WorkSource Sunnyside

workshop, hiring event, job fair, resume writing, job search

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Interviewing – Job Hunter Virtual Workshop - Statewide

Being able to handle a job interview is a necessity for any job seeker. Knowing what employers are looking for and being prepared can significantly increase your chances of securing the job. In this workshop, you will learn valuable interviewing tips and have the chance to consider answers to frequently asked—and sometimes difficult—questions in a supportive, realistic environment. Contact Name: Virtual Services Team. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Please go to and create your account prior to attending this workshop.Video conferencing will use a large portion of bandwidth and data. Before signing up, be sure you have a data plan or reliable WiFi access that can accommodate this. To attend the workshop, you are encouraged to use a device capable of viewing video and content and have audio capability. Waitlists are automated. If a person cancels their registration, the next person on the waitlist will be notified. (If you are… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Virtual via Webex.

Work for Washington – Job Hunter Virtual Workshop – Statewide

**We recommend attending the Effective Applications, Resumes and Cover Letters workshop, and the Interviewing workshop first, in order to get the most benefit from this workshop**, Would you consider service to the people of the State of Washington? Advantages and benefits of working for various state agencies will be discussed. In this workshop you'll learn how agencies use different application processes how to prepare to meet their expectations. Specific tips for applying to state agencies will be provided. Contact Name: Virtual Services Team. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Please go to and create your account prior to attending this workshop.Video conferencing will use a large portion of bandwidth and data. Before signing up, be sure you have a data plan or reliable WiFi access that can accommodate this. To attend the workshop, you are encouraged to use a device capable of viewing video and content and have audio capability. Waitlists are automated. If a person cancels their registration, the next person on the waitlist will be notified. (If you are… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Virtual via WebEx.

IN PERSON Resume Workshop & Lab

Do you need help creating a good resume? Don’t know where to start? Join our resume workshop and lab. During this workshop, you will learn: Key components that make up a resume , Different resume formats, deciding which one works best for you , How to stand out from the crowd , Common mistakes and how to avoid them, You will also be provided with the opportunity to create or work on your resume with the help of a WorkSource Specialist! Room: Wahluke Slope. Contact Name: Natalie. Contact Phone: (509) 836-1118. Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Please go to and create your account prior to attending this workshop. If you need an accommodation to participate in this training, please contact Natalie at, 509-836-1118. Please provide your name and accommodation request. Please make your accommodation request as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made. Contact Natalie at, with any additional questions or changes. When you register for this event, use the same nam… Event Registration: First Come First Served. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Thursday, February 20, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM. WorkSource Sunnyside 1925 Morgan Rd. Sunnyside, WA 98944.

Entrevistas – Una Clase EN LÍNEA - en todo el estado

Usted podría tener el mejor currículo que hay, pero si no se presenta bien en la entrevista, no vale. El poder expresarse bien en una entrevista de trabajo es una necesidad, y les aconsejamos como prepararse para hacerlo. Es imperativo el saber qué buscan los empleadores. En este taller aprenderá técnicas de entrevista y tendrá la oportunidad de entender como responder a las preguntas más frecuentes, y algunas veces difíciles, pero en un ambiente realístico y de apoyo mutuo. Contact Name: Alisha Garcia. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: Spanish. Additional Information: El cliente tendrá que registrarse en antes de la clase. Este taller se ofrece en línea a través de las reuniones de WebEx. La videoconferencia utilizará una gran parte del ancho de banda de internet y una gran cantidad de datos. Antes de participar, asegúrese de tener un plan de datos o acceso WiFi confiable que pueda acomodar esto. Para asistir al taller, debe usar un dispositivo, o una combinación de dispositivos, con capaz de ver video y contenido (computadora, dispositivo móvil o… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Thursday, February 20, 2025, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Reunión en línea de WebEx: La información del enlace y de la reunión se compartirá por correo electrónico como mínimo 1 hora antes de que comience el taller en línea.

