Note If you ended up here because you're looking for help with custom registration questions, you're in the right place. Registration questions are really just custom fields that you use on event registration forms.
For each custom field you create, you can choose:
When you create a custom field, you choose the specific type of field you want to create. Descriptions of each type follow the image.
The type of field you choose determines the customization options you have. For example, the image shows the options for a single line of text field versus a list of choices field.
Multi-line text field tips
A field that is a list of choices also includes these settings:
Note The Auto Complete display style isn't available for event registration forms. For more information, go to Custom Registration Form Content.
The following scroll box lists some examples of valid and invalid USA and Canada telephone number formats (International is more flexible).
Valid formats
Extensions can have up to five digits. |
Invalid formats for 7- or 10-digit telephone numbers
If you want to use a telephone number that uses letters to spell a memorable word, choose the Single line of text field type for your phone number.
When you define your custom field, you can specify whether calendar editors must enter a value for it, and whether they must enter a minimum, maximum, or specific value or number of characters. If an editor doesn't populate the field correctly, a message appears explaining the requirement, and the event cannot be completed without meeting it.
You can require a value for a field without entering a default value. Or you can provide a default value that appears each time a calendar editor creates or edits and event that includes the field.
A default value can be a description of the kind of information the field should hold. For example, in the field grid that appears in some published-calendar view settings, the default value for the drop-down list is [add new field], to indicate what the list is for.
For single- or multiple-line text fields, use Min. characters and Max. characters to set the field-length requirements.
For example, if editors will populate the field with a catalog number that must always contain six characters, you can enter the number 6 for both the min. and max. characters.
For Number or Currency fields, use Min. and Max. value to require a value within a limited range. Decimals are allowed in both fields, however, the Currency field has stricter requirements.
On the Create a New Custom Field or Add Registration Question form (from your calendar editing page, click Define Fields), you can determine whether to make information in your custom field available on your published calendar or your event submission form.
By default, fields are published, so that your calendar visitors can see them and their content. If you do not want to include the field on your published calendar—for example, the field will contain contact information for the person who submitted an event—for Visibility, clear the Allow this field to be published check box.
To allow people who submit events to your calendar to see and populate your custom field, select Show this field on the public submit event form.
Note These two settings are independent. You can make fields available on your event submission form without publishing them on your calendar, and vice-versa.