San Antonio Public Library » Carver

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Topper's Car Maintenance for Men and Women

Properly maintaining your vehicle will not only ensure its safety and dependability. It will also increase fuel efficiency and save you money along the way. Please join us for this informative class on automobile maintenance where you'll get helpful tips. Branch Location: Carver Library. Room: Meeting Room. Event Type(s): Classes & Instruction. Staff Contact Name: DL Grant. Staff Contact Number/Email: 210-207-9180. Presenter/Instructor: David Hamilton of I Need A Lift, Inc. Audience: Family. Additional Info: Free! Bring a friend. Saturday, July 27, 2024, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.

Carver Crochet Club

Come and join us! Joining a crochet club is a wonderful way to engage in a fulfilling hobby, connect with like minded individuals, and potentially make a positive impact in your community. Whether you're interested in crocheting for personal use or for charity, a club can offer you the opportunity to learn new techniques, share your skills with others, and contribute to meaningful causes. We use the traditional style of crocheting for making scarves and we use a loom for making beanies. Branch Location: Carver Library. Event Type(s): Arts & Crafts. Staff Contact Name: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Staff Contact Number/Email: Presenter/Instructor: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Audience: Adults. Older Adults. Featured Event: Learn at SAPL. Tuesday, July 30, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM.

Chair Yoga

Join us for Chair Yoga! It's the perfect place to start for yoga beginners and those interested in low impact exercise and stretching. Branch Location: Carver Library. Room: Meeting Room. Event Type(s): Classes & Instruction. Staff Contact Name: Deanna Sutton. Staff Contact Number/Email: Presenter/Instructor: Gloria Simmons. Audience: Adults. Older Adults. Wednesday, July 31, 2024, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM.

Tai Chi

Learn calming movements that promote mind and body wellness. This class is for adults at all fitness levels. Branch Location: Carver Library. Room: Meeting Room. Event Type(s): Health & Fitness. Staff Event Type(s): Health & Fitness. Staff Contact Name: D L Grant. Staff Contact Number/Email: Presenter/Instructor: Anita Rogers. Audience: Older Adults. Thursday, August 1, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.

Carver Breast Cancer Support Group

This group offers a safe and nurturing space where survivors, current battlers and their loved ones can openly discuss their experiences, challenges, and triumphs. Whether sharing personal stories, offering advice, or seeking guidance, the group provides a platform for survivors and their support networks to connect, learn from one another, and find solace in knowing they are not alone. Branch Location: Carver Library. Room: Meeting Room. Event Type(s): Community. Staff Contact Name: Shauna Mendoza. Staff Contact Number/Email: 210-207-9249/ Presenter/Instructor: Shauna Mendoza. Audience: Adults. Older Adults. Featured Event: Learn at SAPL. Additional Info: Join us!! Monday, August 5, 2024, 6:00 AM – 7:30 AM.

Carver Crochet Club

Come and join us! Joining a crochet club is a wonderful way to engage in a fulfilling hobby, connect with like minded individuals, and potentially make a positive impact in your community. Whether you're interested in crocheting for personal use or for charity, a club can offer you the opportunity to learn new techniques, share your skills with others, and contribute to meaningful causes. We use the traditional style of crocheting for making scarves and we use a loom for making beanies. Branch Location: Carver Library. Event Type(s): Arts & Crafts. Staff Contact Name: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Staff Contact Number/Email: Presenter/Instructor: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Audience: Adults. Older Adults. Featured Event: Learn at SAPL. Tuesday, August 6, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM.

Tai Chi

Learn calming movements that promote mind and body wellness. This class is for adults at all fitness levels. Branch Location: Carver Library. Room: Meeting Room. Event Type(s): Health & Fitness. Staff Event Type(s): Health & Fitness. Staff Contact Name: D L Grant. Staff Contact Number/Email: Presenter/Instructor: Anita Rogers. Audience: Older Adults. Thursday, August 8, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.

Carver Crochet Club

Come and join us! Joining a crochet club is a wonderful way to engage in a fulfilling hobby, connect with like minded individuals, and potentially make a positive impact in your community. Whether you're interested in crocheting for personal use or for charity, a club can offer you the opportunity to learn new techniques, share your skills with others, and contribute to meaningful causes. We use the traditional style of crocheting for making scarves and we use a loom for making beanies. Branch Location: Carver Library. Event Type(s): Arts & Crafts. Staff Contact Name: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Staff Contact Number/Email: Presenter/Instructor: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Audience: Adults. Older Adults. Featured Event: Learn at SAPL. Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM.

Tai Chi

Learn calming movements that promote mind and body wellness. This class is for adults at all fitness levels. Branch Location: Carver Library. Room: Meeting Room. Event Type(s): Health & Fitness. Staff Event Type(s): Health & Fitness. Staff Contact Name: D L Grant. Staff Contact Number/Email: Presenter/Instructor: Anita Rogers. Audience: Older Adults. Thursday, August 15, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.

