Office of Finance

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Reimbursement/Payment Documents Submission Cut-Off Date (12 noon) to OFIN [Mar'25 Run 1]

Notes: 1) For vendor invoices for both PO and non PO purchases, processing of payment will be as per payment terms stated in SMU PO (i.e. 30 days). 2) Submission date is the date that the documents are received by OFIN-AP. 3) For travel claims, it must be duly approved in the system before the documents submission cut-off date.  For example, upon completion of trip, claimant submits documents to OFIN-AP on 28 Feb 25 (Mar'25 Run 1).  HOD approves the trip in TM system on 7 Mar 25 (i.e. after 28 Feb 25 but before Mar'25 Run 2 submission cut-off date on 14 Mar 25).  The estimated date to receive payment will be within 12 working days after 14 Mar 25 (Mar'25 Run 2). 4) For all complete set of duly approved documents, you can expect payees' bank accounts to be credited (i.e. monies received) within 12 working days from the documents submission cut-off date, subject to the credit term under note… Subtitle: 1st document submission cut-off date to OFIN-AP by 12 noon for Mar'25 payment. Term Week: Week. Subject: Finance & Admin. Type: Payment for Student/Staff/Vendor. Audience: SMU Faculty & Staff. Critical Date: No. Friday, February 28, 2025.

Reimbursement/Payment Documents Submission Cut-Off Date (12 noon) to OFIN [Mar'25 Run 2]

Notes: 1) For vendor invoices for both PO and non PO purchases, processing of payment will be as per payment terms stated in SMU PO (i.e. 30 days). 2) Submission date is the date that the documents are received by OFIN-AP. 3) For travel claims, it must be duly approved in the system before the documents submission cut-off date.  For example, upon completion of trip, claimant submits documents to OFIN-AP on 14 Mar 25 (Mar'25 Run 2).  HOD approves the trip in TM system on 19 Mar 25 (i.e. after 14 Mar 25 but before Apr'25 Run 1 submission cut-off date on 28 Mar 25).  The estimated date to receive payment will be within 12 working days after 28 Mar 25 (Apr'25 Run 1). 4) For all complete set of duly approved documents, you can expect payees' bank accounts to be credited (i.e. monies received) within 12 working days from the documents submission cut-off date, subject to the credit term under note (1). Subtitle: 2nd document submission cut-off date to OFIN-AP by 12 noon for Mar'25 payment. Term Week: Week. Subject: Finance & Admin. Type: Payment for Student/Staff/Vendor. Audience: SMU Faculty & Staff. Critical Date: No. Friday, March 14, 2025.