Experience the Executive MBA Program
Explore Foster's EMBA Program, Registration is REQUIRED to attend CLASS
Committing to an MBA program given your responsibilities (more than a full-time job, family, etc.), needs careful consideration. Our EMBA class visit allows you to meet with either the Executive Director or the Admission Director to learn more about the Executive MBA Program.
The day also includes a class visit, and an opportunity to observe an Executive MBA class in action. You will be paired with a student host to experience the classroom environment. You will also experience discussions between experienced managers and leaders who leverage their professional experiences within a framework of formal business education.
7:45 am – Park and walk to the Bank of America Executive Center
8:00 am – Connect with a Student Host
8:15 am – Marketing Strategies/Rob Palmatier
11:30 am – Lunch with Director of Admissions/Executive Director and Current EMBA Students
12:30 pm – End of Event.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus room: EMBA class room. Accessibility Contact: emba@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars.
Saturday, February 8, 2025, 8:00 AM – 12:30 PM.
For more info visit uwfoster.my.site.com.
Arboretum Lichens
Lichens grow on trees, shrubs and rocks in botanic gardens and can tell us about air quality and the make-up of plants and geology. Botanic gardens can take on new meaning as a *fun* place to observe a symbiotic organism made up of a fungus and algae. You will also learn about common lichens found in an urban environment and take home a user-friendly chart that lists lichens found in your neighborhood.
Lichens are harmless to your plants and add aesthetic value to trees and shrubs. We can actually use them as indicators of air pollution! Join Dr. Katherine Glew at the Washington Park Arboretum to get a head start on learning lichens from one of Seattle’s botanic gardens. You can enjoy the late winter/early spring season by looking for lichens, rather than staying inside and missing out on the excitement of being outside!
Cost: $45
Register Online
Limited financial aid slots offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Instructor Katherine Glew, Ph.D. is Curatorial Associate of Lichens at the University of…
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: urbhort@uw.edu. Presenter: Katherine Glew, Ph.D. Curatorial Associate of Lichens at the UW Herbarium, Burke Museum. Contact Information: urbhort@uw.edu. Ticket Link: https://apps.ideal-logic.com/uwbg?key=2WSB-TGY2T_K9KH-5PTF_d2cf39070dd6.
Saturday, February 8, 2025, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
For more info visit apps.ideal-logic.com.
Morning mindfulness practice (20 mins)
Description: We gather weekday mornings at 9:00am on Zoom for a short mindfulness practice. We settle in for the first few minutes with light guidance then practice together in silence and end promptly at 9:20. On the last Friday of the month, people are welcome to linger for informal conversation about different aspects of mindfulness and self-care.
Although we call it Mindfulness @ Work, students — both undergrad and grad — are welcome to join us.
For more information, check out our Teams channel: http://tinyurl.com/54hjvh5z.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/93902130437. Accessibility Contact: hstahl@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Not Specified. Workshops. Target Audience: Anyone at the UW interested in checking out mindfulness in a friendly, no-pressure environment.
Monday, February 10, 2025, 9:00 AM – 9:20 AM.
For more info visit tinyurl.com.
Info Session | Business Denmark (EFS)
Info Session: Business Denmark Program (Early Fall Start 2025)
📅 Date & Time: Monday, February 10, 2025, 10:30 a.m. PST
📍 Location: Via Zoom, Event Description:
Join us for an informative session to learn more about Foster's newest study abroad program—Business Denmark: Decoding the Danish Model for Sustainability! This program is perfect for any UW undergraduate students interested in exploring the intersection of sustainability and business on a global scale.
Why Attend? Meet Program Staff Director Theresa Maloney and gain insights directly from who is leading and organizing the program. , Discover more about the theme of sustainability running through this program and potential company and cultural visits. , Get your questions answered and gather valuable information that will undoutbedly enhance your application essay! This info session is open to all UW undergraduate students and is hosted by Foster’s Global Business Center.
Don’t miss this chance to learn more about this innovative…
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: goabroad@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/97591070345?pwd=aXdibFBMRzRGcTJ6N3JYZmQ2ZU1HUT09.
Monday, February 10, 2025, 10:30 AM – 11:20 AM.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: Accessibility questions or requests for this workshop should be directed to help@uw.edu with “Learning Technologies Workshops accessibility” in the subject line. Event Types: Workshops.
Monday, February 10, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
On Zoom.
Daily 15 Minute Movement Break - Yoga and Fitness
These mini movement sessions are great for re-energizing your day. Sessions are open to all levels and will include a mix of strength training, yoga, and cardio.
Join daily or when you can: Mondays - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Tuesdays - 15-minute yoga break , Wednesday - Thursday - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Fridays - 15-minute guided dance break, Join in to start your work strong! No equipment needed. You may want a towel or yoga mat for laying on the floor.
Learn more and register on The Whole U website.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Accessibility Contact: murphyh4@uw.edu. Event Types: Not Specified.
Monday, February 10, 2025, 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Hacking the Academy - Fireside Chat with Professor Emily M. Bender [In Person]
Join us for a fireside chat with Professor Emily M. Bender as she discusses the creation of her podcast, "Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000" with Dr. Alex Hanna. Discover the process behind producing a podcast that critically explores AI and its societal impact, all while engaging listeners in accessible, thought-provoking conversations. Learn how Professor Bender uses podcasting to demystify AI and challenge the hype surrounding emerging technologies as she takes us behind the scenes of her podcasting journey. Don’t miss this chance to ask questions and gain valuable insights into the world of podcasting and public scholarship. This presentation is part of the OSC Digital Storytelling Lab series.
Listen to Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000 here.
Professor Bender and Dr. Hanna’s upcoming book, The AI Con: How to Fight Big Tech’s Hype and Create the Future We Want, is available for pre-order today! “A smart, incisive look at the technologies sold as artificial intelligence, the drawbacks and pitfalls of technology…
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Suzzallo Library (SUZ). Campus room: Open Scholarship Commons: Presentation Space. Accessibility Contact: aubreyjw@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions. Target Audience: UW students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty and staff.
Monday, February 10, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM.
Hacking the Academy - Fireside Chat with Professor Emily M. Bender [Online]
Join us for a fireside chat with Professor Emily M. Bender as she discusses the creation of her podcast, "Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000" with Dr. Alex Hanna. Discover the process behind producing a podcast that critically explores AI and its societal impact, all while engaging listeners in accessible, thought-provoking conversations. Learn how Professor Bender uses podcasting to demystify AI and challenge the hype surrounding emerging technologies as she takes us behind the scenes of her podcasting journey. Don’t miss this chance to ask questions and gain valuable insights into the world of podcasting and public scholarship. This presentation is part of the OSC Digital Storytelling Lab series.
Listen to Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000 here.
Professor Bender and Dr. Hanna’s upcoming book, The AI Con: How to Fight Big Tech’s Hype and Create the Future We Want, is available for pre-order today! “A smart, incisive look at the technologies sold as artificial intelligence, the drawbacks and pitfalls of technology…
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Suzzallo Library (SUZ). Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/92462587371. Accessibility Contact: aubreyjw@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions. Target Audience: UW students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty and staff.
Monday, February 10, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: jkulstad@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops.
Monday, February 10, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
On Zoom.
Earl and Edna Stice Lecturer in Social Science: "Fighting Fascism with Intersex Justice," presented by Sean Saifa Wall
Recent years have seen the proliferation of cop cities, limits on free speech and gutting of governmental safety nets. In this context, trans and intersex people have been the casualties of a fascist agenda that seeks to outlaw abortion and to erase and further marginalize oppressed communities. Join Dr. Sean Saifa Wall in a conversation that asks questions, speaks truths and offers a way forward through these troubled times.
A reception will follow the lecture, providing an opportunity for attendees to connect and continue the discussion.
About the Speaker, Dr. Sean Saifa Wall (he/him/his) is a Black queer intersex activist and rising scholar. Born and raised in the Bronx, Saifa attended Williams College and received his PhD as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow at the University of Huddersfield in England. He is co-founder of the Intersex Justice Project, an initiative by intersex people of color to challenge medically unnecessary surgeries on intersex children and young adults. Above everything, Saifa is…
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Kane Hall (KNE). Campus room: KNE 225 (Walker Ames). Accessibility Contact: GWSS, gwss@uw.edu, 206-593-6900. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars. Special Events.
Monday, February 10, 2025, 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM.
Curator Tour: Joseph A. Witt Winter Garden (in-person)
Cost: $25, pre-registration required
REGISTER ONLINE, Financial aid slots available on a first-come, first-served basis
Discover the wonders of an iconic Pacific Northwest winter garden! Originally designed and planted in 1949, the Joseph A. Witt Winter Garden has long been a favorite of visitors to the Washington Park Arboretum. Ray Larson, Curator of Living Collections, will take us on a journey through the Winter Garden, highlighting plants with bright blossoms, alluring fragrance, attractive foliage, and striking bark.
All times are Pacific Time.
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: urbhort@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Presenter: Raymond Larson, University of Washington Botanic Gardens Curator of Living Collections. Contact Information: urbhort@uw.edu. Ticket Link: https://apps.ideal-logic.com/uwbg?key=2WSB-TGY2T_K9KH-5PTF_12ae3b1b00be.
Monday, February 10, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM.
Washington Park Arboretum, 2300 Arboretum Dr. E, Seattle, Washington 98112.
For more info visit apps.ideal-logic.com.
Info Session | Autumn 2025 in Japan
Spend autumn quarter 2025 in Japan and earn 12 credits! Learn about Japan and America: Comparative Histories and Cultures study abroad program. Zoom Link, Upcoming Programs
Application Deadline = February 15, 2025
David Goldstein | davidgs@uw.edu.
Event interval: Single day event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/98304454301. Campus room: Zoom. Accessibility Contact: davidgs@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions.
Monday, February 10, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
For more info visit forms.gle.
Virtual Weight Training Class with The Whole U
Make time for training with weights and join Lauren Updyke for a 30 minute intermediate class each Tuesday and Thursday in April at 6:15 a.m. on Zoom.
You will need two sets of weights at least (5lb - 25lb range) and a chair. This class will include total body and focus on both large and small muscle groups. We will finish with core and stretching.
Learn more about this ongoing class and register to attend on The Whole U events page.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Event Types: Not Specified.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 6:15 AM – 6:45 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Virtual Weight Training Class with The Whole U
Make time for training with weights and join Lauren Updyke for a 30 minute intermediate class each Tuesday in April at 7:15 a.m. on Zoom.
You will need two sets of weights at least (5lb - 25lb range) and a chair. This class will include total body and focus on both large and small muscle groups. We will finish with core and stretching.
Learn more about this ongoing class and register to attend on The Whole U events page.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Event Types: Not Specified.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 7:15 AM – 7:45 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Livestream-Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) Retirement Workshop
Who should attend: Employees currently participating in a PERS, TRS, SERS or LEOFF Retirement Plan and who expect to retire within the next 12 months. Please contact the Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) at to request your retirement estimate and application or visit www.drs.wa.gov. This 3-hour workshop is designed for those retiring within the year and covers the following topics:
Retirement eligibility , Completing the DRS and UW retirement applications , Retiree medical plan choices and enrollment , Applying for Medicare , Leave balances and VEBA, if applicable , Notifying your department about your separation , Working after retirement.
Event interval: Accessibility Contact: benefits@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
For more info visit hr.uw.edu.
Morning mindfulness practice (20 mins)
Description: We gather weekday mornings at 9:00am on Zoom for a short mindfulness practice. We settle in for the first few minutes with light guidance then practice together in silence and end promptly at 9:20. On the last Friday of the month, people are welcome to linger for informal conversation about different aspects of mindfulness and self-care.
Although we call it Mindfulness @ Work, students — both undergrad and grad — are welcome to join us.
For more information, check out our Teams channel: http://tinyurl.com/54hjvh5z.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/93902130437. Accessibility Contact: hstahl@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Not Specified. Workshops. Target Audience: Anyone at the UW interested in checking out mindfulness in a friendly, no-pressure environment.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 9:00 AM – 9:20 AM.
For more info visit tinyurl.com.
UW Surplus Public Store
The UW Surplus store is open to everyone on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. We receive new items every day, so inventory is always changing. If you'd like to get a preview of new items, you can sign up for our newsletter. Come by to see what bargains are in stock this week!
About us: UW Surplus takes all unwanted items from UW departments and medical facilities. Our objective is to reuse, repurpose, or recycle as many items as possible to lessen the University’s climate impact on both purchasing and disposal. Items are resold through our retail store, online storefront, and timed auctions.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Plant Services Building (PSB). Accessibility Contact: surplus@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uwsurplus.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: Accessibility questions or requests for this workshop should be directed to help@uw.edu with “Learning Technologies Workshops accessibility” in the subject line. Event Types: Workshops.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
On Zoom.
Daily 15 Minute Movement Break - Yoga and Fitness
These mini movement sessions are great for re-energizing your day. Sessions are open to all levels and will include a mix of strength training, yoga, and cardio.
Join daily or when you can: Mondays - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Tuesdays - 15-minute yoga break , Wednesday - Thursday - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Fridays - 15-minute guided dance break, Join in to start your work strong! No equipment needed. You may want a towel or yoga mat for laying on the floor.
Learn more and register on The Whole U website.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Accessibility Contact: murphyh4@uw.edu. Event Types: Not Specified.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Planning for Aging in Place in Safety and Comfort
Extending the time you or a loved one can safely stay at home takes planning — the earlier the better — for whatever changes you might need to make. In this online session, Certified Aging in Place Specialist Susie Landsem will offer guidance on how to think about those changes, from minor to major. She will share her expertise and experience with the ‘why’ of preparing for aging in place, offer tips for finding the right people to help, and give a general sense of the costs that might be involved. Join us for a helpful hour that will get you started thinking about this important topic.
Susie Landsem is Principal at Aging in Place by Design. Her firm seeks to provide solutions for staying safe and independent at home by incorporating safety with design and style. Susie is passionate about the value of planning ahead for the best possible future outcomes.
UWRA's Aging Well programs are virtual sessions focused on practical tools to ensure a secure and fulfilling retirement, whether for yourself or someone…
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: retiremt@uw.edu. Event Types: Not Specified.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
For more info visit retirees.uw.edu.
Dawgs Unplugged
Want to form a healthier relationship with social media? Join our Social Media Peer Group: Dawgs Unplugged to explore the impact of overuse, learn strategies for healthier habits, and strengthen offline connections. Meetings are offered regularly throughout the quarter for insightful discussions, practical tools, and a supportive community to help you reclaim balance in your digital life! Students are encouraged to attend as many sessions as they’d like.
There are two groups offered this quarter for Dawgs Unplugged: Tuesdays 11:00-12:00pm and Wednesdays 5:00-6:00pm starting the week of January 27th. Both are located in Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West).
Sign-up here!
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Elm Hall. Campus room: Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West). Accessibility Contact: lwpeer@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops. Student Activities. Target Audience: Students.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
For more info visit livewell.uw.edu.
Bachelor's of Science in Environmental Public Health Information Session
This information session is for prospective students interested in the Bachelors of Science in Environmental Public Health with the School of Public Health at the University of Washington.
Are you interested in how the natural and built environment impact human health? From water quality to workplace safety, environmental public health majors are engaged in problem solving to keep communities safe and healthy. Join us for an info session where we will cover: What is Environmental Public Health? , How to best explore and prepare for the major , minimum admission requirements and how to declare the major , 400 hour required internship , And career pathways after graduation, Register for the zoom link here:
If you aren't able to attend this info session, you can also view our on-demand info session HERE.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our advisers at ehug@uw.edu.
Event interval: Single day event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0tf-2trTwiGNS7ixzr9_0sLgKZWVA__EBX. Accessibility Contact: ehug@uw.edu. Event Types: Academics. Information Sessions.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM.
For more info visit deohs.washington.edu.
Love Data Week: Misleading data visualizations (and how to avoid making them) (online)
Join us for an introductory workshop on decisions that can result in data visualizations that mislead and how to avoid those pitfalls. Experience working with data is not required. This workshop will not be recorded.
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: negeena@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops. Target Audience: UW students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty, and staff.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: jkulstad@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
On Zoom.
Digital Tools for Getting Your Work Out There
Join the UW Libraries and Learning Technologies for a quick survey and discussion of digital tools at UW that will help share your work broadly!
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Suzzallo Library (SUZ). Campus room: Open Scholarship Commons Group Workspace A. Accessibility Contact: vkern@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions. Target Audience: UW students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty and staff.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
Excel Office Hours
Bring any questions about Excel and have them answered in person at Odegaard.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Odegaard Undergraduate Library (OUG). Campus room: OUGL 230. Accessibility Contact: Accessibility questions or requests for this workshop should be directed to help@uw.edu with “Learning Technologies Workshops accessibility” in the subject line. Event Types: Workshops. Target Audience: UW students, faculty and staff.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM.
For more info visit www.washington.edu.