Talking Bees Roadshow

Master Beekeeper Konrad Bouffard of Round Rock Honey shares his vast knowledge of the wonder of bees. Learn all about these fascinating pollinators and how they make honey, learn to identify pollens and nectars in honey by taste and discover meaningful ways to save the bee. Branch Location: Carver Library. Room: Meeting Room. Event Type(s): Presentation & Lecture. Staff Contact Name: DL Grant. Staff Contact Number/Email: 210-207-9180. Presenter/Instructor: Konrad Bouffard. Audience: Adults. Older Adults. Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM.

Carver Crochet Club

Come and join us! Joining a crochet club is a wonderful way to engage in a fulfilling hobby, connect with like minded individuals, and potentially make a positive impact in your community. Whether you're interested in crocheting for personal use or for charity, a club can offer you the opportunity to learn new techniques, share your skills with others, and contribute to meaningful causes. We use the traditional style of crocheting for making scarves and we use a loom for making beanies. Branch Location: Carver Library. Event Type(s): Arts & Crafts. Staff Contact Name: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Staff Contact Number/Email: Presenter/Instructor: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Audience: Adults. Older Adults. Featured Event: Learn at SAPL. Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM.

Tai Chi

Learn calming movements that promote mind and body wellness. This class is for adults at all fitness levels. Branch Location: Carver Library. Room: Meeting Room. Event Type(s): Health & Fitness. Staff Event Type(s): Health & Fitness. Staff Contact Name: D L Grant. Staff Contact Number/Email: Presenter/Instructor: Anita Rogers. Audience: Older Adults. Thursday, August 22, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.

Carver Crochet Club

Come and join us! Joining a crochet club is a wonderful way to engage in a fulfilling hobby, connect with like minded individuals, and potentially make a positive impact in your community. Whether you're interested in crocheting for personal use or for charity, a club can offer you the opportunity to learn new techniques, share your skills with others, and contribute to meaningful causes. We use the traditional style of crocheting for making scarves and we use a loom for making beanies. Branch Location: Carver Library. Event Type(s): Arts & Crafts. Staff Contact Name: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Staff Contact Number/Email: Presenter/Instructor: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Audience: Adults. Older Adults. Featured Event: Learn at SAPL. Tuesday, August 27, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM.

Tai Chi

Learn calming movements that promote mind and body wellness. This class is for adults at all fitness levels. Branch Location: Carver Library. Room: Meeting Room. Event Type(s): Health & Fitness. Staff Event Type(s): Health & Fitness. Staff Contact Name: D L Grant. Staff Contact Number/Email: Presenter/Instructor: Anita Rogers. Audience: Older Adults. Thursday, August 29, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.

Labor Day

All libraries will be closed in observance of Labor Day. Monday, September 2, 2024. All Locations.

Carver Crochet Club

Come and join us! Joining a crochet club is a wonderful way to engage in a fulfilling hobby, connect with like minded individuals, and potentially make a positive impact in your community. Whether you're interested in crocheting for personal use or for charity, a club can offer you the opportunity to learn new techniques, share your skills with others, and contribute to meaningful causes. We use the traditional style of crocheting for making scarves and we use a loom for making beanies. Branch Location: Carver Library. Event Type(s): Arts & Crafts. Staff Contact Name: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Staff Contact Number/Email: Presenter/Instructor: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Audience: Adults. Older Adults. Featured Event: Learn at SAPL. Tuesday, September 3, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM.

Carver Breast Cancer Support Group

This group offers a safe and nurturing space where survivors, current battlers and their loved ones can openly discuss their experiences, challenges, and triumphs. Whether sharing personal stories, offering advice, or seeking guidance, the group provides a platform for survivors and their support networks to connect, learn from one another, and find solace in knowing they are not alone. Branch Location: Carver Library. Room: Meeting Room. Event Type(s): Community. Staff Contact Name: Shauna Mendoza. Staff Contact Number/Email: 210-207-9249/ Presenter/Instructor: Shauna Mendoza. Audience: Adults. Older Adults. Featured Event: Learn at SAPL. Additional Info: Join us!! Monday, September 9, 2024, 6:00 AM – 7:30 AM.

Carver Crochet Club

Come and join us! Joining a crochet club is a wonderful way to engage in a fulfilling hobby, connect with like minded individuals, and potentially make a positive impact in your community. Whether you're interested in crocheting for personal use or for charity, a club can offer you the opportunity to learn new techniques, share your skills with others, and contribute to meaningful causes. We use the traditional style of crocheting for making scarves and we use a loom for making beanies. Branch Location: Carver Library. Event Type(s): Arts & Crafts. Staff Contact Name: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Staff Contact Number/Email: Presenter/Instructor: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Audience: Adults. Older Adults. Featured Event: Learn at SAPL. Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM.

