, visitation or paternity of minor children in Oklahoma. Please confirm that your Judge/Local Court accepts the online version of our course before registering. The online course option is self-paced for your convenience and you will have up to 60 days to complete the course once payment is made.  You may start on any day and the course is available to access 24 hours a day. Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion to turn into the court system. To register for the online course in English: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/… Online Location: https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/co-parenting/online-class/index.html. County/Department: Statewide. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $55. Contact Name: OSU Co-Parenting Program. Contact Email: coparenting@okstate.edu. Thursday, March 13, 2025. For more info visit extension.okstate.edu.

Court Clerk Destruction of Records Training

County Combined Events Court Clerk Destruction of Records (4 Hours), This course is for court clerks and their employees. You will learn the length of time, type of record, and manner of destruction for the various records by statute and approved by court order. This course also identifies the preservation of various records required by statute. You will study the inventory disposal responsibilities of district court clerks and the manner or method of disposal, including the types of inventory which require a judge's order before disposal. Online Location: ZOOM. County/Department: Agricultural Economics. Program Area Calendar(s): 4-H. Ag Research. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Family Consumer Sciences. Rural Development. Cost: 40.00. Contact Name: Shelly Stevenson. Contact Email: shelly.stevenson@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 405-744-6160. Members Only: No. Event Type: Virtual. Thursday, March 13, 2025, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM. For more info visit ctp-aceweb.okstate.edu.

Canning - Marmalade Workshop

County Combined Events Focusing on the Water Bath Canning aspect of Food Preservation. , Pre-registration and payment required by: 3.7.25, cash or check payments accepted in person or by mail @ OSU Tulsa County Extension, 4116 E. 15th St. Tulsa, 74112. (Credit/Debit Cards are not accepted.) Office open from 8 am to 4:30 pm weekdays. Limited number of participants in each workshop. For more information, please call 918-746-3706. County/Department: Tulsa. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: Canning. FCS. Food Preservation. Food Safety. Cost: 20.00. Contact Name: Stacey Jones. Contact Email: stacey.jones11@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 918-746-3721. Members Only: Yes. Thursday, March 13, 2025, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM. OSU Tulsa County Extension Center Auditorium 4116 E. 15th Street Tulsa, OK 74112.

Checotah OHCE Meeting

County Combined Events Come check out our OHCE group.  If you would like to participate in OHCE please contact our office at 918-689-7772 or show up at the meeting and we can give you more details. Oklahoma Home and Community Education, Inc. (OHCE) is a statewide, county-based organization that has a unique partnership with Oklahoma State University and OSU Extension. Local members seek to develop leadership skills and strengthen families in their respective communities. County/Department: McIntosh. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: FCS. OHCE. Cost: $25 yearly. Contact Name: Michelle Marston. Contact Email: michelle.marston@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 918-689-7772. Members Only: No. Thursday, March 13, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM. Checotah Senior Activity Center 611 N Broadway St, Checotah, OK 74426.

Stay Strong Stay Healthy

County Combined Events Stay Strong, Stay Healthy, a Strength Building Program, You can start on the road to better health with the Stay Strong, Stay Healthy program, an eight-week course of one-hour, twice-weekly classes. The evidence-based program, is built on simple, strength-building exercises that will improve balance, health and, state of mind. No, it’s not strenuous weight-lifting. You’ll start at a level that’s right for, you. No one is too inactive to participate. Building strength promotes quality of life and, independence, especially for adults over age 60. Contact the OSU Extension Office ASAP to reserve your spot in this class and pick up a registration packet. County/Department: Cherokee. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: Health & Wellness. Contact Name: Heather Winn. Contact Email: heather.winn@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 9184566163. Members Only: Yes. Thursday, March 13, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM. Cherokee County Livestock Arena 1475 N. Douglas Avenue Tahlequah, OK.

Co-parenting for Resilience

County Combined Events Co-parenting through divorce class. In-person. Cherokee, OK. County/Department: Alfalfa. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: co-parenting. Cost: $35. Contact Name: Megan Ferrell. Contact Email: megan.ferrell@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 580-596-3131. Thursday, March 13, 2025, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Cherokee, OK.

Honey Bees

County Combined Events County/Department: Dewey. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Contact Name: Jean Bailey. Contact Email: jean.bailey@okstate.edu. Thursday, March 13, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM. Camargo Community Center.

Study and Snacks

Ferguson College of Agriculture Room: AG 101, Student Success Center. Building: AGRICULTURAL HALL. Type of Event: Ongoing event. Room: AG 101. Category: Academic. Audience: Students. Contact Name: Arakssi Ashakian. Contact Phone: (405) 744-9464. Contact Email: fergusoninfo@okstate.edu. Thursday, March 13, 2025, 4:30 PM – 8:00 PM.

Checotah OHCE Meeting

County Combined Events Come check out our OHCE group.  If you would like to participate in OHCE please contact our office at 918-689-7772 or show up at the meeting and we can give you more details. Oklahoma Home and Community Education, Inc. (OHCE) is a statewide, county-based organization that has a unique partnership with Oklahoma State University and OSU Extension. Local members seek to develop leadership skills and strengthen families in their respective communities. County/Department: McIntosh. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: FCS. OHCE. Cost: $25 yearly. Contact Name: Michelle Marston. Contact Email: michelle.marston@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 918-689-7772. Members Only: No. Thursday, March 13, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. McIntosh Co OSU Ext Office 311 N Broadway St, Checotah, OK 74426.

Papas Fuertes - Strong Dad's Cohort 7

County Combined Events The Strong Dads/Papás Fuertes program is an evidence-based fatherhood program used by hundreds of organizations across the nation to improve the knowledge, behavior, and skills of dads of all races, religions, and demographics.  The program is built on the basis that fathers can be nurturers, and for men, nurturing is a learned skill. Any male in a parental role can participate (a stepdad, a male whose girlfriend has children, an expecting dad or male who is planning a family etc.).  The classes are once a week for 12 weeks.  Each class is two hours.  The classes can support 12 to 14 dads max.  Registration is open to the public, but you must pre-register.  These classes are in Spanish.  We will be providing a meal and $10 gas cards at each class.  In addition, the fathers have an opportunity to earn $100 total in Walmart Gift cards upon completing the course. County/Department: Tulsa. Program Area Calendar(s): Family Consumer Sciences. Tag: Fatherhood. Parenting. Cost: 0.00. Contact Name: Maritza Martinez. Contact Email: maritza.freese@okstate.edu. Contact Phone: 918-746-3712. Members Only: Yes. Thursday, March 13, 2025, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM. El Centro 1801 S. Garnett Road Tulsa, OK 74128.