Skills and Abilities Analysis to Build Effective Job Search Strategies – Job Hunter Virtual Workshop - Statewide

A key part of your job search is understanding your knowledge, strengths and transferrable skills. Knowing yourself and what you have to offer often leads to increased confidence when searching for meaningful work. This workshop will cover Career Interest Assessments and using that information to make informed decisions about job opportunities and find your next career. Additionally, we will also cover strategies for uncovering the hidden job market and the best resources for job searching. Contact Name: Virtual Services Team. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Please go to and create your account prior to attending this workshop.Video conferencing will use a large portion of bandwidth and data. Before signing up, be sure you have a data plan or reliable WiFi access that can accommodate this. To attend the workshop, you are encouraged to use a device capable of viewing video and content and have audio capability. Waitlists are automated. If a person cancels their registration, the next person on the waitlist will be notified. (If you are… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Thursday, February 20, 2025, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Virtual via WebEx.

Orientation to Commissioner-Approved Training (CAT) and Training Benefits (TB)

Are you receiving Unemployment Insurance benefits and considering enrolling in some additional training to enhance your skills or to change your career path? If so, you will need to apply for Commissioner-Approved Training (CAT) and/or Training Benefits (TB). This workshop will guide you through the requirements, processes, and research needed to submit an application. Contact Name: Laura Aunan. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Please go to and create your account prior to attending this workshop. Video conferencing will use a large portion of bandwidth and data. Before signing up, be sure you have a data plan or reliable WIFI access that can accommodate this. To attend the workshop, you must use a device capable of viewing video and content and have audio capability. A waitlist option will be enabled for this event. This waitlist is automated and if an attendee drops their registration, the next registrant… Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Thursday, February 20, 2025, 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM. Zoom online. Link will be sent to you prior to the workshop start time, usually the day prior to the workshop.

EN PERSONA Taller de Currículum Vitae

¿Necesitas ayuda para crear un buen currículum? ¿No sabes por dónde empezar? Únete a nuestro taller y laboratorio de currículums. Durante la primera hora de este taller, aprenderás sobre: Componentes clave que componen un currículum , Diferentes formatos de currículum, decidiendo cuál funciona mejor para ti , Cómo destacar entre la multitud , Errores comunes y cómo evitarlos, También se le brindará la oportunidad de crear o trabajar en su currículum con la ayuda de un especialista de WorkSource. Room: Wahluke Slope. Contact Name: Natalie. Contact Phone: (509) 836-1118. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: Spanish. Additional Information: Vaya a y cree su cuenta antes de asistir a este taller. Si necesita adaptaciones para participar en esta capacitación, comuníquese con Natalie en, 509-836-1118. Indique su nombre y solicitud de alojamiento. Haga su solicitud de alojamiento lo antes posible para que se puedan hacer los arreglos. Póngase en contacto con Natalie en, con cualquier pregunta o cambio adicional. Cuando se registre para este evento, use el mismo nombre… Event Registration: First Come First Served. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Thursday, February 20, 2025, 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM. WorkSource Sunnyside 1925 Morgan Rd. Sunnyside, WA 98944.

EN PERSONA Computación básica 2

Aprenderá de crear una cuenta de correo electrónico, abreviados del teclado, como almacenar un documento en la computadora en el sitio Web de WorkSource y como enviar documentos por correo electrónico a los empleadores. Este curso incluirá como hacer una búsqueda en la Internet como, para conseguir direcciones y poder localizar empleadores con direcciones y mapas. El curso también cubrirá la navegación del sitio Web para hacer la búsqueda de empleo. Room: Wahluke Slope. Contact Name: Natalie. Contact Phone: (509) 836-1118. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: Spanish. Additional Information: Vaya a y cree su cuenta antes de asistir a este taller. Si necesita adaptaciones para participar en esta capacitación, comuníquese con Natalie en, 509-836-1118. Indique su nombre y solicitud de alojamiento. Haga su solicitud de alojamiento lo antes posible para que se puedan hacer los arreglos. Póngase en contacto con Natalie en, con cualquier pregunta o cambio adicional. Cuando se registre para este evento, use el mismo nombre… Event Registration: First Come First Served. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Friday, February 21, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM. WorkSource Sunnyside 1925 Morgan Rd. Sunnyside, WA 98944.

