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CMBC LECTURE | Katherine Kinzler "TBD"

"TBD". University Event Topic: Lectures & Meetings. School: Emory College. Department / Organization: Center for Mind Brain and Culture. Meeting Organizer/Sponsor: Center for Mind, Brain, and Culture. Speaker/Presenter: Katherine Kinzler  Professor of Psychology | University of Chicago. Event Open To: Emory Community. Cost: Free. Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM. TBD.

CMBC LECTURE | Anna Ivanova "TBD"

"TBD". University Event Topic: Lectures & Meetings. School: Emory College. Department / Organization: Center for Mind Brain and Culture. Meeting Organizer/Sponsor: Center for Mind, Brain, and Culture. Series: CMBC Lectures. Speaker/Presenter: Anna Ivanova Assistant Professor of Psychology | Georgia Institute of Technology. Event Open To: Emory Community. Cost: Free. Thursday, September 19, 2024, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM. TBD.