A Panel Discussion on Power and Politics Beyond the Binary: Toward Intersex Futures
Interested in learning about the past and present of intersex politics? Join us for a compelling conversation with three of the foremost activist-thinkers advocating for equity and justice in the fight for our collective futures. ABOUT THE PANELISTS:
Emi Koyama is a multi-issue social justice activist and writer synthesizing feminist, Asian, survivor, dyke, queer, sex worker, intersex, genderqueer, and crip politics, as these factors, while not a complete descriptor of who she is, all impacted her life. Emi is putting the emi back in feminism at www.eminism.org. Email Emi at emi@eminism.org.
Amanda Sáenz (they/them) MPA ’24 is a queer Latin American immigrant and intersex advocate based in Seattle. They are a member of the Intersex Research Coalition (IRC), an emerging group of providers and intersex professionals working to advance health and social equity for intersex persons, and are a former board member of InterConnect, the largest intersex support group in the United States. Their recent work focuses…
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Allen Library (ALB). Campus room: Petersen Room (ALB 485). Accessibility Contact: GWSS, gwss@uw.edu, 206-593-6900. Event Types: Special Events. Academics. Lectures/Seminars.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM.
Basics of Excel
Have little or no experience using Excel? This beginner level workshop is a great place to get comfortable with the basic tools of Excel! Learn about the different uses of Excel, how to use a handful of helpful features, and practice formatting data in the program. This is a great opportunity for people who may be unfamiliar with Excel and will need it for classes requiring data management and analysis or for those looking to use the program for other organizational purposes. This workshop will give a rundown of the Excel layout, introduce simple Excel features and skills, time to practice these concepts, and time for questions throughout.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Odegaard Undergraduate Library (OUG). Campus room: OUGL 102. Accessibility Contact: Accessibility questions or requests for this workshop should be directed to help@uw.edu with “Learning Technologies Workshops accessibility” in the subject line. Event Types: Workshops. Target Audience: UW students, faculty and staff.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
For more info visit www.washington.edu.
Talking with Friends
Looking to build stronger connections and feel more confident in navigating social situations? Talking to Friends is a 4-week peer-led group that focuses on expanding connections with other Huskies through building self-efficacy, interpersonal, and resiliency skills. Those who sign up will meet for one-hour sessions facilitated by a trained Peer Health Educator, who is a student at UW. The goals of these sessions are to explore isolating experiences that happen on campus, develop healthy intrapersonal habits, and make the most out of your social life. Whether you’re shy, adjusting to a new environment, or just looking to meet new people, this group is a safe and welcoming space to grow. Start building friendships and skills that will last a lifetime—come join us!
Groups meet Tuesdays 4:30-5:30pm starting February 4th and ending February 25th in Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West). Students are encouraged to attend all sessions to get the most out of the group.
Sign-up here!
Event interval: Ongoing event. Campus room: Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West). Accessibility Contact: lwpeer@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops. Student Activities. Target Audience: Students.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM.
For more info visit livewell.uw.edu.
EMBA Online Application Workshop
The Foster EMBA Application Workshop is designed for potential applicants who have attended an information session or met with an EMBA admission representative. The session will focus specifically on the application and admission process. You are invited to attend this informative 30-45 minute session to learn how to prepare the strongest application possible.
All sessions are Pacific Time.
Event interval: Accessibility Contact: online. Event Types: Information Sessions.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
For more info visit attendee.gotowebinar.com.
Fiber Art Workshop: Fluffy Moth Embroidery (in-person)
Class Cost: $52 (Includes all necessary class materials), REGISTER ONLINE
Limited financial aid slots offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.
You’ll be a flutter over these whimsical and fluffy moths. Do you want to learn to create fluffy stitches? Join fiber artist Melissa Galbraith for an embroidery workshop. In a 2-hour, hands-on workshop we’ll cover a variety of embroidery stitches such as the satin stitch, split back stitch, fly stitch, French knot, and turkey work. Each attendee will receive a full kit that includes a wooden embroidery hoop, moth transfer designs, an embroidery needle, full skeins of embroidery thread, cream cotton fabric, backing materials, and printed instructions. This workshop is for makers of all skill levels and no prior embroidery experience is required.Melissa Galbraith is the fiber artist behind MCreativeJ. She was born and raised in the desert of Washington state where her mother instilled a love of making things by hand at an early age. Melissa shares her love of nature…
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: urbhort@uw.edu. Presenter: Melissa Galbraith. Contact Information: urbhort@uw.edu. Ticket Link: https://apps.ideal-logic.com/uwbg?key=2WSB-TGY2T_K9KH-5PTF_2e2b072c2d28.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Douglas Classroom, Center for Urban Horticulture.
For more info visit apps.ideal-logic.com.
Getting into the Weeds: Sorting Out the Details of Soil Conditions & Management Considerations (online)
Cost: $37.50
Register Now, Financial aid slots available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Class 4 of 6. Building up from the previous classes, we will review soil disturbance and resulting stewardship challenges commonly encountered at restoration sites such as former agricultural land, urban fill, construction sites, brownfields, and degraded natural areas. We will review how to assess for common soil disturbances as well as historical and ecological site conditions for their soil management plans. Reasons and resources will be reviewed for more technical soil testing through consultants and labs. Understanding soils – what they are, how they function, how they degrade, and how to steward them back to health – empowers restoration professionals to design and implement more resilient and self-sustaining ecosystem restoration projects. This series of classes will build from the ground up a holistic knowledge of soils that will enable students to understand how and when to choose soil stewardship…
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: urbhort@uw.edu. Presenter: Christina Pfeiffer & Rodney Pond. Contact Information: urbhort@uw.edu. Ticket Link: https://apps.ideal-logic.com/uwbg?key=2WSB-TGY2T_K9KH-5PTF_ab272ee1ff95.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:15 AM.
For more info visit apps.ideal-logic.com.
Metabolomics Symposium
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: South Lake Union Administration (Slu Building C) (SLC). Accessibility Contact: 2066162950. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
For more info visit diabetesmetabseminars.com.
Morning mindfulness practice (20 mins)
Description: We gather weekday mornings at 9:00am on Zoom for a short mindfulness practice. We settle in for the first few minutes with light guidance then practice together in silence and end promptly at 9:20. On the last Friday of the month, people are welcome to linger for informal conversation about different aspects of mindfulness and self-care.
Although we call it Mindfulness @ Work, students — both undergrad and grad — are welcome to join us.
For more information, check out our Teams channel: http://tinyurl.com/54hjvh5z.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/93902130437. Accessibility Contact: hstahl@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Not Specified. Workshops. Target Audience: Anyone at the UW interested in checking out mindfulness in a friendly, no-pressure environment.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 9:00 AM – 9:20 AM.
For more info visit tinyurl.com.
SafeCampus Violence Prevention and Response Training
During this interactive training, we ask participants to consider their unique role in preventing violence at the University of Washington. This training has been adapted to consider the remote academic environments that many staff, students, and faculty are currently experiencing. We will explore mental health and warning signs of different forms of violence including; workplace violence, relationship violence, sexual harassment, and stalking. We will briefly practice in-person and remote bystander intervention techniques and build your understanding of UW resources.
Click the link below to register for this training.
Event interval: Campus room: Online Zoom Training. Accessibility Contact: safecampus@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions. Lectures/Seminars. Workshops.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM.
For more info visit forms.office.com.
AI Community of Practice weekly gathering
The UW AI Community of Practice is for everyone! We welcome participation from the entire university, including students. We want to build community and are planning all sorts of fun and interesting experimental events - guest speakers, lunch and learn, after-hours events, training, workshops, webinars and more. Ideas welcomed and encouraged — please share yours! Volunteers appreciated but not expected.
Our objectives:
* Encourage knowledge sharing and education
* Enable collaboration and networking
* Share innovation and research
* Discuss ethical and responsible use of AI
* Community engagement and outreach
Join us anytime for our weekly office hours, and find us online in our Microsoft Team.
Event interval: Single day event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/9684580021. Accessibility Contact: dagibbs@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions. Meetings. Not Specified.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM.
For more info visit washington.zoom.us.
UW Surplus Online Store
If you can't make it for the Tuesday Public Store, UW Surplus has you covered! Our online storefront features selected items added at 10:00 a.m. every Wednesday. Simply purchase online and pick up within a week - it couldn't be easier!
While the best selection will remain available on Tuesdays, we're trying to empower more people to shop sustainably for furniture, office essentials, and more.
UW Surplus takes all unwanted items from all UW departments and medical facilities. Our objective is to reuse, repurpose, or recycle as many items as possible to lessen the University’s climate impact on both purchasing and disposal. Items are resold through a retail store and online auctions. We receive new inventory every day, so our stock is always changing. If you'd like to get a preview of new items, you can sign up for our newsletter.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Plant Services Building (PSB). Accessibility Contact: surplus@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uwsurplus.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
Winter Seminar Series of the Pacific Marine Energy Center
Speaker: Michael Devin, Sandia National Lab
Title: Advancing Marine Renewable Energy as an Early Career National Lab Researcher
Abstract: Michael Devin began as a graduate student with PMEC at Oregon State University and turned that into a research engineering career at Sandia National Laboratories. He will explore the steps taken and lessons learned in his journey to Sandia amid a global pandemic, and what students could expect as an early career researcher at a national lab. He will also give an overview of the various marine energy and offshore wind projects and opportunities he has participated in, involving design optimization software development, wind energy cybersecurity, mooring assessment for a Sandia testbed, contributing to DOE reports, and leading his own project teams.
You can view this seminar remotely, or join a watch party:
University of Washington: Mechanical Engineering Building, Room 259
Oregon State University: Kearney Hall Room, 311
About this Series:
The PMEC Winter Seminar Series…
Event interval: Single day event. Online Meeting Link: https://tinyurl.com/PMECzoom. Campus room: UW - Mechanical Engineering Building, Room 259; OSU - Kearney Hall Room 311. Accessibility Contact: jtwedt@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: Accessibility questions or requests for this workshop should be directed to help@uw.edu with “Learning Technologies Workshops accessibility” in the subject line. Event Types: Workshops.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
On Zoom.
Daily 15 Minute Movement Break - Yoga and Fitness
These mini movement sessions are great for re-energizing your day. Sessions are open to all levels and will include a mix of strength training, yoga, and cardio.
Join daily or when you can: Mondays - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Tuesdays - 15-minute yoga break , Wednesday - Thursday - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Fridays - 15-minute guided dance break, Join in to start your work strong! No equipment needed. You may want a towel or yoga mat for laying on the floor.
Learn more and register on The Whole U website.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Accessibility Contact: murphyh4@uw.edu. Event Types: Not Specified.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Love Data Week: Sentiment Analysis Workshop (online)
Celebrate Love Data Week by learning more about sentiment analysis in this workshop.
Curious about text analytics? Join this beginner-friendly workshop to learn the basics of sentiment analysis! We’ll cover: What sentiment analysis is and its applications. , Key text processing techniques. , Hands-on practice using Python or R to build your first model. No prior experience needed! Perfect for students, researchers, or anyone exploring data science.
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: trishp3@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions. Target Audience: UW students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty and staff.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
VIRTUAL LECTURE | Embers of Pan-Africanism: Nkrumahist Intellectuals and Decolonization, 1960-1980
Embers of Pan-Africanism examines Ghanaian intellectuals who worked to transform and radicalize the study of Africa and its diaspora in academic and intellectual centers around the Atlantic. Through a study of their scholarly trajectories, this project explores how Kwame Nkrumah’s overthrow affected the trajectory of Nkrumahism, a strand of Pan-Africanism and an ideology for African decolonization that emphasized continental and diasporic unity. In this way, I highlight why and how anti-colonial and decolonial ideas emerge as well as how insurgent ideas were sustained after the collapse of a radical government during a period of rapid decolonization from the 1960s to the 1980s. I argue that the coup that deposed Nkrumah did not herald a simple period of decline and stagnation for radical Ghanaian thinkers. Instead, it marked a moment of grassroots transformation and revolution, ushering in a dawn of innovative political and academic initiatives in Africa and the Americas.
Bright Gyamfi is an Assistant…
Event interval: Single day event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/98195271838. Accessibility Contact: Katie Sandler, ksandl@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
Find the Right Fit: Foster MBA Programs for Working Professionals
Are you interested in pursuing your MBA while continuing your career? Join us for a virtual information session featuring Foster's highly-ranked work-compatible MBA programs!
Hear from a panel of UW Foster MBA representatives from the following MBA programs:
►Evening MBA
►Executive MBA
►Hybrid MBA
►Technology Management MBA
12:00 PM Check-in and Introductions,
Meet the MBA Programs, Short Presentations from Each Program
12:50 PM Q & A Session
1:00 PM Program Concludes
After you RSVP for the event, you will receive a link to the event. Spaces are limited so please reserve your seat and let us know if you need to cancel your reservation.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus room: Zoom - Online. Accessibility Contact: online. Event Types: Information Sessions.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
For more info visit uwfoster.my.site.com.
Love Data Week: Finding Datasets (online)
Join us for an introductory workshop on how to find datasets for your research and assignments. This workshop will cover where to find open and proprietary datasets, as well as considerations for using them. Experience working with data is not required. This workshop will not be recorded.
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: negeena@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops. Target Audience: UW students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty, and staff.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM.
Sound Studio Office Hours
Come to the Sound Studio with any audio-related needs! It's the perfect opportunity to get more personalized help or advice, as well as any refreshers you may need to use the studio more effectively. Feel free to drop by any time from 1-2PM, every Wednesday!
Event interval: Ongoing event. Campus location: Odegaard Undergraduate Library (OUG). Campus room: OUGL 246. Accessibility Contact: Accessibility questions or requests for this workshop should be directed to help@uw.edu with “Learning Technologies Workshops accessibility” in the subject line. Event Types: Workshops. Target Audience: UW students, faculty and staff.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
For more info visit www.washington.edu.
MLIS Funding and Scholarship Workshop
This annual MLIS-focused funding workshop introduces GFIS and their services, provides an overview of different funding sources, and reviews best practices to equip students with the tools, resources, and knowledge to navigate the funding process. This workshop is for applied, admitted, and current MLIS students.
To register or request a recording of the session, use the RSVP link.
Questions about the session? Contact an adviser at iask@uw.edu.
Event interval: Single day event. Online Meeting Link: https://apply.ischool.uw.edu/register/MLIS-Funding-Workshop. Campus room: Click link above to Register. Accessibility Contact: iask@uw.edu. Event Types: Academics. Information Sessions. Target Audience: Applicants, Future Students.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM.
For more info visit ischool.uw.edu.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: jkulstad@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
On Zoom.
GWSS Winter Colloquium: "'The coffee that wakes you up': The Silingan Coffee mothers’ anti-drug violence advocacy," Presented by Marielle Marcaida
Presenter: Marielle Marcaida, PhD Student, GWSS, Moderator: Paul Jason Perez, PhD Student, iSchool
This study focuses on the embodied labor of the employees of Silingan Coffee, a café that caters to providing livelihood support to family members of extra-judicial violence, mostly mothers, widows, and sisters who lost their loved ones in the Philippine drug war.
The advocacy-driven cafe centers on telling stories of the drug war from the perspectives of the victims. Through the storytelling narratives of the women of Silingan Coffee, Marcaida examines their articulation of what it means to be a good “neighbor,” a central tenet to their human rights advocacy.
The ”neighbor” has been a subject long existent and discussed in religious thought and political philosophy. In the context of the mothers’ activism under the Philippine drug war, she analyzes how the “neighbor” serves as a metaphor of the humanitarian subject shaping political and social relations post-citizenship.
This research was funded by the…
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Padelford Hall (PDL). Campus room: PDL B110 G. Accessibility Contact: GWSS, gwss@uw.edu, 206-593-6900. Event Types: Academics. Lectures/Seminars.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM.
Laboratory Medicine Grand Rounds: Meliha Yetisgen, PhD - Clinical Natural Language Processing for Secondary Use Applications
Meliha Yetisgen, PhD, Professor, Dept. of Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education, University of Washington, Objectives: Explain clinical natural language processing (NLP) , Apply NLP in clinical workflow , Design evaluation studies to assess performance of NLP in the clinical domain, Speaker disclosures: Meliha Yetisgen, PhD (Nothing to disclose - 12/11/2024), Live streamed via Zoom*: https://washington.zoom.us/j/96677954374
Sponsored by the University of Washington School of Medicine, the Department of Laboratory Medicine, and the Office of Continuing Medical Education. Sign-in is required to receive Continuing Medical Education (CME) or Continuing Education (CE) credit.
Attendance tracking instructions: , UW attendees track attendance by TEXT for CME & CE credit: , One-Time: Text your email address to 833-394-7078 for initial set-up. , Weekly: Text code 11251 to 833-394-7078 , Credit must be recorded via text in the 60 minutes before, during, and up to 60 minutes after the activity…
Event interval: Ongoing event. Campus location: Magnuson Health Sciences Center D (HSD). Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/96677954374. Campus room: HSB Room D-209 (Turner Auditorium). Accessibility Contact: hsbuild@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM.
For more info visit dlmp.uw.edu.
The State of the Student Worker Report - In person
The Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies Research Team is proud to present a new report: the State of the Student Worker at the University of Washington.
Join us in person on February 12, 2025, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. in Room 334 of the Husky Union Building (HUB) for the release of this new report and a debrief of the findings with the Bridges Center Research Team, as well as a partnership with APALA for know-your-rights training.
RSVP Here.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Student Union Building (HUB). Campus room: Room 334. Accessibility Contact: hbcls@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions. Academics.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM.
For more info visit docs.google.com.
Movie Night: Jackson School of International Studies
Join us for a screening of the film *Little Voices from Fukushima* by Hitomi Kamanaka, featuring Professor Andrea Arai. Enjoy pizza and popcorn as we engage in an insightful discussion following the film presentation designed for students.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Thomson Hall (THO). Campus room: Thomson 317. Accessibility Contact: jsisoas@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Student Activities.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:30 PM.
Husky Pack: Men's Wellness Group
Husky Pack is a casual space to build connection and men's wellness. Topics will include male body standards, healthy relationships, male role models, loneliness and more. Husky Pack aims to create a university-wide culture where male wellbeing is de-stigmatized and men support one another.
Groups are held every Wednesday 4:00 pm -5:00 pm in Elm Hall 109 (right next to Fitness Center West) with a different topic each week. You’re welcome to attend as many or as little sessions as preferred. Our Instagram (@uwlivewell) will share each week’s topic.
Sign-up here!
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Elm Hall. Campus room: Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West). Accessibility Contact: lwpeer@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops. Student Activities. Target Audience: Students.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
For more info visit livewell.uw.edu.
Dawgs Unplugged
Want to form a healthier relationship with social media? Join our Social Media Peer Group: Dawgs Unplugged to explore the impact of overuse, learn strategies for healthier habits, and strengthen offline connections. Meetings are offered regularly throughout the quarter for insightful discussions, practical tools, and a supportive community to help you reclaim balance in your digital life! Students are encouraged to attend as many sessions as they’d like.
There are two groups offered this quarter for Dawgs Unplugged: Tuesdays 11:00-12:00pm and Wednesdays 5:00-6:00pm starting the week of January 27th. Both are located in Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West).
Sign-up here!
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Elm Hall. Campus room: Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West). Accessibility Contact: lwpeer@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops. Student Activities. Target Audience: Students.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
For more info visit livewell.uw.edu.
TMMBA Class Visit: Strategic Management of Technology Innovation (TMMBA 515)
What better way to know if TMMBA is the right fit for you than to attend an in-person class session and experience it first-hand! During your visit you will be paired with a student host, who will help answer any questions you may have about the program. You will also have the opportunity to have dinner with the cohort, attend the class itself, and connect with the professor.
About TMMBA:
The Technology Management MBA Program will reshape the way you work in teams, evolve the way you think about leadership and provide new perspectives for tackling complex business challenges. Whether you’re just exploring or ready to apply, connect with us. We offer a variety of ways to get to know our program and people better.
Register here! .
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: tmmba@uw.edu. Event Types: Academics. Information Sessions. Lectures/Seminars.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 6:00 PM – 9:15 PM.
Eastside Executive Center.
For more info visit uwfoster.my.site.com.
HISTORY LECTURE SERIES | The Columbia: Where the Internet Lives | Margaret O'Mara
This final talk in the series brings us back to the Pacific Northwest and the intertwined human and natural histories of the Columbia River. An artery of indigenous commerce, a nexus of the fur trade, a power source for war work, and a water source for industrial-scale agriculture, the mighty Columbia is now home to one of the world’s most notable concentrations of data centers. These enormous facilities, owned and operated by the world’s largest technology companies, are the physical backbone that make cloud computing, social networking, and AI possible. Rooting the story of these centers in a longer history of the river and its human uses not only shows the material and political dynamics of today’s digital economy but also illuminates the connective tissue linking one era of American capitalism to the next.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Kane Hall (KNE). Campus room: 130. Accessibility Contact: histmain@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars. Special Events.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM.
For more info visit events.uw.edu.
artists & poets
Opening Reception: February 13, 5-7pm
Working to emulate the interdisciplinary artistic environment Jacob Lawrence experienced in his formative years, this exhibition explores a legacy of collaboration between artists and poets. artists & poets is a part of the re-grounding of the Jacob Lawrence Gallery in its mission of education, experimentation, and social justice. The show and space of the gallery will be spilt into two parts. The Cauleen Smith’s Wanda Coleman Songbook will function as the contemporary example of this great legacy of exchange between artists and poets. The other half of the exhibition will focus on Dudley Randall's Broadside Press which began in Detroit in 1965 and will pull from archives to capture the press's history and output. Gallery Hours: Tuesday – Friday 10am–5pm, Saturday 12–5pm.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Campus location: Art Building (ART). Campus room: Jacob Lawrence Gallery. Accessibility Contact: jacoblawrencegallery@uw.edu. Event Types: Exhibits. Special Events.
Thursday, February 13, 2025 – Saturday, April 19, 2025.
Virtual Weight Training Class with The Whole U
Make time for training with weights and join Lauren Updyke for a 30 minute intermediate class each Tuesday and Thursday in April at 6:15 a.m. on Zoom.
You will need two sets of weights at least (5lb - 25lb range) and a chair. This class will include total body and focus on both large and small muscle groups. We will finish with core and stretching.
Learn more about this ongoing class and register to attend on The Whole U events page.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Event Types: Not Specified.
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 6:15 AM – 6:45 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Morning mindfulness practice (20 mins)
Description: We gather weekday mornings at 9:00am on Zoom for a short mindfulness practice. We settle in for the first few minutes with light guidance then practice together in silence and end promptly at 9:20. On the last Friday of the month, people are welcome to linger for informal conversation about different aspects of mindfulness and self-care.
Although we call it Mindfulness @ Work, students — both undergrad and grad — are welcome to join us.
For more information, check out our Teams channel: http://tinyurl.com/54hjvh5z.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/93902130437. Accessibility Contact: hstahl@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Not Specified. Workshops. Target Audience: Anyone at the UW interested in checking out mindfulness in a friendly, no-pressure environment.
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 9:00 AM – 9:20 AM.
For more info visit tinyurl.com.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: Accessibility questions or requests for this workshop should be directed to help@uw.edu with “Learning Technologies Workshops accessibility” in the subject line. Event Types: Workshops.
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
On Zoom.
Daily 15 Minute Movement Break - Yoga and Fitness
These mini movement sessions are great for re-energizing your day. Sessions are open to all levels and will include a mix of strength training, yoga, and cardio.
Join daily or when you can: Mondays - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Tuesdays - 15-minute yoga break , Wednesday - Thursday - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Fridays - 15-minute guided dance break, Join in to start your work strong! No equipment needed. You may want a towel or yoga mat for laying on the floor.
Learn more and register on The Whole U website.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Accessibility Contact: murphyh4@uw.edu. Event Types: Not Specified.
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Comfort for our furry friends - Join the UWCFD to make no-sew pet blankets
Join the UW Combined Fund Drive virtually on Thursday, February 13 at noon for a fun volunteer activity making cozy no-sew fleece pet beds to donate to our furry friends at PAWS.
Help animals in the shelter by providing a cozy blanket for their kennel to keep them comfortable during their shelter stay. The blanket provides comfort for the animal in the shelter and it goes with them to their forever home when they are adopted. No craft experience? No problem. If you can tie a knot, you can participate!
Join us from the comfort of your home office, or reserve a conference room, grab some colleagues and make it a team-building opportunity! Either way, we'll send everything you need to your location of choice ahead of time when you register.
How to participate:
Step 1: Register below to virtually join the event on February 13.
Step 2: Complete the secondary form to request blanket making supplies by January 27! Note: You will be routed to the secondary form once you register below.
Step 3: Consider making…
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: murphyh4@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events.
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
2025 Environmental Career Fair
Open to all UW students and alumni, the Environmental Career Fair is an opportunity to explore careers in environmental and natural resources fields. At the fair, you can connect with employers from the nonprofit, government, and private sectors with career-level positions and paid internships. It’s an opportunity to ask questions and gain valuable insight that will shape your academic and career journey.
Student registration opens in early January on Handshake. Contact envjobs@uw.edu with questions about the Environmental Career Fair.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Student Union Building (HUB). Campus room: HUB North Ballroom. Accessibility Contact: Dan Herb, dherb@uw.edu. Event Types: Exhibits. Target Audience: Undergraduate and Graduate students interested in environmental careers.
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
For more info visit environment.uw.edu.
CANCELLED - Love Data Week: Python Code-Along (online)
Are you curious about Python but feeling unsure about where to start? No need to worry! Join us for a Python Code-Along, where we’ll work together to build a simple Python project from start to finish.
This event is designed for complete beginners, so if you’ve never written a line of code before, don’t stress. You don’t need any experience to join, and we won’t be diving deep into complex concepts. The goal here isn’t to walk away as an expert, but rather to give you a starting point so you can feel more confident and excited to keep exploring Python on your own if you’re interested.
I (a librarian at UW) will be guiding you through the project, but I’m not an expert—I’ll be learning alongside you! We’ll break everything down into manageable steps, and I’ll be here to help if you get stuck. By the end of the session, you’ll have a working Python project and a clearer idea of how coding works, but most importantly, you’ll feel more comfortable getting started with Python on your own. No installation requi…
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: negeena@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops. Target Audience: UW students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty, and staff.
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM.
Cybersecurity and Privacy Office Hours
Need advice on incident, risk, or vulnerability management? Join us every Thursday for UW-IT’s hour-long, drop-in office hours!
Whether you need help with incident or vulnerability management, or you’re navigating privacy challenges, this session is the place to get the support you need.
Event interval: Single day event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/99924675675. Accessibility Contact: mspiro@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions. Meetings.
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: jkulstad@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops.
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
On Zoom.
LECTURE | Navyug Gill (William Paterson University) | Global History and the Emergence of the Peasant in Colonial Panjab
One of the most durable figures in modern history, the peasant has long been a site of intense intellectual and political debate. Yet underlying much of this literature is the assumption that peasants simply existed everywhere, a general if not generic group, traced backward from modernity to antiquity. In this talk, Navyug Gill explores the landowning peasant and landless laborer as novel political subjects forged in the encounter between colonialism and struggles over culture and capital within Panjabi society. Through a careful interrogation of a disparate archive – settlement reports and legal judgments to labor contracts, vernacular poetry, and family budgets – he challenges the givenness of the peasant by explicating the ideological and material divisions that transformed power in rural Panjabi society. By implicating economic logic with cultural difference, Gill re-thinks the itinerary of global political economy alongside alternative possibilities for emancipatory futures.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Thomson Hall (THO). Campus room: THO 317. Accessibility Contact: sascuw@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars. Target Audience: Free and open to the public. Registration advised.
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM.
Building A Movement Internship Information Session
The Building A Movement (BAM) Labor Internship is a PAID internship program that connects undergraduate students at the University of Washington with the local labor movement, through partnerships with community organizations engaged with this work on a variety of levels. Learn more about the internship at labor.washington.edu/BAM.
If you are interested in applying, RSVP and attend the BAM Info Session on February 13 (Thursday) 4-5:30PM, in Smith Hall, Room 320 (History Lounge). Free food provided!
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Smith Hall (SMI). Campus room: SMI 320. Accessibility Contact: hbcls@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions.
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM.
For more info visit docs.google.com.
CEI Interdisciplinary Seminar: Jodie Lutkenhaus - Texas A&M
Organic Batteries for a More Sustainable Future, Cobalt, nickel, and lithium are essential ingredients in today’s lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), but their continued use presents economic, ethical, and environmental challenges. Society must now begin to consider the implications of a LIB’s full life cycle, including the carbon footprint, the economic and environmental costs, and material access. These challenges motivate the case for degradable or recyclable batteries sourced from earth-abundant materials whose life cycle bears minimal impact on the environment. This presentation considers organic polymer-based batteries, which have the potential to address many of these issues. Redox-active polymers form the positive and negative electrodes, storing charge through a reversible redox mechanism. We demonstrate how these polymer electrodes can be degraded on command or else recycled, offering the promise of a circular platform free of critical elements. About the Speaker, Dr. Lutkenhaus is a Professor in the…
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: NanoEngineering and Sciences Building (NAN). Campus room: NAN 181. Accessibility Contact: Event Coordinator: Madelynne Zornes, msrz@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars.
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
For more info visit www.cei.washington.edu.
Campus Sustainability Fund committee meeting
The CSF empowers UW students through various grants and the grantmaking process, providing resources and guidance to lead justice-centered sustainability projects. These grants enable students to build essential skills and drive meaningful change on campus and beyond.
CSF Committee meetings are open to the public, and all members of the UW Seattle community are welcome to attend.
Since its grassroots beginning in 2004, CSF has provided oversight and funding for student-driven sustainability work on campus. From its beginnings as a grantmaking entity to support the implementation of the Climate Action Plan to its current form of as a leader of comprehensive justice-centered sustainability programming, our history has demonstrated the vital role of centering students in climate solutions and our power when we problem solve together.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Campus location: Gerberding Hall (GRB). Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/96349024112. Campus room: Gerberding B40 (UW Sustainability office). Accessibility Contact: uwcsf@uw.edu. Event Types: Meetings. Student Activities.
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM.
For more info visit csf.uw.edu.
The Body Project
The Body Project is a 4 week evidence-based program designed to increase body acceptance and decrease body dissatisfaction. Groups meet weekly to develop skills for managing body dissatisfaction and to confront appearance ideals pressed upon us by society and social media. It is offered in collaboration from UW LiveWell and the UW Counseling Center with groups facilitated by trained Peer Health Educators from UW LiveWell and by clinicial staff from UW Counseling Center. This is NOT a therapy group; it is a prevention based educational group. If you’ve ever wanted to form a healthier relationship with your body, then this group is for you!
For this group only: Learn more and sign-up here.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Campus location: Elm Hall. Campus room: Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West). Accessibility Contact: lwpeer@uw.edu. Event Types: Student Activities. Workshops. Target Audience: Students.
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM.
For more info visit livewell.uw.edu.
Morning mindfulness practice (20 mins)
Description: We gather weekday mornings at 9:00am on Zoom for a short mindfulness practice. We settle in for the first few minutes with light guidance then practice together in silence and end promptly at 9:20. On the last Friday of the month, people are welcome to linger for informal conversation about different aspects of mindfulness and self-care.
Although we call it Mindfulness @ Work, students — both undergrad and grad — are welcome to join us.
For more information, check out our Teams channel: http://tinyurl.com/54hjvh5z.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/93902130437. Accessibility Contact: hstahl@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Not Specified. Workshops. Target Audience: Anyone at the UW interested in checking out mindfulness in a friendly, no-pressure environment.
Friday, February 14, 2025, 9:00 AM – 9:20 AM.
For more info visit tinyurl.com.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: Accessibility questions or requests for this workshop should be directed to help@uw.edu with “Learning Technologies Workshops accessibility” in the subject line. Event Types: Workshops.
Friday, February 14, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
On Zoom.
Daily 15 Minute Movement Break - Yoga and Fitness
These mini movement sessions are great for re-energizing your day. Sessions are open to all levels and will include a mix of strength training, yoga, and cardio.
Join daily or when you can: Mondays - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Tuesdays - 15-minute yoga break , Wednesday - Thursday - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Fridays - 15-minute guided dance break, Join in to start your work strong! No equipment needed. You may want a towel or yoga mat for laying on the floor.
Learn more and register on The Whole U website.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Accessibility Contact: murphyh4@uw.edu. Event Types: Not Specified.
Friday, February 14, 2025, 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Fundamentals for Startups - Impact investing: A 30,000-foot view for emerging entrepreneurs
Lecture: This panel discussion is a high-level primer on impact investing, an approach that marries financial returns with meaningful social and environmental impact, with an eye on what it means for startup founders and aspiring entrepreneurs. This broad strategic overview is designed to demystify the impact investment landscape and shine a light on the sometimes opaque world of non-dilutive funding, a critical consideration for mission-driven startups seeking capital without sacrificing equity. Speaker: Allison Parker, principal, Peake Impact, About Fundamentals for Startups:
Fundamentals for Startups is a weekly one-hour lecture series featuring notable experts who share startup-related information, experience, and insights with our entrepreneurial community. From raising capital to scaling to exit strategies, these seasoned guest speakers deliver valuable content designed to help startups and entrepreneurs thrive. Lectures are typically 30-40 mins, followed by open Q&A.
Each lecture is filmed, live…
Event interval: Ongoing event. Campus room: Condon Hall, 2nd floor (take elevator). Accessibility Contact: dso@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars. Target Audience: startups, entrepreneurs.
Friday, February 14, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
Startup Hall - 1100 NE Campus Parkway, 2nd floor (take elevator) or online (access link to come after registration).
Advanced Excel
Want to become more proficient at Excel? This advanced level workshop will expand on the basics of Excel and introduce you to more useful tools in the program! New topics in this course will include how to protect your workbook, more formatting features, advanced formula writing, useful chart features, and an introduction to pivot tables. This is a great opportunity if you are looking to expand your Excel knowledge at a manageable pace. We will go over the basics of these new skills, practice them, and have plenty of time for questions!
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Odegaard Undergraduate Library (OUG). Campus room: OUGL 102. Accessibility Contact: Accessibility questions or requests for this workshop should be directed to help@uw.edu with “Learning Technologies Workshops accessibility” in the subject line. Event Types: Workshops. Target Audience: UW students, faculty and staff.
Friday, February 14, 2025, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
For more info visit www.washington.edu.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: jkulstad@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops.
Friday, February 14, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
On Zoom.
The Body Project
The Body Project is a 4 week evidence-based program designed to increase body acceptance and decrease body dissatisfaction. Groups meet weekly to develop skills for managing body dissatisfaction and to confront appearance ideals pressed upon us by society and social media. It is offered in collaboration from UW LiveWell and the UW Counseling Center with groups facilitated by trained Peer Health Educators from UW LiveWell and by clinicial staff from UW Counseling Center. This is NOT a therapy group; it is a prevention based educational group. If you’ve ever wanted to form a healthier relationship with your body, then this group is for you!
For this group only: Learn more and sign-up here.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Campus room: Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West). Accessibility Contact: lwpeer@uw.edu. Event Types: Student Activities. Workshops. Target Audience: Students.
Friday, February 14, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
For more info visit livewell.uw.edu.
Concerto Competition: Strings
UW strings students compete for outside judges for a chance to perform with the UW Symphony.
FREE admission.
Event interval: Campus location: Music Building (MUS). Campus room: Brechemin Auditorium. Accessibility Contact: dso@uw.edu. Event Types: Performances. Facebook: http://facebook.com/UWMusic.
Friday, February 14, 2025, 3:00 PM.
For more info visit music.washington.edu.
Russian Film Series
Love cinema? Join the Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures every Friday at 5pm to view and discuss a different Russian film. All movies are in Russian, with English subtitles.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Thomson Hall (THO). Campus room: 119. Accessibility Contact: The Slavic Department, slavoffice@uw.edu. Event Types: Screenings.
Friday, February 14, 2025, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Conrad Tao and Caleb Teicher 'Counterpoint'
Pianist Conrad Tao and dancer Caleb Teicher combine their individual artistry into a collaboration that drives the imagination and opens the heart for a unique Valentine’s Day performance.
The stylistically diverse music of Counterpoint includes the Aria from Bach’s Goldberg Variations, Art Tatum’s stride piano, Arnold Schoenberg’s ironic take on the Viennese waltz, a delicate miniature from Tao and Teicher’s More Forever, and threading it all together — Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue.
J.S. BACH: Aria from the Goldberg Variations, BWV 988
CONRAD TAO/CALEB TEICHER: “Swing 2” from More Forever
ARNOLD SCHOENBERG: Five Piano Pieces, Op. 23: V. Walzer
CHARLES “HONI” COLES & BRENDA BUFALINO: The Coles and Bufalino Soft Shoe
JOHANNES BRAHMS: Intermezzo in E Major, Op. 116/4
WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART/DAVID PARKER: Song and Dance, based on Mozart's Sonata in A major, K.331: III. Allegretto "Alla Turca"
MAURICE RAVEL: Sonatine II. Mouvement de Menuet
GEORGE GERSHWIN: Rhapsody in Blue.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Meany Hall (MNY). Accessibility Contact: ticket@uw.edu. Event Types: Performances. Student Activities. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/rkLjtfNpJhYaj7J6/.
Friday, February 14, 2025, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM.
For more info visit meanycenter.org.
Playful Winter Collage - Botanical Art Workshop (in-person)
Cost: $57 (includes class supply fee)
Limited financial aid slots offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. REGISTER ONLINE
Join instructor Lisa Snow Lady in a collage workshop, drawing inspiration from the wintery botanical world to create original art pieces to frame or turn into cards!
Cut, tear, and paste layers of colorful papers to create original cards or small pieces to frame. Drawing inspiration from the seasonal flora of the surrounding UW Botanic Gardens and Center for Urban Horticulture, students will learn how to simplify the subject matter, create dynamic compositions, and choose harmonious color palettes. Additional class supply fee of $12.00 includes all materials, but students are welcome to bring in special collage papers to recycle into their pieces if desired.
Instructor Lisa Snow Lady has a BA in Art History and a BFA in Painting from the University of Washington, and a Certificate in Ornamental Horticulture from Edmonds College. Lisa is a member of the Northwest Collage Society.…
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: urbhort@uw.edu. Presenter: Lisa Lady. Contact Information: urbhort@uw.edu. Ticket Link: https://apps.ideal-logic.com/uwbg?key=2WSB-TGY2T_K9KH-5PTF_0519c4c56c09.
Saturday, February 15, 2025, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
Center for Urban Horticulture.
For more info visit apps.ideal-logic.com.
Deadline | Foster Exploration Seminars (EFS 2025)
Embark on a Transformative Journey: Foster Exploration Seminars (Early Fall Start 2025)
📅 Application Deadline: February 15, 2025, at 11:59 PM PST
Experience the world of international business with the Foster Exploration Seminars! These unique programs allows students to delve into the intricacies of global business through daily company visits and interactions with influential business and community leaders.
Beyond the company visits, students immerse themselves in the cultural and historical context through fun and engaging cultural visits. In just three weeks abroad, students achieve significant academic and personal growth, forming lasting bonds with fellow UW students and Foster Faculty and Staff.
Foster Exploration Seminars for Early Fall Start 2025 (late-August to mid-September): Business Denmark: Decoding the Danish model for Sustainability , Business Ireland: The Celtic Phoenix takes flight , Business Australia: Business, Government, and Society, Highlights: In-depth company visits to…
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: goabroad@uw.edu. Event Types: Not Specified.
Saturday, February 15, 2025, 11:59 PM.
For more info visit foster.uw.edu.
Presidents' Day
No classes. Most University offices and buildings are closed. Check with specific offices to confirm.
Event interval: Single day event. Year: 2025. Quarter: Winter. Event Types: Academics.
Monday, February 17, 2025.
For more info visit www.washington.edu.
Morning mindfulness practice (20 mins)
Description: We gather weekday mornings at 9:00am on Zoom for a short mindfulness practice. We settle in for the first few minutes with light guidance then practice together in silence and end promptly at 9:20. On the last Friday of the month, people are welcome to linger for informal conversation about different aspects of mindfulness and self-care.
Although we call it Mindfulness @ Work, students — both undergrad and grad — are welcome to join us.
For more information, check out our Teams channel: http://tinyurl.com/54hjvh5z.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/93902130437. Accessibility Contact: hstahl@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Not Specified. Workshops. Target Audience: Anyone at the UW interested in checking out mindfulness in a friendly, no-pressure environment.
Monday, February 17, 2025, 9:00 AM – 9:20 AM.
For more info visit tinyurl.com.
Daily 15 Minute Movement Break - Yoga and Fitness
These mini movement sessions are great for re-energizing your day. Sessions are open to all levels and will include a mix of strength training, yoga, and cardio.
Join daily or when you can: Mondays - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Tuesdays - 15-minute yoga break , Wednesday - Thursday - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Fridays - 15-minute guided dance break, Join in to start your work strong! No equipment needed. You may want a towel or yoga mat for laying on the floor.
Learn more and register on The Whole U website.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Accessibility Contact: murphyh4@uw.edu. Event Types: Not Specified.
Monday, February 17, 2025, 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Virtual Weight Training Class with The Whole U
Make time for training with weights and join Lauren Updyke for a 30 minute intermediate class each Tuesday and Thursday in April at 6:15 a.m. on Zoom.
You will need two sets of weights at least (5lb - 25lb range) and a chair. This class will include total body and focus on both large and small muscle groups. We will finish with core and stretching.
Learn more about this ongoing class and register to attend on The Whole U events page.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Event Types: Not Specified.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 6:15 AM – 6:45 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Virtual Weight Training Class with The Whole U
Make time for training with weights and join Lauren Updyke for a 30 minute intermediate class each Tuesday in April at 7:15 a.m. on Zoom.
You will need two sets of weights at least (5lb - 25lb range) and a chair. This class will include total body and focus on both large and small muscle groups. We will finish with core and stretching.
Learn more about this ongoing class and register to attend on The Whole U events page.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Event Types: Not Specified.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 7:15 AM – 7:45 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Morning mindfulness practice (20 mins)
Description: We gather weekday mornings at 9:00am on Zoom for a short mindfulness practice. We settle in for the first few minutes with light guidance then practice together in silence and end promptly at 9:20. On the last Friday of the month, people are welcome to linger for informal conversation about different aspects of mindfulness and self-care.
Although we call it Mindfulness @ Work, students — both undergrad and grad — are welcome to join us.
For more information, check out our Teams channel: http://tinyurl.com/54hjvh5z.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/93902130437. Accessibility Contact: hstahl@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Not Specified. Workshops. Target Audience: Anyone at the UW interested in checking out mindfulness in a friendly, no-pressure environment.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 9:00 AM – 9:20 AM.
For more info visit tinyurl.com.
UW Surplus Public Store
The UW Surplus store is open to everyone on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. We receive new items every day, so inventory is always changing. If you'd like to get a preview of new items, you can sign up for our newsletter. Come by to see what bargains are in stock this week!
About us: UW Surplus takes all unwanted items from UW departments and medical facilities. Our objective is to reuse, repurpose, or recycle as many items as possible to lessen the University’s climate impact on both purchasing and disposal. Items are resold through our retail store, online storefront, and timed auctions.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Plant Services Building (PSB). Accessibility Contact: surplus@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uwsurplus.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: Accessibility questions or requests for this workshop should be directed to help@uw.edu with “Learning Technologies Workshops accessibility” in the subject line. Event Types: Workshops.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
On Zoom.
Daily 15 Minute Movement Break - Yoga and Fitness
These mini movement sessions are great for re-energizing your day. Sessions are open to all levels and will include a mix of strength training, yoga, and cardio.
Join daily or when you can: Mondays - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Tuesdays - 15-minute yoga break , Wednesday - Thursday - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Fridays - 15-minute guided dance break, Join in to start your work strong! No equipment needed. You may want a towel or yoga mat for laying on the floor.
Learn more and register on The Whole U website.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Accessibility Contact: murphyh4@uw.edu. Event Types: Not Specified.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Dawgs Unplugged
Want to form a healthier relationship with social media? Join our Social Media Peer Group: Dawgs Unplugged to explore the impact of overuse, learn strategies for healthier habits, and strengthen offline connections. Meetings are offered regularly throughout the quarter for insightful discussions, practical tools, and a supportive community to help you reclaim balance in your digital life! Students are encouraged to attend as many sessions as they’d like.
There are two groups offered this quarter for Dawgs Unplugged: Tuesdays 11:00-12:00pm and Wednesdays 5:00-6:00pm starting the week of January 27th. Both are located in Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West).
Sign-up here!
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Elm Hall. Campus room: Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West). Accessibility Contact: lwpeer@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops. Student Activities. Target Audience: Students.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
For more info visit livewell.uw.edu.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: jkulstad@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
On Zoom.
Introduction to Podcasting Workshop (Online)
Curious about starting a podcast? Join us for Introduction to Podcasting at the UW Open Scholarship Commons! In this online workshop, you’ll create a podcast intro, share and listen to others' projects in a supportive environment, and learn practical tips for recording high-quality audio. Gain hands-on experience editing tracks in Audacity, and explore important topics like accessibility, preservation, open access, and digital safety. This workshop is part of the OSC Digital Storytelling Lab.
In this online workshop, you will: Produce an introduction for your dream podcast or for an imaginary one. , Listen to the podcast introductions of others in the workshop in a kind, supportive, growth-mindset environment. , Learn some level-up tricks for getting good voice/sound recordings. , Practice editing 5+ tracks in the sound-editing software Audacity. , Learn about the importance of accessibility, preservation, open access, and digital safety. This workshop requires the completion of a pre-workshop assignment.…
Event interval: Single day event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/91861077986. Accessibility Contact: dso@u.washington.edu. Event Types: Workshops. Target Audience: UW students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty and staff.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM.
TMMBA Online Application Workshop
Learn how to submit your best possible application for the TMMBA Program at an Application Workshop. In this small group session, you will learn about the admissions process, application requirements, and how to submit a competitive application to the TMMBA Program.
About TMMBA:
The Technology Management MBA Program will reshape the way you work in teams, evolve the way you think about leadership and provide new perspectives for tackling complex business challenges. Whether you’re just exploring or ready to apply, connect with us. We offer a variety of ways to get to know our program and people better.
Register here!
Event interval: Single day event. Campus room: Zoom (online). Accessibility Contact: tmmba@uw.edu. Event Types: Academics. Information Sessions.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM.
For more info visit uwfoster.my.site.com.
Voice Division Recital
UW voice students of Thomas Harper and Carrie Shaw present their quarterly recital.
FREE admission.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Music Building (MUS). Campus room: Brechemin Auditorium. Accessibility Contact: dos@uw.edu. Event Types: Performances. Facebook: http://facebook.com/UWMusic.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 4:00 PM.
For more info visit music.washington.edu.
Talking with Friends
Looking to build stronger connections and feel more confident in navigating social situations? Talking to Friends is a 4-week peer-led group that focuses on expanding connections with other Huskies through building self-efficacy, interpersonal, and resiliency skills. Those who sign up will meet for one-hour sessions facilitated by a trained Peer Health Educator, who is a student at UW. The goals of these sessions are to explore isolating experiences that happen on campus, develop healthy intrapersonal habits, and make the most out of your social life. Whether you’re shy, adjusting to a new environment, or just looking to meet new people, this group is a safe and welcoming space to grow. Start building friendships and skills that will last a lifetime—come join us!
Groups meet Tuesdays 4:30-5:30pm starting February 4th and ending February 25th in Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West). Students are encouraged to attend all sessions to get the most out of the group.
Sign-up here!
Event interval: Ongoing event. Campus room: Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West). Accessibility Contact: lwpeer@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops. Student Activities. Target Audience: Students.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM.
For more info visit livewell.uw.edu.
Digging In: Getting Down & Dirty into Soil Management & Remediation Techniques (online)
Cost: $37.50
Register Now, Financial aid slots available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Class 5 of 6. Conserving and building self-sustaining soils form the foundation of ecosystem restoration. Learn how a good understanding of existing site and soil conditions informs choosing best approaches to protecting intact soil ecosystems and repairing disturbed soils. Long-standing best practices as well as practices rooted in recent groundbreaking research will be covered. Working around existing native vegetation, especially trees, to protect roots, proper use of soil amendments, erosion control, and mulch will be reviewed. Understanding soils – what they are, how they function, how they degrade, and how to steward them back to health – empowers restoration professionals to design and implement more resilient and self-sustaining ecosystem restoration projects. This series of classes will build from the ground up a holistic knowledge of soils that will enable students to understand how and when to choose…
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: urbhort@uw.edu. Presenter: Christina Pfeiffer & Rodney Pond. Contact Information: urbhort@uw.edu. Ticket Link: https://apps.ideal-logic.com/uwbg?key=2WSB-TGY2T_K9KH-5PTF_1607378090d0.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:15 AM.
For more info visit apps.ideal-logic.com.
Morning mindfulness practice (20 mins)
Description: We gather weekday mornings at 9:00am on Zoom for a short mindfulness practice. We settle in for the first few minutes with light guidance then practice together in silence and end promptly at 9:20. On the last Friday of the month, people are welcome to linger for informal conversation about different aspects of mindfulness and self-care.
Although we call it Mindfulness @ Work, students — both undergrad and grad — are welcome to join us.
For more information, check out our Teams channel: http://tinyurl.com/54hjvh5z.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/93902130437. Accessibility Contact: hstahl@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Not Specified. Workshops. Target Audience: Anyone at the UW interested in checking out mindfulness in a friendly, no-pressure environment.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 9:00 AM – 9:20 AM.
For more info visit tinyurl.com.
AI Community of Practice weekly gathering
The UW AI Community of Practice is for everyone! We welcome participation from the entire university, including students. We want to build community and are planning all sorts of fun and interesting experimental events - guest speakers, lunch and learn, after-hours events, training, workshops, webinars and more. Ideas welcomed and encouraged — please share yours! Volunteers appreciated but not expected.
Our objectives:
* Encourage knowledge sharing and education
* Enable collaboration and networking
* Share innovation and research
* Discuss ethical and responsible use of AI
* Community engagement and outreach
Join us anytime for our weekly office hours, and find us online in our Microsoft Team.
Event interval: Single day event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/9684580021. Accessibility Contact: dagibbs@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions. Meetings. Not Specified.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM.
For more info visit washington.zoom.us.
UW Surplus Online Store
If you can't make it for the Tuesday Public Store, UW Surplus has you covered! Our online storefront features selected items added at 10:00 a.m. every Wednesday. Simply purchase online and pick up within a week - it couldn't be easier!
While the best selection will remain available on Tuesdays, we're trying to empower more people to shop sustainably for furniture, office essentials, and more.
UW Surplus takes all unwanted items from all UW departments and medical facilities. Our objective is to reuse, repurpose, or recycle as many items as possible to lessen the University’s climate impact on both purchasing and disposal. Items are resold through a retail store and online auctions. We receive new inventory every day, so our stock is always changing. If you'd like to get a preview of new items, you can sign up for our newsletter.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Plant Services Building (PSB). Accessibility Contact: surplus@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uwsurplus.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
Can I Steal That?* Thinking Through Responsible Reuse
*The Libraries discourage stealing, and beyond that, we can’t offer you any legal advice. However, art and scholarship are built on the innovations of those who came before us, and there are many ways to responsibly integrate other people’s work into your own projects. In this workshop, we will introduce you to the legal, professional, and ethical frameworks you’ll need to navigate when thinking through whether and how to reuse third-party materials. Bring your own object to research during the workshop. This presentation is part of the OSC Digital Storytelling Lab.
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: aubreyjw@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions. Target Audience: UW students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty and staff.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: Accessibility questions or requests for this workshop should be directed to help@uw.edu with “Learning Technologies Workshops accessibility” in the subject line. Event Types: Workshops.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
On Zoom.
Daily 15 Minute Movement Break - Yoga and Fitness
These mini movement sessions are great for re-energizing your day. Sessions are open to all levels and will include a mix of strength training, yoga, and cardio.
Join daily or when you can: Mondays - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Tuesdays - 15-minute yoga break , Wednesday - Thursday - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Fridays - 15-minute guided dance break, Join in to start your work strong! No equipment needed. You may want a towel or yoga mat for laying on the floor.
Learn more and register on The Whole U website.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Accessibility Contact: murphyh4@uw.edu. Event Types: Not Specified.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Psychology Neural Systems and Behavior Edwards Seminar with Jessleen Kanwal, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology
Multisensory Predator Recognition and Defense Behavior, Jessleen Kanwal, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Survival in complex ecosystems requires animals to rapidly detect and respond to threats by integrating sensory cues across multiple modalities. Yet, how nervous systems combine interspecies sensory information to guide defensive decision-making behaviors remains poorly understood. Here, we investigate how the rove beetle Dalotia coriaria detects and responds to predatory ants using multisensory cues. Dalotia selectively flexes its abdomen to release defensive chemicals, an easily quantifiable readout of threat recognition. To dissect the sensory drivers of this response, we reconstituted predator encounters in freely moving and tethered beetles on a spherical treadmill. Analysis of Dalotia’s spatial and temporal flexing and locomotor response dynamics reveals that volatile ant-derived cues mediate fleeing, while a…
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Kincaid Hall (KIN). Campus room: Kincaid 102. Accessibility Contact: chairpsy@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars. Target Audience: Faculty, students, staff.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 11:30 AM – 1:20 PM.
ALBA Barcelona Info Session
Come learn about the ALBA Barcelona partner program, offered through the Foster Global Business Center! ALBA is offered to all UW undergraduates, and is open every quarter.
This information session will count towards the info session attendance requirement for students applying for Winter and Spring 2026.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: PACCAR Hall (PCAR). Campus room: Paccar 390. Accessibility Contact: czeiher@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM.
For more info visit foster.uw.edu.
Sound Studio Office Hours
Come to the Sound Studio with any audio-related needs! It's the perfect opportunity to get more personalized help or advice, as well as any refreshers you may need to use the studio more effectively. Feel free to drop by any time from 1-2PM, every Wednesday!
Event interval: Ongoing event. Campus location: Odegaard Undergraduate Library (OUG). Campus room: OUGL 246. Accessibility Contact: Accessibility questions or requests for this workshop should be directed to help@uw.edu with “Learning Technologies Workshops accessibility” in the subject line. Event Types: Workshops. Target Audience: UW students, faculty and staff.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
For more info visit www.washington.edu.
Exploring Digital Storytelling: A Personal Journey
Join the OSC Digital Storytelling Lab in welcoming Yasi Naraghi as she shares her journey into video making and reflects on her exploration of visual storytelling. In this session, Yasi will discuss her video, "In Your Absence," as a meditation on grief and talk about how she married analog and digital processes. This event is an opportunity for participants to learn how digital storytelling can serve as a bridge to new forms of knowledge, communication, and engagement, encouraging everyone to experiment with the potential of video as a storytelling medium.
Whether you’re just getting started or looking for inspiration, this presentation will show that digital storytelling is a versatile, approachable tool for any storyteller—regardless of your discipline or experience. Scholars, researchers, artists, or those interested in exploring different methods of creative expression will discover how digital storytelling can be an enriching and inclusive avenue for communication. Come explore how the world of digital…
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Suzzallo Library (SUZ). Campus room: OSC Presentation Space. Accessibility Contact: aubreyjw@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions. Target Audience: UW students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty and staff.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: jkulstad@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
On Zoom.
Laboratory Medicine Grand Rounds: Khalda Ibrahim, MD - Information Flow in Laboratory Stewardship
Khalda Ibrahim, MD, Assistant Clinical Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, School of Medicine, Physician Informaticist, UCLA Health Information Technology, Objectives: Describe traditional and current approaches to laboratory stewardship. , Discuss the roles of information theory and cognitive heuristics in diagnostic decision-making. , Develop multidisciplinary, evidence-based approaches to laboratory stewardship. Speaker disclosures: Khalda Ibrahim, MD (Stocks or stock options, excluding diversified mutual funds-Cardio Diagnostics - 12/12/2024) All conflicts of interest have been mitigated. Live streamed via Zoom*: https://washington.zoom.us/j/96677954374
Sponsored by the University of Washington School of Medicine, the Department of Laboratory Medicine, and the Office of Continuing Medical Education. Sign-in is required to receive Continuing Medical Education (CME) or Continuing Education (CE) credit.
Attendance tracking instructions: , UW…
Event interval: Ongoing event. Campus location: Magnuson Health Sciences Center D (HSD). Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/96677954374. Campus room: HSB Room D-209 (Turner Auditorium). Accessibility Contact: hsbuild@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM.
For more info visit dlmp.uw.edu.
Husky Pack: Men's Wellness Group
Husky Pack is a casual space to build connection and men's wellness. Topics will include male body standards, healthy relationships, male role models, loneliness and more. Husky Pack aims to create a university-wide culture where male wellbeing is de-stigmatized and men support one another.
Groups are held every Wednesday 4:00 pm -5:00 pm in Elm Hall 109 (right next to Fitness Center West) with a different topic each week. You’re welcome to attend as many or as little sessions as preferred. Our Instagram (@uwlivewell) will share each week’s topic.
Sign-up here!
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Elm Hall. Campus room: Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West). Accessibility Contact: lwpeer@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops. Student Activities. Target Audience: Students.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
For more info visit livewell.uw.edu.
International Studies Major Information Session
We'd love for you to join us to discover more about the International Studies Major from current students, advisers, and faculty! We'll have pizza available on a first come, first served basis, so come hungry! Bring your questions, and let's dive into the world of International Studies together!
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Thomson Hall (THO). Campus room: Thomson 101. Accessibility Contact: jsisoas@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions. Student Activities. Academics.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM.
EMBA Online Information Session
Meet Foster EMBA Online allows you to participate in a live information session from your desk at work or home. The session includes a general overview of the Foster EMBA Program. The session is about 30 minutes in duration and is led director of Admissions, Randell Hernandez.
Register today for this Meet Foster EMBA Online session. You will receive a confirmation message and reminder e-mails with a link.
All sessions are Pacific Time.
Event interval: Accessibility Contact: online. Event Types: Information Sessions.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 5:00 PM – 5:30 PM.
For more info visit attendee.gotowebinar.com.
Dawgs Unplugged
Want to form a healthier relationship with social media? Join our Social Media Peer Group: Dawgs Unplugged to explore the impact of overuse, learn strategies for healthier habits, and strengthen offline connections. Meetings are offered regularly throughout the quarter for insightful discussions, practical tools, and a supportive community to help you reclaim balance in your digital life! Students are encouraged to attend as many sessions as they’d like.
There are two groups offered this quarter for Dawgs Unplugged: Tuesdays 11:00-12:00pm and Wednesdays 5:00-6:00pm starting the week of January 27th. Both are located in Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West).
Sign-up here!
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Elm Hall. Campus room: Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West). Accessibility Contact: lwpeer@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops. Student Activities. Target Audience: Students.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
For more info visit livewell.uw.edu.
Jazz Innovations I
UW Jazz Studies students perform in small combos over two consecutive nights of original tunes, homage to the greats of jazz, and experiments in composing and arranging.
FREE admission.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Music Building (MUS). Campus room: Brechemin Auditorium. Accessibility Contact: dos@uw.edu. Event Types: Performances. Facebook: http://facebook.com/UWMusic.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 7:30 PM.
For more info visit music.washington.edu.
Virtual Weight Training Class with The Whole U
Make time for training with weights and join Lauren Updyke for a 30 minute intermediate class each Tuesday and Thursday in April at 6:15 a.m. on Zoom.
You will need two sets of weights at least (5lb - 25lb range) and a chair. This class will include total body and focus on both large and small muscle groups. We will finish with core and stretching.
Learn more about this ongoing class and register to attend on The Whole U events page.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Event Types: Not Specified.
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 6:15 AM – 6:45 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Morning mindfulness practice (20 mins)
Description: We gather weekday mornings at 9:00am on Zoom for a short mindfulness practice. We settle in for the first few minutes with light guidance then practice together in silence and end promptly at 9:20. On the last Friday of the month, people are welcome to linger for informal conversation about different aspects of mindfulness and self-care.
Although we call it Mindfulness @ Work, students — both undergrad and grad — are welcome to join us.
For more information, check out our Teams channel: http://tinyurl.com/54hjvh5z.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/93902130437. Accessibility Contact: hstahl@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Not Specified. Workshops. Target Audience: Anyone at the UW interested in checking out mindfulness in a friendly, no-pressure environment.
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 9:00 AM – 9:20 AM.
For more info visit tinyurl.com.
Science in Medicine Lecture Series: Chet Moritz, PhD
Lecture Title:
“Neurotechnology to promote long-term recovery after brain and spinal cord injury”
Neuroprosthetic devices have tremendous potential to improve quality of life after brain and spinal cord injury. Neuroprostheses that record and stimulate neural activity have progressed from animal studies to human trials, including the approach of using activity recorded from the brain to control Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) and epidural spinal stimulation and restore movement to paralyzed muscles. Another promising method for restoring movement and enhancing rehabilitation is direct stimulation of the spinal cord. Both transcutaneous and epidural stimulation can activate neural circuits distal to an injury, leading to both direct muscle contraction or facilitating long-term neuroplasticity, and recovery that restores volitional control of movement for months after the stimulation is discontinued. Optogenetic stimulation of the spinal cord is another promising approach to achieve specific…
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: William H. Foege Genome Sciences (GNOM). Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/97024388054. Campus room: 060 Foege South Auditorium. Accessibility Contact: Amy Serafino - somevent@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars. Target Audience: faculty, staff, graduate students, postdocs.
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
For more info visit research-grad-ed.uwmedicine.org.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: Accessibility questions or requests for this workshop should be directed to help@uw.edu with “Learning Technologies Workshops accessibility” in the subject line. Event Types: Workshops.
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
On Zoom.
Daily 15 Minute Movement Break - Yoga and Fitness
These mini movement sessions are great for re-energizing your day. Sessions are open to all levels and will include a mix of strength training, yoga, and cardio.
Join daily or when you can: Mondays - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Tuesdays - 15-minute yoga break , Wednesday - Thursday - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Fridays - 15-minute guided dance break, Join in to start your work strong! No equipment needed. You may want a towel or yoga mat for laying on the floor.
Learn more and register on The Whole U website.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Accessibility Contact: murphyh4@uw.edu. Event Types: Not Specified.
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Introduction to Video Production for Digital Storytelling
Curious about making videos? Ever wanted to showcase your research to the wider public through YouTube? Join us for Introduction to Video Making at the UW Open Scholarship Commons! This workshop will discuss storytelling, storyboarding, and editing your videos to showcase your digital story. Gain hands-on experience using video editing tools, tips, and level-ups to create videos that grab the audience’s attention and effectively share your ideas and personality. This presentation is part of the OSC Digital Storytelling Lab.
In this online workshop, you will: Produce a quick 2-3 minute video intro for a dream video series or an imaginary one , Learn how to use a handful of video editing tools ( including organizing clips, adding music, adding segments from other videos, creating voiceovers, transitions, and more) , Discussions about what makes a good story and video , Develop a narrative script that reflects your experiences as a researcher , Learn about the importance of accessibility, fair use,…
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Suzzallo Library (SUZ). Campus room: OSC Presentation Space. Accessibility Contact: aubreyjw@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions. Target Audience: UW students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty and staff.
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM.
Cybersecurity and Privacy Office Hours
Need advice on incident, risk, or vulnerability management? Join us every Thursday for UW-IT’s hour-long, drop-in office hours!
Whether you need help with incident or vulnerability management, or you’re navigating privacy challenges, this session is the place to get the support you need.
Event interval: Single day event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/99924675675. Accessibility Contact: mspiro@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions. Meetings.
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: jkulstad@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops.
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
On Zoom.
Globalizing the Syllabus
Co-sponsored by the Office of Global Affairs, this workshop will focus on helping faculty create syllabi that are globally inclusive. Participants will explore how to design syllabi and select course content to elevate different voices, traditions, perspectives, and ways of knowing.
Zoom auto-captions will be enabled at this workshop.
The University is committed to providing access, equal opportunity, and reasonable accommodation in its services, programs, activities, education, and employment for individuals with disabilities. If you need disability accommodations, please reach out to the UW Disability Services Office (DSO): dso@uw.edu.
Event interval: Single day event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/98973887708. Accessibility Contact: teaching@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops.
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM.
For more info visit teaching.washington.edu.
CFAS Seminar February 2025: AMR Gonorrhea with Dr. Lao-Tzu Allan-Blitz
We welcome your attendance at the February 2025 UW Center for AIDS & STD (CFAS) Research Seminar.
Please join us on Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 4 PM PST on Zoom.
For Zoom info: Please email CFAS@uw.edu or click here to be added to the mailing list.
"AMR Gonorrhea"
Lao-Tzu Allan-Blitz, MD, MPH
Internal Medicine | Pediatrics
Division of Global Health Equity,
Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: cfas@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars.
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Fostering an Arctic Research Community at UW
Are you an Arctic researcher at the University of Washington?
Come join us for lightning talks, brainstorming sessions, and networking over food and drinks to learn what others are doing! Register today at the weblink in this UW Calendar event to confirm your spot!
Event organizers:
Mia Bennett (Geography), David Butman (Civil & Environmental Engineering), PJ Griffin (School of Marine & Environmental Affairs/American Indian Studies)
With generous support from the UW Office of Research.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Student Union Building (HUB). Campus room: HUB, Room 340. Accessibility Contact: Mia Bennett, miabenn@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions. Lectures/Seminars. Academics. Target Audience: Graduate students, postdocs, faculty, staff, researchers.
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM.
For more info visit docs.google.com.
The Body Project
The Body Project is a 4 week evidence-based program designed to increase body acceptance and decrease body dissatisfaction. Groups meet weekly to develop skills for managing body dissatisfaction and to confront appearance ideals pressed upon us by society and social media. It is offered in collaboration from UW LiveWell and the UW Counseling Center with groups facilitated by trained Peer Health Educators from UW LiveWell and by clinicial staff from UW Counseling Center. This is NOT a therapy group; it is a prevention based educational group. If you’ve ever wanted to form a healthier relationship with your body, then this group is for you!
For this group only: Learn more and sign-up here.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Campus location: Elm Hall. Campus room: Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West). Accessibility Contact: lwpeer@uw.edu. Event Types: Student Activities. Workshops. Target Audience: Students.
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM.
For more info visit livewell.uw.edu.
FILM SCREENING |"My Imaginary Country"
Join Affiliate Lecturer Livia Lima and Andrés Barría, Professor and Honorary Consul of Chile in WA, for a screening of Patricio Guzmán's 2019 documentary, "My Imaginary Country (Mi país imaginario)." This film follows the massive protests that erupted in Santiago, Chile, in 2019 and resulted in a new constituent assembly. The screening will be followed by a Q&A, which will examine the protests' place within Chilean political life.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Allen Library (ALB). Campus room: Allen Auditorium. Accessibility Contact: Katie Sandler, ksandl@uw.edu. Event Types: Screenings. Target Audience: This event is free and open to the public. Registration encouraged.