Staff In-Service

All San Antonio Public Library locations will operate on a modified schedule on Friday, September 13 for staff professional development. Locations will open at 2:00 pm and close at their regularly scheduled time at 6:00 pm. Friday, September 13, 2024, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM. All Locations closed from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm.

Carver Crochet Club

Come and join us! Joining a crochet club is a wonderful way to engage in a fulfilling hobby, connect with like minded individuals, and potentially make a positive impact in your community. Whether you're interested in crocheting for personal use or for charity, a club can offer you the opportunity to learn new techniques, share your skills with others, and contribute to meaningful causes. We use the traditional style of crocheting for making scarves and we use a loom for making beanies. Branch Location: Carver Library. Event Type(s): Arts & Crafts. Staff Contact Name: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Staff Contact Number/Email: Presenter/Instructor: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Audience: Adults. Older Adults. Featured Event: Learn at SAPL. Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM.

Carver Crochet Club

Come and join us! Joining a crochet club is a wonderful way to engage in a fulfilling hobby, connect with like minded individuals, and potentially make a positive impact in your community. Whether you're interested in crocheting for personal use or for charity, a club can offer you the opportunity to learn new techniques, share your skills with others, and contribute to meaningful causes. We use the traditional style of crocheting for making scarves and we use a loom for making beanies. Branch Location: Carver Library. Event Type(s): Arts & Crafts. Staff Contact Name: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Staff Contact Number/Email: Presenter/Instructor: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Audience: Adults. Older Adults. Featured Event: Learn at SAPL. Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM.

Carver Crochet Club

Come and join us! Joining a crochet club is a wonderful way to engage in a fulfilling hobby, connect with like minded individuals, and potentially make a positive impact in your community. Whether you're interested in crocheting for personal use or for charity, a club can offer you the opportunity to learn new techniques, share your skills with others, and contribute to meaningful causes. We use the traditional style of crocheting for making scarves and we use a loom for making beanies. Branch Location: Carver Library. Event Type(s): Arts & Crafts. Staff Contact Name: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Staff Contact Number/Email: Presenter/Instructor: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Audience: Adults. Older Adults. Featured Event: Learn at SAPL. Tuesday, October 1, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM.

Carver Breast Cancer Support Group

This group offers a safe and nurturing space where survivors, current battlers and their loved ones can openly discuss their experiences, challenges, and triumphs. Whether sharing personal stories, offering advice, or seeking guidance, the group provides a platform for survivors and their support networks to connect, learn from one another, and find solace in knowing they are not alone. Branch Location: Carver Library. Room: Meeting Room. Event Type(s): Community. Staff Contact Name: Shauna Mendoza. Staff Contact Number/Email: 210-207-9249/ Presenter/Instructor: Shauna Mendoza. Audience: Adults. Older Adults. Featured Event: Learn at SAPL. Additional Info: Join us!! Monday, October 7, 2024, 6:00 AM – 7:30 AM.

Carver Crochet Club

Come and join us! Joining a crochet club is a wonderful way to engage in a fulfilling hobby, connect with like minded individuals, and potentially make a positive impact in your community. Whether you're interested in crocheting for personal use or for charity, a club can offer you the opportunity to learn new techniques, share your skills with others, and contribute to meaningful causes. We use the traditional style of crocheting for making scarves and we use a loom for making beanies. Branch Location: Carver Library. Event Type(s): Arts & Crafts. Staff Contact Name: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Staff Contact Number/Email: Presenter/Instructor: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Audience: Adults. Older Adults. Featured Event: Learn at SAPL. Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM.

Carver Crochet Club

Come and join us! Joining a crochet club is a wonderful way to engage in a fulfilling hobby, connect with like minded individuals, and potentially make a positive impact in your community. Whether you're interested in crocheting for personal use or for charity, a club can offer you the opportunity to learn new techniques, share your skills with others, and contribute to meaningful causes. We use the traditional style of crocheting for making scarves and we use a loom for making beanies. Branch Location: Carver Library. Event Type(s): Arts & Crafts. Staff Contact Name: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Staff Contact Number/Email: Presenter/Instructor: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Audience: Adults. Older Adults. Featured Event: Learn at SAPL. Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM.

Carver Crochet Club

Come and join us! Joining a crochet club is a wonderful way to engage in a fulfilling hobby, connect with like minded individuals, and potentially make a positive impact in your community. Whether you're interested in crocheting for personal use or for charity, a club can offer you the opportunity to learn new techniques, share your skills with others, and contribute to meaningful causes. We use the traditional style of crocheting for making scarves and we use a loom for making beanies. Branch Location: Carver Library. Event Type(s): Arts & Crafts. Staff Contact Name: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Staff Contact Number/Email: Presenter/Instructor: Marcel Martinez Alvarez. Audience: Adults. Older Adults. Featured Event: Learn at SAPL. Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM.