University of Idaho - SCI » Biological Sciences

Calendar for the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Idaho.

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Biological Sciences Seminar: Thomas Bosteels, Great Salt Lake Brine Shrimp Cooperative, Inc.

Thomas Bosteels, Great Salt Lake Brine Shrimp Cooperative, Inc. will present: "Great Salt Lake Artemia: An Essential Live Feed Supporting Marine Aquaculture Worldwide and a Case Study in Sustainable Management of a Hypersaline Artemia Resource.". University Location: TLC 029 - Teaching & Learning Center - Main Campus. SCI Departments: Department of Biological Sciences. Department of Chemistry. Department of Geography. Department of Geological Sciences. Department of Mathematics and Statistical Science. Department of Physics. Colloquia/Seminar/Symposium: Yes. Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:20 PM. For more info visit

Biological Sciences Seminar: Travis Wiles, University of California, Irvine

Travis Wiles, University of California, Irvine, will present: "Life, Death, & Symbiosis: Phollowing the hidden lives of gut bacteria and their viruses." This seminar is co-sponsored by Institute for Modeling Collaboration and Innovation (IMCI) at the University of Idaho. University Location: TLC 029 - Teaching & Learning Center - Main Campus. SCI Departments: Department of Biological Sciences. Department of Chemistry. Department of Geography. Department of Geological Sciences. Department of Mathematics and Statistical Science. Department of Physics. Colloquia/Seminar/Symposium: Yes. Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:20 PM. For more info visit

Biological Sciences Seminar: Jeanne Serb, Iowa State University

Jeanne Serb, Iowa State University, will present: " Seeing the Light, Tasting the Ocean: The Evolution of Sensory Systems in Bivalves." This seminar is co-sponsored by the Randall Seminar Series at the University of Idaho. . University Location: TLC 029 - Teaching & Learning Center - Main Campus. SCI Departments: Department of Biological Sciences. Department of Chemistry. Department of Geography. Department of Geological Sciences. Department of Mathematics and Statistical Science. Department of Physics. Colloquia/Seminar/Symposium: Yes. Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:20 PM. For more info visit

Biological Sciences Seminar: Ashley Farre, University of Idaho

Dr. Ashley Farre, University of Idaho, will present: "Neuroimmune Regulation of Visual Function.". University Location: TLC 029 - Teaching & Learning Center - Main Campus. SCI Departments: Department of Biological Sciences. Department of Chemistry. Department of Geography. Department of Mathematics and Statistical Science. Department of Physics. Colloquia/Seminar/Symposium: Yes. Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:20 PM.

Biological Sciences Seminar: Nora Cespedes Martinez, University of Idaho

Nora Cespedes Martinez, University of Idaho, will present: "The Type 2 Immune Response to Plasmodium Infection: Implications For Gut Homeostasis and Parasite Transmission In Malaria.". University Location: TLC 029 - Teaching & Learning Center - Main Campus. SCI Departments: Department of Biological Sciences. Department of Chemistry. Department of Geography. Department of Geological Sciences. Department of Mathematics and Statistical Science. Department of Physics. Colloquia/Seminar/Symposium: Yes. Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:20 PM. For more info visit

Biological Sciences Seminar: G3 Talks

Graduate students Isabel Hunsberger (Johnson Lab) and Jennifer Wilcox (Wichman-Miller Joint Lab) are scheduled to speak about their research. University Location: TLC 029 - Teaching & Learning Center - Main Campus. SCI Departments: Department of Biological Sciences. Department of Chemistry. Department of Geography. Department of Geological Sciences. Department of Mathematics and Statistical Science. Department of Physics. Colloquia/Seminar/Symposium: Yes. Wednesday, April 9, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:20 PM.

Biological Sciences Seminar: Roland Hatzenpichler, Montana State University

Dr. Roland Hatzenpichler, Montana State University, will present this week's seminar. SCI Departments: Department of Biological Sciences. Department of Chemistry. Department of Geography. Department of Geological Sciences. Department of Mathematics and Statistical Science. Department of Physics. Colloquia/Seminar/Symposium: Yes. Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:20 PM. For more info visit