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM.
PANEL: Careers in Government & the Public Sector
Want to find out about diverse and fulfilling career paths in government and the public sector? Come and learn from Jackson School of International Studies alumni Marquis Bullock of the City of Seattle, Mary Cho of the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, Robbie Cunningham Adams of the City of Mercer Island, and Rustam Goychayev of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Bring your questions! Snacks will be served.
This event is co-hosted by Jackson School Career Services and the Jackson School Student Association (JSSA). Free and open to all UW students and alumni.
Marquis Bullock
Marquis Bullock is a Fiscal and Policy Analyst for the City of Seattle Budget Office, where he manages a portfolio that includes the Seattle IT Department and Coronavirus-related relief funds. His work focuses on ensuring efficient and equitable allocation of public resources to support the city's policy goals. Marquis holds a BA in History from the University of Washington, as well as a Master of Arts in…
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Thomson Hall (THO). Campus room: 317. Accessibility Contact: jsisjobs@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops. Student Activities. Lectures/Seminars. Special Events. Information Sessions.
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM.
For more info visit jsis.washington.edu.
Guest Orchestra Concert: Harmonia with UW Piano Students
Guest orchestra Harmonia (William White, director) performs winning concerto excerpts with UW piano students.
This performance is made possible with support from the Willard Schultz Piano Fund in the School of Music.
Tickets: $20 general; $15 UW employee, retiree, UWAA member; $10 students, seniors.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Meany Hall (MNY). Campus room: Meany Theater. Accessibility Contact: To request disability accommodation, contact the Arts UW Ticket Office at 206-543-4880 or ticket@uw.edu. Event Types: Performances. Facebook: http://facebook.com/UWMusic.
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 7:30 PM.
For more info visit music.washington.edu.
Jazz Innovations II
UW Jazz Studies students perform in small combos over two consecutive nights of original tunes, homage to the greats of jazz, and experiments in composing and arranging.
FREE admission.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Music Building (MUS). Campus room: Brechemin Auditorium. Accessibility Contact: dos@uw.edu. Event Types: Performances. Facebook: http://facebook.com/UWMusic.
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 7:30 PM.
For more info visit music.washington.edu.
Morning mindfulness practice (20 mins)
Description: We gather weekday mornings at 9:00am on Zoom for a short mindfulness practice. We settle in for the first few minutes with light guidance then practice together in silence and end promptly at 9:20. On the last Friday of the month, people are welcome to linger for informal conversation about different aspects of mindfulness and self-care.
Although we call it Mindfulness @ Work, students — both undergrad and grad — are welcome to join us.
For more information, check out our Teams channel: http://tinyurl.com/54hjvh5z.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/93902130437. Accessibility Contact: hstahl@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Not Specified. Workshops. Target Audience: Anyone at the UW interested in checking out mindfulness in a friendly, no-pressure environment.
Friday, February 21, 2025, 9:00 AM – 9:20 AM.
For more info visit tinyurl.com.
Homelessness Research Working Group
The Homelessness Research Working Group at the University of Washington is a weekly interdisciplinary meeting space for UW faculty, students, and scientists to collaborate and interact with community members engaged in the homelessness care system.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Campus location: Savery Hall (SAV). Campus room: Savery Hall Room 245. Accessibility Contact: Zack Almquist zalmquis@uw.edu. Event Types: Academics. Information Sessions. Lectures/Seminars. Meetings. Workshops.
Friday, February 21, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: Accessibility questions or requests for this workshop should be directed to help@uw.edu with “Learning Technologies Workshops accessibility” in the subject line. Event Types: Workshops.
Friday, February 21, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
On Zoom.
Daily 15 Minute Movement Break - Yoga and Fitness
These mini movement sessions are great for re-energizing your day. Sessions are open to all levels and will include a mix of strength training, yoga, and cardio.
Join daily or when you can: Mondays - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Tuesdays - 15-minute yoga break , Wednesday - Thursday - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Fridays - 15-minute guided dance break, Join in to start your work strong! No equipment needed. You may want a towel or yoga mat for laying on the floor.
Learn more and register on The Whole U website.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Accessibility Contact: murphyh4@uw.edu. Event Types: Not Specified.
Friday, February 21, 2025, 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Center for Environmental Politics: David Konisky, Indiana University Bloomington, “Disparities in Disconnections: Utility Access in the Age of Climate Change”
Center for Environmental Politics: David Konisky, Indiana University Bloomington, “Disparities in Disconnections: Utility Access in the Age of Climate Change”
Friday, February 21, 2025 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
The Olson Room, Gowen Hall 1A.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Gowen Hall (GWN). Campus room: The Olson Room, Gowen Hall 1A. Accessibility Contact: polisci@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars.
Friday, February 21, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM.
UW Traumatic Brain Injury - Behavioral Health ECHO
Successful TBI recovery can depend in large part on access and adherence to behavioral health treatment. Early identification and intervention improve outcomes, but community resources are scarce and fragmented. This program offers community providers who care for patients who have had a TBI-focused didactics and patient case consultations throughout Washington State.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Accessibility Contact: Jennifer Erickson. Event Types: Academics. Lectures/Seminars. Meetings.
Friday, February 21, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM.
For more info visit tbi-bh-echo.psychiatry.uw.edu.
Fundamentals for Startups - Startup capital strategy: Venture debt 101
Lecture: Venture debt is a type of financing designed specifically for startups to complement equity financing and provide access to capital without sacrificing additional equity. Rob Belcher, who got his MBA from UW’s Foster School of Business and whose company is an alternative lender to B2B Saas companies, will compare this type of alternative finance structures with traditional startup equity and bank debt financing, and discuss the broader landscape for early-stage financing for entrepreneurs. Speaker: Rob Belcher, managing director, SaaS Capital, About Fundamentals for Startups:
Fundamentals for Startups is a weekly one-hour lecture series featuring notable experts who share startup-related information, experience, and insights with our entrepreneurial community. From raising capital to scaling to exit strategies, these seasoned guest speakers deliver valuable content designed to help startups and entrepreneurs thrive. Lectures are typically 30-40 mins, followed by open Q&A.
Each lecture is filmed,…
Event interval: Ongoing event. Campus room: Condon Hall, 2nd floor (take elevator). Accessibility Contact: dso@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars. Target Audience: startups, entrepreneurs.
Friday, February 21, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
Startup Hall - 1100 NE Campus Parkway, 2nd floor (take elevator) or online (access link to come after registration).
Thrive Together: WE Lead Mentoring Circle
Mentorship is a key driver of success, and can support us at any stage of our professional lives. There is ample research showing that having a mentor or a sponsor can help you land raises, promotions, stretch assignments, and more. Mentoring is not only a critical source of professional and leadership development, it is key for closing the gender gap in pay equity, representation on boards and in the C-suite, and more.
Join us and develop connections on and off campus, be part of a forum for group learning and conversation, and develop professional skills to support you in navigating the next steps of your career.
What to expect: Mentors are entrepreneurial women from varied industries , You'll be matched with up to 4 mentors during this event in two "circles" shared with peers from across campus , When registering, you are committing to attending the full event , Ample snacks and beverages will be provided! Who should attend?
This event is for any currently enrolled UW student looking to connect with…
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: PACCAR Hall (PCAR). Campus room: Deloitte Commons 299. Accessibility Contact: Winona Kantamaneni. Event Types: Information Sessions. Special Events.
Friday, February 21, 2025, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
For more info visit washington.startuptree.co.
Univerity of Washington International Security Colloquium (UWISC): "International Financial Institutions and the Promotion of Autocratic Resilience"
University of Washington International Security Colloquium (UWISC): "International Financial Institutions and the Promotion of Autocratic Resilience"
Friday, February 21, 2025 - 1:30pm to 3:00pm
The Olson Room, Gowen Hall 1A.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Gowen Hall (GWN). Campus room: The Olson Room, Gowen Hall 1A. Accessibility Contact: polisci@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars.
Friday, February 21, 2025, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: jkulstad@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops.
Friday, February 21, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
On Zoom.
The Body Project
The Body Project is a 4 week evidence-based program designed to increase body acceptance and decrease body dissatisfaction. Groups meet weekly to develop skills for managing body dissatisfaction and to confront appearance ideals pressed upon us by society and social media. It is offered in collaboration from UW LiveWell and the UW Counseling Center with groups facilitated by trained Peer Health Educators from UW LiveWell and by clinicial staff from UW Counseling Center. This is NOT a therapy group; it is a prevention based educational group. If you’ve ever wanted to form a healthier relationship with your body, then this group is for you!
For this group only: Learn more and sign-up here.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Campus room: Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West). Accessibility Contact: lwpeer@uw.edu. Event Types: Student Activities. Workshops. Target Audience: Students.
Friday, February 21, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
For more info visit livewell.uw.edu.
'Self-Destructive Policy Seeking and Self-Benefiting Shirking', with Ko Maeda, University of North Texas
Politicians and political parties make promises during electoral campaigns. However, achieving a policy goal can sometimes hurt them electorally, and a party can be better off not pursuing what its supporters want. This study empirically demonstrates that Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party has been gaining an electoral advantage by not achieving its stated goal of revising the constitution.
Ko Maeda (Ph.D. Michigan State University, 2005) is Associate Professor of political science at the University of North Texas, specializing in elections, party competition, and political institutions. His work has appeared in journals such as the Journal of Politics, British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, Electoral Studies, and the Journal of Theoretical Politics.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Thomson Hall (THO). Campus room: Thomson Hall 317. Accessibility Contact: Accommodation requests related to disability or health condition should be made at least ten days ahead of event date. Contact japan@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars.
Friday, February 21, 2025, 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM.
Russian Film Series
Love cinema? Join the Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures every Friday at 5pm to view and discuss a different Russian film. All movies are in Russian, with English subtitles.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Thomson Hall (THO). Campus room: 119. Accessibility Contact: The Slavic Department, slavoffice@uw.edu. Event Types: Screenings.
Friday, February 21, 2025, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Amjad Ali Khan and Sons
Amjad Ali Khan is an undisputed virtuoso of the sarod and one of India’s most celebrated classical musicians. Together with his talented sons, Amaan and Ayaan Ali Bangash, the family represents a brilliant musical lineage of seven generations of revered sarod players.
Renowned for their exquisite performances, this iconic trio showcases the rich tradition of Indian classical ragas and Indian folk music, playing with an elegant lyricism and joy-filled dynamism that is legendary.
"Uniting people through music and melody … the power of their performance rocked the hall." — Times of India.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Meany Hall (MNY). Accessibility Contact: ticket@uw.edu. Event Types: Performances. Student Activities. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/9hvyuhEJYWFgTV4A/.
Friday, February 21, 2025, 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
For more info visit meanycenter.org.
Experience the Executive MBA Program
Explore Foster's EMBA Program, Registration is REQUIRED to attend CLASS
Committing to an MBA program given your responsibilities (more than a full-time job, family, etc.), needs careful consideration. Our EMBA class visit allows you to meet with either the Executive Director or the Admission Director to learn more about the Executive MBA Program.
The day also includes a class visit, and an opportunity to observe an Executive MBA class in action. You will be paired with a student host to experience the classroom environment. You will also experience discussions between experienced managers and leaders who leverage their professional experiences within a framework of formal business education.
7:45 am – Park and walk to the Bank of America Executive Center
8:00 am – Connect with a Student Host
8:15 am – Organizational Leadership/ Michael Johnson or Marketing Strategies/Rob Palmatier
11:30 am – Lunch with Director of Admissions/Executive Director and Current EMBA Students
12:30 pm – End of Event…
Event interval: Single day event. Campus room: EMBA class room. Accessibility Contact: emba@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars.
Saturday, February 22, 2025, 8:00 AM – 12:30 PM.
For more info visit uwfoster.my.site.com.
Forest Bathing (in-person)
Cost: $25
Advance registration required.
Join UW Botanic Gardens and Cascadia Forest Therapy for a unique forest bathing opportunity in the Washington Park Arboretum. Forest bathing (or shinrin-yoku) has been popular in Japan for decades and is gaining momentum in the US. The practice encourages you to move in nature at a slower pace and take in the atmosphere around you. Multiple scientific studies have shown that the practice lowers stress and blood pressure levels, while increasing immune system functioning, making you more resilient to diseases and illness.
During this class the guide, in partnership with the forest, will offer an evolving series of invitations crafted to help participants slow down and open their senses. The opening of one’s senses encourages mindfulness, which readies the heart and mind to be fully present in the natural world. Come discover the medicine of being in the forest.
Accessibility: These sessions are slow-paced and generally cover less than a mile of trail. Trails are not…
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Washington Park Arboretum (LNDMK-8). Accessibility Contact: urbhort@uw.edu. Ticket Link: https://apps.ideal-logic.com/uwbg?key=2WSB-TGY2T_K9KH-5PTF_81018ab1665d.
Saturday, February 22, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM.
For more info visit apps.ideal-logic.com.
Morning mindfulness practice (20 mins)
Description: We gather weekday mornings at 9:00am on Zoom for a short mindfulness practice. We settle in for the first few minutes with light guidance then practice together in silence and end promptly at 9:20. On the last Friday of the month, people are welcome to linger for informal conversation about different aspects of mindfulness and self-care.
Although we call it Mindfulness @ Work, students — both undergrad and grad — are welcome to join us.
For more information, check out our Teams channel: http://tinyurl.com/54hjvh5z.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/93902130437. Accessibility Contact: hstahl@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Not Specified. Workshops. Target Audience: Anyone at the UW interested in checking out mindfulness in a friendly, no-pressure environment.
Monday, February 24, 2025, 9:00 AM – 9:20 AM.
For more info visit tinyurl.com.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: Accessibility questions or requests for this workshop should be directed to help@uw.edu with “Learning Technologies Workshops accessibility” in the subject line. Event Types: Workshops.
Monday, February 24, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
On Zoom.
Daily 15 Minute Movement Break - Yoga and Fitness
These mini movement sessions are great for re-energizing your day. Sessions are open to all levels and will include a mix of strength training, yoga, and cardio.
Join daily or when you can: Mondays - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Tuesdays - 15-minute yoga break , Wednesday - Thursday - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Fridays - 15-minute guided dance break, Join in to start your work strong! No equipment needed. You may want a towel or yoga mat for laying on the floor.
Learn more and register on The Whole U website.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Accessibility Contact: murphyh4@uw.edu. Event Types: Not Specified.
Monday, February 24, 2025, 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
UW Tableau User Group
UW”s Tableau User Group (TUG) is made up of Tableau Desktop users from around the University. Our goal is to facilitate learning and knowledge-sharing about Tableau Desktop and the UW Tableau Server. We host monthly meetings and an online collaboration space.
Join the UW TUG https://itconnect.uw.edu/work/data/reporting-and-analytics/tableau/tableau-help/#TUG
Information about acquiring Tableau Desktop https://itconnect.uw.edu/work/data/reporting-and-analytics/tableau/
Target Audience
UW faculty and staff who use Tableau Desktop
Event interval: Ongoing event. Event Types: Information Sessions. Meetings. Workshops.
Monday, February 24, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: jkulstad@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops.
Monday, February 24, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
On Zoom.
University Faculty Lecture
The 2025 University Faculty Lecture will be given by Kate Starbird- Associate Professor, Human Centered Design & Engineering, College of Engineering, Seattle campus. Join Professor Starbird for a discussion about her work understanding how online rumors, misinformation and disinformation are created and shared during times of crisis — shining a light on the roles everyone plays on social media and beyond.
Open to the public, registration required.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Student Union Building (HUB). Online Meeting Link: https://www.youtube.com/live/YnJ5o09zucI. Campus room: North Ballroom. Accessibility Contact: rsvp@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars.
Monday, February 24, 2025, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM.
For more info visit events.uw.edu.
Watercoloring Urban Critters
Cost: $160 for all 4 classes in the series, preregistration required
Financial aid slots available on a first-come, first-served basis, REGISTER ONLINE, Class Dates: 6:00-8:00 PM, Mondays February 24th - March 17th, 2025
Come watercolor Seattle’s urban fauna! In this beginner to intermediate level class students will learn techniques to produce realistic and accurate paintings. In this class you’ll also gain the skills to paint fur, feathers, and skin. Students leave with finished watercolor pieces of urban animals and the confidence to paint other subject matter!
A simple supply list will be provided with your confirmation email.
Robin Bundi is a teacher, artist, and designer living in Seattle, Washington. She loves to explore the natural world and primarily creates work to celebrate the natural world and our connection to it. Robin’s studio practice includes watercolor painting, drawing, and making her own watercolors from foraged materials. She has a BFA in Graphic Design and Art History from Ohio…
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: urbhort@uw.edu. Presenter: Robin Bundi. Ticket Link: https://apps.ideal-logic.com/uwbg?key=2WSB-TGY2T_K9KH-5PTF_1dd15d62d25f.