IN PERSON Basic Computers 2

You will learn how to create an email account, keyboard shortcuts, how to store a document on your computer on the WorkSource website, and how to email documents to employers. This course will include how to do a search on the Internet as a, to get directions and to be able to locate employers with directions and maps. The course will also cover website navigation for doing the job search. Room: Wahluke Slope. Contact Name: Natalie. Contact Phone: (509) 836-1118. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: If you need an accommodation to participate in this training, please contact Natalie at, 509-836-1118. Please provide your name and accommodation request. Please make your accommodation request as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made. Contact Natalie at, with any additional questions or changes. When you register for this event, use the same name and email address that you use with your account, if possible. This clas… Event Registration: First Come First Served. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Friday, February 21, 2025, 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM. WorkSource Sunnyside 1925 Morgan Rd. Sunnyside, WA 98944.

ONLINE Strategies for Success: Work Concepts I (Sunnyside)

Work concepts I – Every good plan needs a great road map – develop yours here! Develop a roadmap to success while discussing self-motivation, exploring careers and learning what employers really want , Learn how to prepare and apply for jobs, package yourself like a professional and share your story , Understand what employers mean when they say customer service, workplace diversity, team building and professionalism. Room: Zoom. Contact Name: Matthew Gladd. Contact Phone: 509-493-5038. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Strategies for Success is a series of life-skills workshops open to everyone. It is flexible and customizable – each workshop module can stand alone or be combined with other modules to provide a personalized experience. Modules can be taken in any order. Each of the six modules is four days long, starting on the first business day of each week. If class registration is full and participants are waitlisted, all registrations (regular and waitlist) will be evaluated according to the following criteria for… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Monday, February 24, 2025, 9:00 AM – Thursday, February 27, 2025, 12:00 PM. Register for the workshop and the instructor will email the Zoom meeting link to you.

Effective Applications, Resumes and Cover Letters – Job Hunter Virtual Workshop – Statewide

Understand the employer’s point of view is crucial in any job search. In this workshop, you'll learn how employers evaluate Applications, Resumes and Cover Letters and how to be better prepared to meet an employer’s expectations. Additionally, we will cover how to create a General Application Guide that’s helpful when completing paper and online applications as well as learning which resume and cover letter formats best showcase your strengths to stand out in a competitive job market. Contact Name: Virtual Services Team. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Please go to and create your account prior to attending this workshop.Video conferencing will use a large portion of bandwidth and data. Before signing up, be sure you have a data plan or reliable WiFi access that can accommodate this. To attend the workshop, you are encouraged to use a device capable of viewing video and content and have audio capability. Waitlists are automated. If a person cancels their registration, the next person on the waitlist will be notified. (If you are… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Virtual via WebEx.

Interviewing – Job Hunter Virtual Workshop - Statewide

Being able to handle a job interview is a necessity for any job seeker. Knowing what employers are looking for and being prepared can significantly increase your chances of securing the job. In this workshop, you will learn valuable interviewing tips and have the chance to consider answers to frequently asked—and sometimes difficult—questions in a supportive, realistic environment. Contact Name: Virtual Services Team. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Please go to and create your account prior to attending this workshop.Video conferencing will use a large portion of bandwidth and data. Before signing up, be sure you have a data plan or reliable WiFi access that can accommodate this. To attend the workshop, you are encouraged to use a device capable of viewing video and content and have audio capability. Waitlists are automated. If a person cancels their registration, the next person on the waitlist will be notified. (If you are… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Virtual via WebEx.

Estrategias de Búsqueda de Empleo - EN LÍNEA - en todo el estado

Conocer a los empleadores en su área y crear una estrategia para orientar la búsqueda de empleo es la clave del éxito. En la clase Estrategias de búsqueda de empleo, ¡aprenderá una variedad de métodos de búsqueda de empleo! Esta clase proporciona consejos sobre el valor de la investigación de diferentes maneras e introduce otras estrategias como redes sociales con meta de trabajo, entrevistas informativas y el uso del Internet para localizar ofertas de trabajo. Contact Name: Alisha Garcia. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: Spanish. Additional Information: El cliente tendrá que registrarse en antes de la clase. Este taller se ofrece en línea a través de las reuniones de WebEx. La videoconferencia utilizará una gran parte del ancho de banda de internet y una gran cantidad de datos. Antes de participar, asegúrese de tener un plan de datos o acceso WiFi confiable que pueda acomodar esto. Para asistir al taller, debe usar un dispositivo, o una combinación de dispositivos, con capaz de ver video y contenido (computadora, dispositivo móvil o… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Thursday, February 27, 2025, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Reunión en línea de WebEx: La información del enlace y de la reunión se compartirá por correo electrónico como mínimo 1 hora antes de que comience el taller en línea.

Work for Washington – Job Hunter Virtual Workshop – Statewide

**We recommend attending the Effective Applications, Resumes and Cover Letters workshop, and the Interviewing workshop first, in order to get the most benefit from this workshop**, Would you consider service to the people of the State of Washington? Advantages and benefits of working for various state agencies will be discussed. In this workshop you'll learn how agencies use different application processes how to prepare to meet their expectations. Specific tips for applying to state agencies will be provided. Contact Name: Virtual Services Team. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Please go to and create your account prior to attending this workshop.Video conferencing will use a large portion of bandwidth and data. Before signing up, be sure you have a data plan or reliable WiFi access that can accommodate this. To attend the workshop, you are encouraged to use a device capable of viewing video and content and have audio capability. Waitlists are automated. If a person cancels their registration, the next person on the waitlist will be notified. (If you are… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Thursday, February 27, 2025, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Virtual via WebEx.

ESD Self‐Employment Assistance Program (SEAP) Orientation (Virtual)

The Self‐Employment Assistance Program (SEAP) may be a great opportunity if you want to start a business! Once approved, SEAP is a unique program that enables you to: · Receive entrepreneurial counseling and business coaching through a pre‐approved training provider · Continue to collect Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits while developing your business plans · Work on creating your business and waives the weekly work‐search requirement You are invited to attend a virtual workshop to explore: • What is SEAP? What does SEAP not do? • Program eligibility requirements and deadlines • Locate and download from the SEAP Approved Provider List • What are the responsibilities of an approved training provider? • Research the proper training on the SEAP Approved Provider List • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) • How to properly complete and submit the SEAP Application • Certification of Satisfactory Progress • Your responsibilities while enrolled in SEAP and to remain eligible • Job Search Requirements, WorkSource o… Contact Name: Laura Aunan. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Please go to and create your account prior to attending this workshop. Video conferencing will use a large portion of bandwidth and data. Before signing up, be sure you have a data plan or reliable Wi-Fi access that can accommodate this. To attend the workshop, you are encouraged to use a device capable of viewing video, content and have audio capability. There is a call-in feature, if you cannot log in virtually. A waitlist option will be enabled for this event. This waitlist is auto… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Thursday, February 27, 2025, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM. Zoom Online Meeting: Link and meeting information will be shared by e-mail at a minimum of 1 hour before the online workshop begins.

IN PERSON Welcome to WorkSource

Learn about all the services WorkSource Sunnyside has to offer! , Learn to navigate our website, , Discover what tools and resources are available on the website. , Create a account and get FREE access to job postings and great job search tools. , Save your master resume online - no more lost thumb drives! Room: Wahluke Slope. Contact Name: Natalie. Contact Phone: (509) 836-1118. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Please go to and create your account prior to attending this workshop. If you need an accommodation to participate in this training, please contact Natalie at, 509-836-1118. Please provide your name and accommodation request. Please make your accommodation request as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made. Contact Natalie at, with any additional questions or changes. When you register for this event, use the same nam… Event Registration: First Come First Served. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Friday, February 28, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM. WorkSource Sunnyside 1925 Morgan Rd. Sunnyside, WA 98944.

EN PERSONA Bienvenidos a WorkSource

Conozca qué servicios y recursos están disponibles en las oficinas de WorkSource. , Aprenda a navegar por nuestro sitio web, , Descubra qué herramientas y recursos están disponibles en el sitio web de , Crea una cuenta y obtén acceso GRATUITO a ofertas de empleo y excelentes herramientas de búsqueda de empleo , Guarde su currículum en línea: ¡no más memorias USB perdidas! Room: Wahluke Slope. Contact Name: Natalie. Contact Phone: (509) 836-1118. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: Spanish. Additional Information: Vaya a y cree su cuenta antes de asistir a este taller. Si necesita adaptaciones para participar en esta capacitación, comuníquese con Natalie en, 509-836-1118. Indique su nombre y solicitud de alojamiento. Haga su solicitud de alojamiento lo antes posible para que se puedan hacer los arreglos. Póngase en contacto con Natalie en, con cualquier pregunta o cambio adicional. Cuando se registre para este evento, use el mismo nombre… Event Registration: First Come First Served. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Friday, February 28, 2025, 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM. WorkSource Sunnyside 1925 Morgan Rd. Sunnyside, WA 98944.

ONLINE Strategies for Success: Health & Well-Being (Sunnyside)

Health and well-being – What is ‘work-life’ balance? How do I take care of me while taking care of everyone else? Come learn with us! Examine your inner-professional, core values, life choices and personal integrity , Learn how to be personally and professionally self-aware, establish boundaries and develop better stress and time management skills , Evaluate your social readiness and online footprint , Learn to access community resources and expand networking skills , Improve your ability to solve problems, set goals and develop new action planning techniques. Room: Zoom. Contact Name: Matthew Gladd. Contact Phone: 509-493-5038. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Strategies for Success is a series of life-skills workshops open to everyone. It is flexible and customizable – each workshop module can stand alone or be combined with other modules to provide a personalized experience. Modules can be taken in any order. Each of the six modules is four days long, starting on the first business day of each week. If class registration is full and participants are waitlisted, all registrations (regular and waitlist) will be evaluated according to the following criteria for… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Monday, March 3, 2025, 9:00 AM – Thursday, March 6, 2025, 12:00 PM. Register for the workshop and the instructor will email the Zoom meeting link to you.

Orientation to Commissioner-Approved Training (CAT) and Training Benefits (TB)

Are you receiving Unemployment Insurance benefits and considering enrolling in some additional training to enhance your skills or to change your career path? If so, you will need to apply for Commissioner-Approved Training (CAT) and/or Training Benefits (TB). This workshop will guide you through the requirements, processes, and research needed to submit an application. Contact Name: Laura Aunan. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Please go to and create your account prior to attending this workshop. Video conferencing will use a large portion of bandwidth and data. Before signing up, be sure you have a data plan or reliable WIFI access that can accommodate this. To attend the workshop, you must use a device capable of viewing video and content and have audio capability. A waitlist option will be enabled for this event. This waitlist is automated and if an attendee drops their registration, the next registrant… Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Thursday, March 6, 2025, 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM. Zoom online. Link will be sent to you prior to the workshop start time, usually the day prior to the workshop.

ONLINE Strategies for Success: Communication (Sunnyside)

Communication – Communication is a skill that never stops growing! Come learn how to improve your skills and odds of landing that next job! Learn about interpersonal and business communication and discover your own style , Develop better listening, writing, computer and presentation skills , Find out about verbal & non-verbal cues, practice conflict resolution and get tips on emotional control , Get tips on how to present yourself the right way on the phone, in email and on social media. Room: Zoom. Contact Name: Matthew Gladd. Contact Phone: 509-493-5038. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Strategies for Success is a series of life-skills workshops open to everyone. It is flexible and customizable – each workshop module can stand alone or be combined with other modules to provide a personalized experience. Modules can be taken in any order. Each of the six modules is four days long, starting on the first business day of each week. If class registration is full and participants are waitlisted, all registrations (regular and waitlist) will be evaluated according to the following criteria for… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Monday, March 10, 2025, 9:00 AM – Thursday, March 13, 2025, 12:00 PM. Register for the workshop and the instructor will email the Zoom meeting link to you.

ESD Self‐Employment Assistance Program (SEAP) Orientation (Virtual)

The Self‐Employment Assistance Program (SEAP) may be a great opportunity if you want to start a business! Once approved, SEAP is a unique program that enables you to: · Receive entrepreneurial counseling and business coaching through a pre‐approved training provider · Continue to collect Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits while developing your business plans · Work on creating your business and waives the weekly work‐search requirement You are invited to attend a virtual workshop to explore: • What is SEAP? What does SEAP not do? • Program eligibility requirements and deadlines • Locate and download from the SEAP Approved Provider List • What are the responsibilities of an approved training provider? • Research the proper training on the SEAP Approved Provider List • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) • How to properly complete and submit the SEAP Application • Certification of Satisfactory Progress • Your responsibilities while enrolled in SEAP and to remain eligible • Job Search Requirements, WorkSource o… Contact Name: Laura Aunan. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Please go to and create your account prior to attending this workshop. Video conferencing will use a large portion of bandwidth and data. Before signing up, be sure you have a data plan or reliable Wi-Fi access that can accommodate this. To attend the workshop, you are encouraged to use a device capable of viewing video, content and have audio capability. There is a call-in feature, if you cannot log in virtually. A waitlist option will be enabled for this event. This waitlist is auto… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Thursday, March 13, 2025, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM. Zoom Online Meeting: Link and meeting information will be shared by e-mail at a minimum of 1 hour before the online workshop begins.

ONLINE Strategies for Success: Personal Strength Builders (Sunnyside)

Personal strength builders – What makes you shine? Explore the skills it takes for work-place success (and grow the ones you already have)! Learn how to improve your attitude, find motivation, overcome fears, plan for success, improve your situation and create great time management skills , Explore how to project self-worth, integrity, flexibility and adaptability , Get hold of your finances by forming good spending habits, getting rid of bad behaviors and become financially literate. Room: Zoom. Contact Name: Matthew Gladd. Contact Phone: 509-493-5038. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Strategies for Success is a series of life-skills workshops open to everyone. It is flexible and customizable – each workshop module can stand alone or be combined with other modules to provide a personalized experience. Modules can be taken in any order. Each of the six modules is four days long, starting on the first business day of each week. If class registration is full and participants are waitlisted, all registrations (regular and waitlist) will be evaluated according to the following criteria for… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Monday, March 17, 2025, 9:00 AM – Thursday, March 20, 2025, 12:00 PM. Register for the workshop and the instructor will email the Zoom meeting link to you.

Orientation to Commissioner-Approved Training (CAT) and Training Benefits (TB)

Are you receiving Unemployment Insurance benefits and considering enrolling in some additional training to enhance your skills or to change your career path? If so, you will need to apply for Commissioner-Approved Training (CAT) and/or Training Benefits (TB). This workshop will guide you through the requirements, processes, and research needed to submit an application. Contact Name: Laura Aunan. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Please go to and create your account prior to attending this workshop. Video conferencing will use a large portion of bandwidth and data. Before signing up, be sure you have a data plan or reliable WIFI access that can accommodate this. To attend the workshop, you must use a device capable of viewing video and content and have audio capability. A waitlist option will be enabled for this event. This waitlist is automated and if an attendee drops their registration, the next registrant… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Thursday, March 20, 2025, 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM. Zoom online. Link will be sent to you prior to the workshop start time, usually the day prior to the workshop.

ONLINE Strategies for Success: Community Engagement (Sunnyside)

Community engagement – Why are we such social creatures? We will show you how communities can lift each other up and how even the tiniest gestures can change the world! Discover what it means when people talk about an individual’s culture or self-identity, and what it means to be sensitive to it , Learn about your personal and social rights, demonstrating citizenship and civic engagement. Room: Zoom. Contact Name: Matthew Gladd. Contact Phone: 509-493-5038. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Strategies for Success is a series of life-skills workshops open to everyone. It is flexible and customizable – each workshop module can stand alone or be combined with other modules to provide a personalized experience. Modules can be taken in any order. Each of the six modules is four days long, starting on the first business day of each week. If class registration is full and participants are waitlisted, all registrations (regular and waitlist) will be evaluated according to the following criteria for… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Monday, March 24, 2025, 9:00 AM – Thursday, March 27, 2025, 12:00 PM. Register for the workshop and the instructor will email the Zoom meeting link to you.

ESD Self‐Employment Assistance Program (SEAP) Orientation (Virtual)

The Self‐Employment Assistance Program (SEAP) may be a great opportunity if you want to start a business! Once approved, SEAP is a unique program that enables you to: · Receive entrepreneurial counseling and business coaching through a pre‐approved training provider · Continue to collect Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits while developing your business plans · Work on creating your business and waives the weekly work‐search requirement You are invited to attend a virtual workshop to explore: • What is SEAP? What does SEAP not do? • Program eligibility requirements and deadlines • Locate and download from the SEAP Approved Provider List • What are the responsibilities of an approved training provider? • Research the proper training on the SEAP Approved Provider List • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) • How to properly complete and submit the SEAP Application • Certification of Satisfactory Progress • Your responsibilities while enrolled in SEAP and to remain eligible • Job Search Requirements, WorkSource o… Contact Name: Laura Aunan. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Please go to and create your account prior to attending this workshop. Video conferencing will use a large portion of bandwidth and data. Before signing up, be sure you have a data plan or reliable Wi-Fi access that can accommodate this. To attend the workshop, you are encouraged to use a device capable of viewing video, content and have audio capability. There is a call-in feature, if you cannot log in virtually. A waitlist option will be enabled for this event. This waitlist is auto… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Thursday, March 27, 2025, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM. Zoom Online Meeting: Link and meeting information will be shared by e-mail at a minimum of 1 hour before the online workshop begins.

ONLINE Strategies for Success: Work Concepts II (Sunnyside)

Work Concepts II – You found the perfect job; now let us talk about how to land and keep it! Learn how to multitask and stay motivated , Explore your personal leadership and organization skills , Learn to evaluate trauma vs. drama and how to manage the unexpected , Understand cognitive bias and how it impacts every decision we make , Develop a solid vision for a professional future. Room: Zoom. Contact Name: Matthew Gladd. Contact Phone: 509-493-5038. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Strategies for Success is a series of life-skills workshops open to everyone. It is flexible and customizable – each workshop module can stand alone or be combined with other modules to provide a personalized experience. Modules can be taken in any order. Each of the six modules is four days long, starting on the first business day of each week. If class registration is full and participants are waitlisted, all registrations (regular and waitlist) will be evaluated according to the following criteria for… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Monday, March 31, 2025, 9:00 AM – Thursday, April 3, 2025, 12:00 PM. Register for the workshop and the instructor will email the Zoom meeting link to you.

Orientation to Commissioner-Approved Training (CAT) and Training Benefits (TB)

Are you receiving Unemployment Insurance benefits and considering enrolling in some additional training to enhance your skills or to change your career path? If so, you will need to apply for Commissioner-Approved Training (CAT) and/or Training Benefits (TB). This workshop will guide you through the requirements, processes, and research needed to submit an application. Contact Name: Laura Aunan. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Please go to and create your account prior to attending this workshop. Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Thursday, April 3, 2025, 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM. ZOOM Event [Virtual] ZOOM Link will be sent to you prior to the workshop start time, usually the day prior to the workshop.

ONLINE Strategies for Success: Work Concepts I (Sunnyside)

Work concepts I – Every good plan needs a great road map – develop yours here! Develop a roadmap to success while discussing self-motivation, exploring careers and learning what employers really want , Learn how to prepare and apply for jobs, package yourself like a professional and share your story , Understand what employers mean when they say customer service, workplace diversity, team building and professionalism. Room: Zoom. Contact Name: Matthew Gladd. Contact Phone: 509-493-5038. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Strategies for Success is a series of life-skills workshops open to everyone. It is flexible and customizable – each workshop module can stand alone or be combined with other modules to provide a personalized experience. Modules can be taken in any order. Each of the six modules is four days long, starting on the first business day of each week. If class registration is full and participants are waitlisted, all registrations (regular and waitlist) will be evaluated according to the following criteria for… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Monday, April 14, 2025, 9:00 AM – Thursday, April 17, 2025, 12:00 PM. Register for the workshop and the instructor will email the Zoom meeting link to you.

ONLINE Strategies for Success: Health & Well-Being (Sunnyside)

Health and well-being – What is ‘work-life’ balance? How do I take care of me while taking care of everyone else? Come learn with us! Examine your inner-professional, core values, life choices and personal integrity , Learn how to be personally and professionally self-aware, establish boundaries and develop better stress and time management skills , Evaluate your social readiness and online footprint , Learn to access community resources and expand networking skills , Improve your ability to solve problems, set goals and develop new action planning techniques. Room: Zoom. Contact Name: Matthew Gladd. Contact Phone: 509-493-5038. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Strategies for Success is a series of life-skills workshops open to everyone. It is flexible and customizable – each workshop module can stand alone or be combined with other modules to provide a personalized experience. Modules can be taken in any order. Each of the six modules is four days long, starting on the first business day of each week. If class registration is full and participants are waitlisted, all registrations (regular and waitlist) will be evaluated according to the following criteria for… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Monday, April 21, 2025, 9:00 AM – Thursday, April 24, 2025, 12:00 PM. Register for the workshop and the instructor will email the Zoom meeting link to you.

ONLINE Strategies for Success: Communication (Sunnyside)

Communication – Communication is a skill that never stops growing! Come learn how to improve your skills and odds of landing that next job! Learn about interpersonal and business communication and discover your own style , Develop better listening, writing, computer and presentation skills , Find out about verbal & non-verbal cues, practice conflict resolution and get tips on emotional control , Get tips on how to present yourself the right way on the phone, in email and on social media. Room: Zoom. Contact Name: Matthew Gladd. Contact Phone: 509-493-5038. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Strategies for Success is a series of life-skills workshops open to everyone. It is flexible and customizable – each workshop module can stand alone or be combined with other modules to provide a personalized experience. Modules can be taken in any order. Each of the six modules is four days long, starting on the first business day of each week. If class registration is full and participants are waitlisted, all registrations (regular and waitlist) will be evaluated according to the following criteria for… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Monday, April 28, 2025, 9:00 AM – Thursday, May 1, 2025, 12:00 PM. Register for the workshop and the instructor will email the Zoom meeting link to you.

ONLINE Strategies for Success: Personal Strength Builders (Sunnyside)

Personal strength builders – What makes you shine? Explore the skills it takes for work-place success (and grow the ones you already have)! Learn how to improve your attitude, find motivation, overcome fears, plan for success, improve your situation and create great time management skills , Explore how to project self-worth, integrity, flexibility and adaptability , Get hold of your finances by forming good spending habits, getting rid of bad behaviors and become financially literate. Room: Zoom. Contact Name: Matthew Gladd. Contact Phone: 509-493-5038. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Strategies for Success is a series of life-skills workshops open to everyone. It is flexible and customizable – each workshop module can stand alone or be combined with other modules to provide a personalized experience. Modules can be taken in any order. Each of the six modules is four days long, starting on the first business day of each week. If class registration is full and participants are waitlisted, all registrations (regular and waitlist) will be evaluated according to the following criteria for… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Monday, May 5, 2025, 9:00 AM – Thursday, May 8, 2025, 12:00 PM. Register for the workshop and the instructor will email the Zoom meeting link to you.

ONLINE Strategies for Success: Community Engagement (Sunnyside)

Community engagement – Why are we such social creatures? We will show you how communities can lift each other up and how even the tiniest gestures can change the world! Discover what it means when people talk about an individual’s culture or self-identity, and what it means to be sensitive to it , Learn about your personal and social rights, demonstrating citizenship and civic engagement. Room: Zoom. Contact Name: Matthew Gladd. Contact Phone: 509-493-5038. Contact Email: Workshop Language Option: English. Additional Information: Strategies for Success is a series of life-skills workshops open to everyone. It is flexible and customizable – each workshop module can stand alone or be combined with other modules to provide a personalized experience. Modules can be taken in any order. Each of the six modules is four days long, starting on the first business day of each week. If class registration is full and participants are waitlisted, all registrations (regular and waitlist) will be evaluated according to the following criteria for… Event Registration: Sign Up Required. Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search Activity: Yes. Monday, May 12, 2025, 9:00 AM – Thursday, May 15, 2025, 12:00 PM. Register for the workshop and the instructor will email the Zoom meeting link to you.