Monday, February 24, 2025, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Center for Urban Horticulture, Douglas Classroom
3501 NE 41st Street, Seattle WA 98105.
For more info visit apps.ideal-logic.com.
An Evening with Krzysztof Siwczyk
Please join us on Monday, February 24, at 6:00pm, for a reading and conversation with award-winning Polish poet Krzysztof Siwczyk and his translator Prof. Piotr Florczyk, moderated by Prof. Agnieszka Jeżyk.
For more information about the author, please visit the University of Chicago Press website.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Communications Building (CMU). Campus room: 120. Accessibility Contact: Slavic Department, slavoffice@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events.
Monday, February 24, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM.
Baroque Ensemble
UW music students perform music of the Baroque era under the direction of Tekla Cunningham.
FREE admission.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Music Building (MUS). Campus room: Brechemin Auditorium. Accessibility Contact: dos@uw.edu. Event Types: Performances. Facebook: http://facebook.com/UWMusic.
Monday, February 24, 2025, 7:30 PM.
For more info visit music.washington.edu.
Virtual Weight Training Class with The Whole U
Make time for training with weights and join Lauren Updyke for a 30 minute intermediate class each Tuesday and Thursday in April at 6:15 a.m. on Zoom.
You will need two sets of weights at least (5lb - 25lb range) and a chair. This class will include total body and focus on both large and small muscle groups. We will finish with core and stretching.
Learn more about this ongoing class and register to attend on The Whole U events page.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Event Types: Not Specified.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 6:15 AM – 6:45 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Virtual Weight Training Class with The Whole U
Make time for training with weights and join Lauren Updyke for a 30 minute intermediate class each Tuesday in April at 7:15 a.m. on Zoom.
You will need two sets of weights at least (5lb - 25lb range) and a chair. This class will include total body and focus on both large and small muscle groups. We will finish with core and stretching.
Learn more about this ongoing class and register to attend on The Whole U events page.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Event Types: Not Specified.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 7:15 AM – 7:45 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Morning mindfulness practice (20 mins)
Description: We gather weekday mornings at 9:00am on Zoom for a short mindfulness practice. We settle in for the first few minutes with light guidance then practice together in silence and end promptly at 9:20. On the last Friday of the month, people are welcome to linger for informal conversation about different aspects of mindfulness and self-care.
Although we call it Mindfulness @ Work, students — both undergrad and grad — are welcome to join us.
For more information, check out our Teams channel: http://tinyurl.com/54hjvh5z.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/93902130437. Accessibility Contact: hstahl@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Not Specified. Workshops. Target Audience: Anyone at the UW interested in checking out mindfulness in a friendly, no-pressure environment.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 9:00 AM – 9:20 AM.
For more info visit tinyurl.com.
UW Surplus Public Store
The UW Surplus store is open to everyone on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. We receive new items every day, so inventory is always changing. If you'd like to get a preview of new items, you can sign up for our newsletter. Come by to see what bargains are in stock this week!
About us: UW Surplus takes all unwanted items from UW departments and medical facilities. Our objective is to reuse, repurpose, or recycle as many items as possible to lessen the University’s climate impact on both purchasing and disposal. Items are resold through our retail store, online storefront, and timed auctions.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Plant Services Building (PSB). Accessibility Contact: surplus@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uwsurplus.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: Accessibility questions or requests for this workshop should be directed to help@uw.edu with “Learning Technologies Workshops accessibility” in the subject line. Event Types: Workshops.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
On Zoom.
Daily 15 Minute Movement Break - Yoga and Fitness
These mini movement sessions are great for re-energizing your day. Sessions are open to all levels and will include a mix of strength training, yoga, and cardio.
Join daily or when you can: Mondays - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Tuesdays - 15-minute yoga break , Wednesday - Thursday - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Fridays - 15-minute guided dance break, Join in to start your work strong! No equipment needed. You may want a towel or yoga mat for laying on the floor.
Learn more and register on The Whole U website.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Accessibility Contact: murphyh4@uw.edu. Event Types: Not Specified.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Dawgs Unplugged
Want to form a healthier relationship with social media? Join our Social Media Peer Group: Dawgs Unplugged to explore the impact of overuse, learn strategies for healthier habits, and strengthen offline connections. Meetings are offered regularly throughout the quarter for insightful discussions, practical tools, and a supportive community to help you reclaim balance in your digital life! Students are encouraged to attend as many sessions as they’d like.
There are two groups offered this quarter for Dawgs Unplugged: Tuesdays 11:00-12:00pm and Wednesdays 5:00-6:00pm starting the week of January 27th. Both are located in Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West).
Sign-up here!
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Elm Hall. Campus room: Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West). Accessibility Contact: lwpeer@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops. Student Activities. Target Audience: Students.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
For more info visit livewell.uw.edu.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: jkulstad@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
On Zoom.
Informatics Program Overview for Transfer Students
Informatics is an exciting program that blends knowledge from the humanities and STEM for social good.
Is the Informatics program a good fit for you? Informatics students drive innovation as they explore the intersection of technology and human values. Come to one of our Informatics Program Overview sessions and find out why our students and alumni enthusiastically recommend this program to friends!
Informatics students' passion for analyzing and solving problems is reflected in the creativity they bring to the design and creation of information systems, user interfaces, mobile technologies and social media.
This session will focus on what Transfer Students need to do to apply.
To register or request a recording of the session, use the RSVP link.
Questions about the session? Contact an adviser at iask@uw.edu.
Event interval: Single day event. Online Meeting Link: https://apply.ischool.uw.edu/register/transfer-info. Campus room: Click link above to Register. Accessibility Contact: iask@uw.edu. Event Types: Academics. Information Sessions. Workshops. Target Audience: Applicants, Future Students, Transfer Students.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
For more info visit ischool.uw.edu.
Understanding Caste on Campus
In 2023, the Seattle City Council made history by passing the nation’s first law to recognize caste as a protected class under anti-discrimination protections in employment, public spaces, housing, and contracting. This landmark decision prompts critical questions for both South Asians and the broader community: What is the caste system? How does it shape our everyday lives? And why is it becoming increasingly relevant in the United States? In today’s global economy, the South Asian diaspora plays a pivotal role across various sectors. With increasing migration, caste has evolved into a global phenomenon. The harsh realities of caste inequality and discrimination are not limited to South Asia; they profoundly affect South Asian communities in the diaspora, cutting across nationalities, ethnicities, and religions. Scholars and human rights reports consistently highlight how caste continues to structure social hierarchies and perpetuate systemic oppression worldwide. Recognizing the impact of caste and taking…
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Thomson Hall (THO). Campus room: 101 THO. Accessibility Contact: manasim@uw.edu. Event Types: Diversity Equity Inclusion. Lectures/Seminars.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Talking with Friends
Looking to build stronger connections and feel more confident in navigating social situations? Talking to Friends is a 4-week peer-led group that focuses on expanding connections with other Huskies through building self-efficacy, interpersonal, and resiliency skills. Those who sign up will meet for one-hour sessions facilitated by a trained Peer Health Educator, who is a student at UW. The goals of these sessions are to explore isolating experiences that happen on campus, develop healthy intrapersonal habits, and make the most out of your social life. Whether you’re shy, adjusting to a new environment, or just looking to meet new people, this group is a safe and welcoming space to grow. Start building friendships and skills that will last a lifetime—come join us!
Groups meet Tuesdays 4:30-5:30pm starting February 4th and ending February 25th in Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West). Students are encouraged to attend all sessions to get the most out of the group.
Sign-up here!
Event interval: Ongoing event. Campus room: Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West). Accessibility Contact: lwpeer@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops. Student Activities. Target Audience: Students.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM.
For more info visit livewell.uw.edu.
Kokedama: Moss Ball Workshop
Cost: $65
Financial aid slots available on a first-come, first-served basis. REGISTER ONLINE, Kokedama is a style of Japanese gardening in which a plant's roots are removed from soil and wrapped in layers of moss. The result is a living sculpture that can be displayed hanging or on a tabletop. Instructor Tassy de Give, author of Rooted in Design, will guide you on building a kokedama and how to maintain it.
Class cost includes the following:
- Plants
- Peat Moss
- Sphagnum Moss
- Clay
- Sheet Moss
- Twine
Taught by Tassy de Give, a plant enthusiast and instructor who has worked in the horticulture field for the past 20 years. Tassy is a co-founder of Sprout Home and Geometry Gardens in Brooklyn, NY. She co-authored her first book in 2015 entitled Rooted in Design. Tassy has been a featured guest/writer for The Martha Stewart Living Radio Show, Elle Magazine, and DesignSponge. She is also the Plant Director for Glasswing Greenhouse in Seattle, WA.
This in-person class will be delivered at the Center for…
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: urbhort@uw.edu. Presenter: Tassy de Give. Contact Information: urbhort@uw.edu. Ticket Link: https://apps.ideal-logic.com/uwbg?key=2WSB-TGY2T_K9KH-5PTF_fde2f0992dbb.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Douglas Classroom at Center for Urban Horticulture
3501 NE 41st St, Seattle 98105.
For more info visit apps.ideal-logic.com.
Isidore String Quartet 'Unrequited'
Winners of the 2022 Banff International String Quartet Competition, the Isidore String Quartet was formed with a vision to revisit, rediscover and reinvigorate the repertory.
The Quartet is inspired by the Juilliard String Quartet’s aesthetic of “approaching the established as if it were brand new, and the new as if it were firmly established.” Their program features works by Mozart and Beethoven alongside String Quartet No. 3, a reflection on unrequited love by Grammy-winning jazz pianist Billy Childs.
WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART: String Quartet No. 19 in C Major, K. 465 “Dissonance”
BILLY CHILDS: String Quartet No. 3 “Unrequited”
LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN: String Quartet No. 12 in E-flat Major, Op. 127.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Meany Hall (MNY). Accessibility Contact: ticket@uw.edu. Event Types: Performances. Student Activities. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/419055980518039/.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM.
For more info visit meanycenter.org.
Covering Common Ground: Soil Management Plan Components and How to Pull it All Together (online)
Cost: $37.50
Financial aid slots available on a first-come, first-served basis
Register online
Class 6 of 6. In this final class of the series students will share their soil management plans developed over the previous 5 classes and discuss them with their fellow students and instructors. Emphasis will be placed on best practices for changing climate and drought resiliency. Understanding soils – what they are, how they function, how they degrade, and how to steward them back to health – empowers restoration professionals to design and implement more resilient and self-sustaining ecosystem restoration projects. This series of classes will build from the ground up a holistic knowledge of soils that will enable students to understand how and when to choose soil stewardship techniques and most importantly why they work based on soil science.
Professional Credits Pending.
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: urbhort@uw.edu. Ticket Link: https://apps.ideal-logic.com/uwbg?key=2WSB-TGY2T_K9KH-5PTF_015e1d7c942c.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:15 AM.
For more info visit apps.ideal-logic.com.
Morning mindfulness practice (20 mins)
Description: We gather weekday mornings at 9:00am on Zoom for a short mindfulness practice. We settle in for the first few minutes with light guidance then practice together in silence and end promptly at 9:20. On the last Friday of the month, people are welcome to linger for informal conversation about different aspects of mindfulness and self-care.
Although we call it Mindfulness @ Work, students — both undergrad and grad — are welcome to join us.
For more information, check out our Teams channel: http://tinyurl.com/54hjvh5z.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/93902130437. Accessibility Contact: hstahl@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Not Specified. Workshops. Target Audience: Anyone at the UW interested in checking out mindfulness in a friendly, no-pressure environment.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 9:00 AM – 9:20 AM.
For more info visit tinyurl.com.
AI Community of Practice weekly gathering
The UW AI Community of Practice is for everyone! We welcome participation from the entire university, including students. We want to build community and are planning all sorts of fun and interesting experimental events - guest speakers, lunch and learn, after-hours events, training, workshops, webinars and more. Ideas welcomed and encouraged — please share yours! Volunteers appreciated but not expected.
Our objectives:
* Encourage knowledge sharing and education
* Enable collaboration and networking
* Share innovation and research
* Discuss ethical and responsible use of AI
* Community engagement and outreach
Join us anytime for our weekly office hours, and find us online in our Microsoft Team.
Event interval: Single day event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/9684580021. Accessibility Contact: dagibbs@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions. Meetings. Not Specified.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM.
For more info visit washington.zoom.us.
UW Surplus Online Store
If you can't make it for the Tuesday Public Store, UW Surplus has you covered! Our online storefront features selected items added at 10:00 a.m. every Wednesday. Simply purchase online and pick up within a week - it couldn't be easier!
While the best selection will remain available on Tuesdays, we're trying to empower more people to shop sustainably for furniture, office essentials, and more.
UW Surplus takes all unwanted items from all UW departments and medical facilities. Our objective is to reuse, repurpose, or recycle as many items as possible to lessen the University’s climate impact on both purchasing and disposal. Items are resold through a retail store and online auctions. We receive new inventory every day, so our stock is always changing. If you'd like to get a preview of new items, you can sign up for our newsletter.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Plant Services Building (PSB). Accessibility Contact: surplus@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uwsurplus.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
Provost's Town Hall
The Provost’s Town Hall provides Provost Serio an opportunity to present her priorities and vision for the institution, with a focus on the impact to UW’s internal audiences.
Open to the public, registration required.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Alder Hall. Accessibility Contact: rsvp@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM.
For more info visit www.washington.edu.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: Accessibility questions or requests for this workshop should be directed to help@uw.edu with “Learning Technologies Workshops accessibility” in the subject line. Event Types: Workshops.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
On Zoom.
Daily 15 Minute Movement Break - Yoga and Fitness
These mini movement sessions are great for re-energizing your day. Sessions are open to all levels and will include a mix of strength training, yoga, and cardio.
Join daily or when you can: Mondays - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Tuesdays - 15-minute yoga break , Wednesday - Thursday - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Fridays - 15-minute guided dance break, Join in to start your work strong! No equipment needed. You may want a towel or yoga mat for laying on the floor.
Learn more and register on The Whole U website.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Accessibility Contact: murphyh4@uw.edu. Event Types: Not Specified.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Sound Studio Office Hours
Come to the Sound Studio with any audio-related needs! It's the perfect opportunity to get more personalized help or advice, as well as any refreshers you may need to use the studio more effectively. Feel free to drop by any time from 1-2PM, every Wednesday!
Event interval: Ongoing event. Campus location: Odegaard Undergraduate Library (OUG). Campus room: OUGL 246. Accessibility Contact: Accessibility questions or requests for this workshop should be directed to help@uw.edu with “Learning Technologies Workshops accessibility” in the subject line. Event Types: Workshops. Target Audience: UW students, faculty and staff.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
For more info visit www.washington.edu.
Kenya Research and Training Center Seminar
The Kenya Research and Training Center is made up of faculty and staff in the Department of Global Health and partners in Kenya who are doing research in Kenya and other African countries. We have in-person seminars on the fourth Wednesday of each month where a faculty member or student gives a presentation on their research project, and those who attend give feedback.
Event interval: Single day event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/9884608538?omn=94635743412. Campus room: HRC 797. Accessibility Contact: apberman@uw.edu. Event Types: Academics.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Hans Rosling Center
3980 15th Ave NE
HRC 797
Seattle, WA 98195
Also Via Zoom: https://washington.zoom.us/j/9884608538?omn=94635743412.
For more info visit washington.zoom.us.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: jkulstad@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
On Zoom.
WE Lead Workshop: Networking 101
Join the Women's Entrepreneurial Leadership program (WE Lead) for an afternoon of connection and learning at our Networking 101 Workshop! If you've ever wondered how to get started, or wished you had a guide or practical steps to take as you grow your professional network, this event is for you.
Building a network and support system can be key to overcoming barriers, accessing opportunities, and closing gaps in representation. Research shows that up to 80% of jobs are filled through networking, and women with strong networks are more likely to secure promotions, new clients, or investment for their ventures. As business leader Sallie Krawcheck said, “Networking has been described as the number one unwritten rule of success in business. Who you know really impacts what you know.”
Our workshop will begin with a fireside chat featuring Cheryl Delostrinos (Unify Consulting), Winona Kantamaneni (University of Washington), and Bina Shukla (Ahana Foundation), who will share their personal networking journeys and…
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: PACCAR Hall (PCAR). Campus room: Deloitte Commons (299). Accessibility Contact: Winona Kantamaneni. Event Types: Workshops.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
For more info visit washington.startuptree.co.
Laboratory Medicine Grand Rounds: Bloodbanking / Transfusion Medicine Fellows: Linda Lee, MD, Thomas Ma, MD, & Meghana Vivek, MD
Speaker disclosures: Live streamed via Zoom*: https://washington.zoom.us/j/96677954374
Sponsored by the University of Washington School of Medicine, the Department of Laboratory Medicine, and the Office of Continuing Medical Education. Sign-in is required to receive Continuing Medical Education (CME) or Continuing Education (CE) credit.
Attendance tracking instructions: , UW attendees track attendance by TEXT for CME & CE credit: , One-Time: Text your email address to 833-394-7078 for initial set-up. , Weekly: Text code 11251 to 833-394-7078 , Credit must be recorded via text in the 60 minutes before, during, and up to 60 minutes after the activity concludes. If you miss the texting window, use “CME Dept Assistance Request Form” on www.uwcme.org or email cme@uw.edu. Non-UW Attendees & students use this form for credit: https://forms.office.com/r/dvB4m6Ewgd All attendees are asked to complete the evaluation form here: https://forms.office.com/r/dvB4m6Ewgd , All…
Event interval: Ongoing event. Campus location: Magnuson Health Sciences Center D (HSD). Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/96677954374. Campus room: HSB Room D-209 (Turner Auditorium). Accessibility Contact: hsbuild@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM.
For more info visit dlmp.uw.edu.
Playing Pedagogy - Digital Games and Storytelling in the Classroom (In Person)
Unlock the power of gaming as a pedagogical tool in this exciting panel discussion, part of the OSC Digital Storytelling Lab! Join students using gaming in their assignments to enhance learning experiences alongside early-career professionals bringing these innovative methods into the job market. Together, they’ll share how gaming is reshaping education, the challenges they face, and the future of gaming in teaching and professional development. Don’t miss this chance to explore the intersection of gaming, storytelling, and education! This presentation is part of the OSC Digital Storytelling Lab.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Suzzallo Library (SUZ). Campus room: OSC Presentation Space. Accessibility Contact: aubreyjw@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions. Target Audience: UW students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty and staff.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Playing Pedagogy - Digital Games and Storytelling in the Classroom (Online)
Unlock the power of gaming as a pedagogical tool in this exciting panel discussion, part of the OSC Digital Storytelling Lab! Join students using gaming in their assignments to enhance learning experiences alongside early-career professionals bringing these innovative methods into the job market. Together, they’ll share how gaming is reshaping education, the challenges they face, and the future of gaming in teaching and professional development. Don’t miss this chance to explore the intersection of gaming, storytelling, and education! This presentation is part of the OSC Digital Storytelling Lab.
Event interval: Single day event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/92715304310. Accessibility Contact: aubreyjw@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions. Target Audience: UW students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty and staff.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Husky Pack: Men's Wellness Group
Husky Pack is a casual space to build connection and men's wellness. Topics will include male body standards, healthy relationships, male role models, loneliness and more. Husky Pack aims to create a university-wide culture where male wellbeing is de-stigmatized and men support one another.
Groups are held every Wednesday 4:00 pm -5:00 pm in Elm Hall 109 (right next to Fitness Center West) with a different topic each week. You’re welcome to attend as many or as little sessions as preferred. Our Instagram (@uwlivewell) will share each week’s topic.
Sign-up here!
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Elm Hall. Campus room: Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West). Accessibility Contact: lwpeer@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops. Student Activities. Target Audience: Students.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
For more info visit livewell.uw.edu.
EMBA Online Application Workshop
The Foster EMBA Application Workshop is designed for potential applicants who have attended an information session or met with an EMBA admission representative. The session will focus specifically on the application and admission process. You are invited to attend this informative 30-45 minute session to learn how to prepare the strongest application possible.
All sessions are Pacific Time.
Event interval: Accessibility Contact: online. Event Types: Information Sessions.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
For more info visit attendee.gotowebinar.com.
Dawgs Unplugged
Want to form a healthier relationship with social media? Join our Social Media Peer Group: Dawgs Unplugged to explore the impact of overuse, learn strategies for healthier habits, and strengthen offline connections. Meetings are offered regularly throughout the quarter for insightful discussions, practical tools, and a supportive community to help you reclaim balance in your digital life! Students are encouraged to attend as many sessions as they’d like.
There are two groups offered this quarter for Dawgs Unplugged: Tuesdays 11:00-12:00pm and Wednesdays 5:00-6:00pm starting the week of January 27th. Both are located in Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West).
Sign-up here!
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Elm Hall. Campus room: Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West). Accessibility Contact: lwpeer@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops. Student Activities. Target Audience: Students.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
For more info visit livewell.uw.edu.
TMMBA Class Visit: Entrepreneurship (TMMBA 553)
What better way to know if the Technology Management MBA program is the right fit for you than to attend an in-person class session and experience it first-hand! During your visit you will be paired with a student host, who will help answer any questions you may have about the program. You will also have the opportunity to have dinner with the cohort, attend the class itself, and connect with the professor.
About TMMBA:
The Technology Management MBA program will reshape the way you work in teams, evolve the way you think about leadership and provide new perspectives for tackling complex business challenges. Whether you’re just exploring or ready to apply, connect with us. We offer a variety of ways to get to know our program and people better.
Register here! .
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: tmmba@uw.edu. Event Types: Academics. Information Sessions. Lectures/Seminars.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 6:00 PM – 9:15 PM.
Eastside Executive Center.
For more info visit uwfoster.my.site.com.
A Scheme to Forget, a Demand to Remember: The Century-Long Battle Over the Memory of the Tulsa Race Massacre
Tulsa’s Greenwood neighborhood was an ascendant black business district when it was burned to the ground by a white mob in 1921. Since the days after the destruction, people in power have been trying to erase the memory of the Tulsa Race Massacre, going so far as to rip pages from the historical record to hide what unfolded. This purposeful forgetting continues today, as state governments in Oklahoma and elsewhere limit what histories can be taught to children in schools. But all along black Tulsans have provided their own historical ledger, through oral histories, legal battles, and the black press. They demand that the city and the nation remember. In his lecture, Built From the Fire author Victor Luckerson will explore this century-long battle over the “terrain of the mind” in Tulsa. His talk will explore why the story of Greenwood has been wiped from the American consciousness for so long, and the ongoing efforts by black Tulsans to make that legacy more widely known.
Event interval: Single day event. Accessibility Contact: Office of Public Lectures at lectures@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars. Diversity Equity Inclusion.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM.
For more info visit www.washington.edu.
Virtual Weight Training Class with The Whole U
Make time for training with weights and join Lauren Updyke for a 30 minute intermediate class each Tuesday and Thursday in April at 6:15 a.m. on Zoom.
You will need two sets of weights at least (5lb - 25lb range) and a chair. This class will include total body and focus on both large and small muscle groups. We will finish with core and stretching.
Learn more about this ongoing class and register to attend on The Whole U events page.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Event Types: Not Specified.
Thursday, February 27, 2025, 6:15 AM – 6:45 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Morning mindfulness practice (20 mins)
Description: We gather weekday mornings at 9:00am on Zoom for a short mindfulness practice. We settle in for the first few minutes with light guidance then practice together in silence and end promptly at 9:20. On the last Friday of the month, people are welcome to linger for informal conversation about different aspects of mindfulness and self-care.
Although we call it Mindfulness @ Work, students — both undergrad and grad — are welcome to join us.
For more information, check out our Teams channel: http://tinyurl.com/54hjvh5z.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/93902130437. Accessibility Contact: hstahl@uw.edu. Event Types: Special Events. Not Specified. Workshops. Target Audience: Anyone at the UW interested in checking out mindfulness in a friendly, no-pressure environment.
Thursday, February 27, 2025, 9:00 AM – 9:20 AM.
For more info visit tinyurl.com.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: Accessibility questions or requests for this workshop should be directed to help@uw.edu with “Learning Technologies Workshops accessibility” in the subject line. Event Types: Workshops.
Thursday, February 27, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
On Zoom.
Daily 15 Minute Movement Break - Yoga and Fitness
These mini movement sessions are great for re-energizing your day. Sessions are open to all levels and will include a mix of strength training, yoga, and cardio.
Join daily or when you can: Mondays - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Tuesdays - 15-minute yoga break , Wednesday - Thursday - 15-minute fitness and strength break , Fridays - 15-minute guided dance break, Join in to start your work strong! No equipment needed. You may want a towel or yoga mat for laying on the floor.
Learn more and register on The Whole U website.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Accessibility Contact: murphyh4@uw.edu. Event Types: Not Specified.
Thursday, February 27, 2025, 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM.
For more info visit wholeu.admin.washington.edu.
Cybersecurity and Privacy Office Hours
Need advice on incident, risk, or vulnerability management? Join us every Thursday for UW-IT’s hour-long, drop-in office hours!
Whether you need help with incident or vulnerability management, or you’re navigating privacy challenges, this session is the place to get the support you need.
Event interval: Single day event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/99924675675. Accessibility Contact: mspiro@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions. Meetings.
Thursday, February 27, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Teaching Technologies Office Hours
Bring your questions about using Canvas, Panopto, and Zoom to teach at UW and get answers to your technical and pedagogical questions via Zoom.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95563909728. Accessibility Contact: jkulstad@uw.edu. Event Types: Workshops.
Thursday, February 27, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
On Zoom.
Twine for Beginners: Interactive, Game & Text-BasedStorytelling Workshop (Online)
Can you type? Do you have access to a browser? Then you can make and share imaginative, branching stories in Twine, without knowing a word of code. Twine is an open-source, free tool for telling interactive, non-linear, text-based stories/ games. It lends itself to fictional storytelling, to critiquing and challenging narratives, and to making new narratives of your own. It is an excellent platform for communal learning/ play and for public scholarship. This presentation is part of the OSC Digital Storytelling Lab.
In this hour-long hands-on, online tutorial, you'll learn the basic mechanics of Twine: 1) how to create your first, simple story (we'll provide the text, so you can concentrate on the mechanics) by 2) creating scenes and 3) creating branching paths for differing outcomes; and 4) how to edit, save, and share your story. If there's time, we'll discuss basic styling.
Join us for Part II: Styling for Aesthetics & Meaning.
This workshop will teach you how to add style and complexity to your basic sto…
Event interval: Single day event. Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95948435661. Accessibility Contact: aubreyjw@uw.edu. Event Types: Information Sessions. Target Audience: UW students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty and staff.
Thursday, February 27, 2025, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM.
The Last Ottoman Palace: Yıldız and Its Many Makers
"The Last Ottoman Palace: Yıldız and Its Many Makers"
Deniz Türker, Rutgers University
Moderated by Reşat Kasaba
This talk presents the history of Yıldız Palace, the last and largest imperial residential complex of the Ottoman Empire. While the palace today exists in fragments, nearly erased from the city’s urban memory, it once stood as a global city in miniature—a vibrant hub at the center of the empire’s vast bureaucracy. Türker traces the evolution of Yıldız Palace from its beginnings as a rural estate for Ottoman queen mothers to its transformation into the heart of imperial governance between 1795 and 1909. Though the palace belonged to the elite realm of the sultans, its development was deeply intertwined with Istanbul’s urban history and broader shifts in empire-building, diplomacy, reform, and public life. Drawing on rich archival research from the palace’s imperial library, Türker explores how Yıldız was not only an expression of Ottoman imperial identity but also a product of a rapidly…
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Denny Hall (DEN). Campus room: 259. Accessibility Contact: selims@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars. Academics.
Thursday, February 27, 2025, 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM.
LECTURE | Bharat Venkat (UCLA) | Can the Subaltern Sweat? Race, Climate Change, and Inequality
Colonial-era systems of forced labor, ranging from indenture to outright slavery, were central to the development of contemporary understandings of human thermal physiology. The subaltern laborer’s body became a crucial site for understanding the effects of heat on different kinds of racialized bodies, as a means of both maximizing labor extraction and consolidating social and political regimes organized around the perceived vulnerability and susceptibility of different kinds of bodies to heat. Focusing on thermal inequality, I suggest, provides a way for rethinking subaltern studies via climate change, both historically and in the present. In a world where someone must bear the heat, divisions of both labor and laborers have become a primary means through which our collective thermal burden is unequally and unjustly allocated.
Dr. Bharat Jayram Venkat is an Associate Professor at UCLA with a joint appointment spanning the Institute for Society & Genetics, the Department of History, and…
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Hans Rosling Center for Population Health (HRC). Campus room: HRC 155. Accessibility Contact: sascuw@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars. Target Audience: Free and open to the public. Registration advised.
Thursday, February 27, 2025, 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM.
CEI Interdisciplinary Seminar: Zhigang Ban - First Solar
The Clean Energy Institute Interdisciplinary Seminar Series was established to bring distinguished leaders in the field of clean energy to campus to present their research and meet students, postdocs, and faculty from departments across the Colleges of Arts & Sciences, Engineering, and the Environment.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: NanoEngineering and Sciences Building (NAN). Campus room: NAN 181. Accessibility Contact: Event Coordinator: Madelynne Zornes, msrz@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars.
Thursday, February 27, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
For more info visit www.cei.washington.edu.
Campus Sustainability Fund committee meeting
The CSF empowers UW students through various grants and the grantmaking process, providing resources and guidance to lead justice-centered sustainability projects. These grants enable students to build essential skills and drive meaningful change on campus and beyond.
CSF Committee meetings are open to the public, and all members of the UW Seattle community are welcome to attend.
Since its grassroots beginning in 2004, CSF has provided oversight and funding for student-driven sustainability work on campus. From its beginnings as a grantmaking entity to support the implementation of the Climate Action Plan to its current form of as a leader of comprehensive justice-centered sustainability programming, our history has demonstrated the vital role of centering students in climate solutions and our power when we problem solve together.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Campus location: Gerberding Hall (GRB). Online Meeting Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/96349024112. Campus room: Gerberding B40 (UW Sustainability office). Accessibility Contact: uwcsf@uw.edu. Event Types: Meetings. Student Activities.
Thursday, February 27, 2025, 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM.
For more info visit csf.uw.edu.
The Body Project
The Body Project is a 4 week evidence-based program designed to increase body acceptance and decrease body dissatisfaction. Groups meet weekly to develop skills for managing body dissatisfaction and to confront appearance ideals pressed upon us by society and social media. It is offered in collaboration from UW LiveWell and the UW Counseling Center with groups facilitated by trained Peer Health Educators from UW LiveWell and by clinicial staff from UW Counseling Center. This is NOT a therapy group; it is a prevention based educational group. If you’ve ever wanted to form a healthier relationship with your body, then this group is for you!
For this group only: Learn more and sign-up here.
Event interval: Ongoing event. Campus location: Elm Hall. Campus room: Elm Hall 109 (next to Fitness Center West). Accessibility Contact: lwpeer@uw.edu. Event Types: Student Activities. Workshops. Target Audience: Students.
Thursday, February 27, 2025, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM.
For more info visit livewell.uw.edu.
Tanya Sheehan: Public Art, Public Health – Jacob Lawrence and the Murals of Harlem Hospital (2025 Kollar Lecture in American Art)
Join us for this year’s Kollar Lecture in American Art featuring Colby College’s Tanya Sheehan. This lecture series is made possible by the Allan and Mary Kollar Endowed Chair in American Art History.
Public Art, Public Health: Jacob Lawrence and the Murals of Harlem Hospital
When Jacob Lawrence first painted the free clinic of Harlem Hospital in 1937, Harlem’s largest public healthcare facility was teaming with artists who were hired by the federal government and working under the supervision of Lawrence’s art teacher and mentor, Charles Alston. Although Lawrence was too young to work officially on Alston’s team, significant connections to the murals can be found in his artwork, in the murals themselves, and in their shared participation in a discourse on race, medicine, and health in urban America. In exploring these connections, this talk shows how Black life could and could not be represented on the walls of Harlem Hospital, and how a commitment to the publicness of Black care took shape in Lawrence’s…
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Intellectual House (INT). Accessibility Contact: lbshell@uw.edu. Event Types: Lectures/Seminars. Target Audience: Free + Open to Public.
Thursday, February 27, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Brechemin Piano Series
UW keyboard students perform music from the piano repertoire.
FREE admission.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Music Building (MUS). Campus room: Brechemin Auditorium. Accessibility Contact: dos@uw.edu. Event Types: Performances. Facebook: http://facebook.com/UWMusic.
Thursday, February 27, 2025, 7:30 PM.
For more info visit music.washington.edu.
Ronald K. Brown/EVIDENCE
Founded by Ronald K. Brown, EVIDENCE focuses on the seamless integration of traditional African dance with contemporary choreography and spoken word.
Brown uses movement as a way to reinforce the importance of community in African American culture and to acquaint audiences with the beauty of traditional African forms and rhythms. The program includes Open Door, a journey into Afro Cuban dance forms with music by Arturo O’Farrill’s Afro Latin Jazz Ensemble; the electrifying Upside Down; and The Equality of Night and Day, a poetic work examining concepts of balance and equity.
"His dances concern our struggle to find love and connection, where compassion alone can ease the grueling physical journey of life." — The Washington Post.
Event interval: Single day event. Campus location: Meany Hall (MNY). Accessibility Contact: ticket@uw.edu. Event Types: Performances. Student Activities. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/zMgY2QNSwfbTcT9n/.
Thursday, February 27, 2025, 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
For more info visit meanycenter.org.